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Review Scores

VGChartz Score




Amusement Vision



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

02/28/12 Sega
02/16/12 Sega
02/17/12 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 39
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (8)

1 75,400 n/a n/a 75,400
2 15,359 n/a 2,394 549 18,302
3 6,872 17,599 2,290 3,153 29,914
4 3,513 2,008 1,176 569 7,266
5 2,221 756 1,083 362 4,422
6 2,154 412 796 245 3,607
7 1,873 488 2,049 543 4,953
8 1,510 1,048 1,356 468 4,382
9 1,262 1,365 1,799 616 5,042
10 1,074 543 1,045 321 2,983
DitchPlaya posted 21/07/2013, 03:28
At least it sold decently in Japan, hopefully they can get a Vita port out and salvage some more money from it.
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Dcmac posted 06/06/2012, 11:54
The most underrated game of this generation. Sega deserves better.
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paulrage2 posted 21/05/2012, 05:09
Binary Domain is a really good game!! It is the game that i am playing now. I hope that SEGA make a sequel. Lets suport this title buying a copie because it deserve!
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Ultr posted 20/05/2012, 06:08
I just bought this game via ps+ for 25bucks, WOW THIS GAME IS AMAZING SO FAR! of course it's no Vanquish, but hell Its a LOT of FUN!
And the Characters are great! You really dig them
Can't wait to see what they have for me in the up-town
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NiKKoM posted 16/04/2012, 10:11
Vanquish is better but this game is fun.. if only Sega did a better job of promoting these games..
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redrob71 posted 09/03/2012, 08:04
This is a great game. Good Sci - Fi storyline in first player mode (a few type cast characters). Great online mode. Approx 10 hrs of solo player game-play. Similar to Vanquish in places... It's just fun to play unlike Syndicate which is dark, gloomy and miserable!
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