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Square Enix



Release Dates

04/14/14 Square Enix
04/14/14 Square Enix
04/14/14 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 17
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (12)

1 31,527 50,430 20,184 20,509 122,650
2 4,714 12,827 5,031 5,200 27,772
3 3,290 4,652 3,553 2,172 13,667
4 1,802 2,958 2,504 1,422 8,686
5 1,334 2,799 1,750 1,243 7,126
6 1,398 2,374 1,878 1,119 6,769
7 1,432 2,214 1,852 1,061 6,559
8 1,235 1,957 1,800 964 5,956
9 1,218 1,598 1,607 811 5,234
10 1,105 1,653 1,450 803 5,011
bigjon posted 14/02/2015, 07:20
I think this game sold a lot digitally. An MMO is the kind of game you play so much the digital copy is just convent.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 06/11/2014, 10:49
maybe SE should allowed "dps parses" on the PS4?? (even though, those are overrated...., seems many endgame raiders count on them, sadly..)
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 06/11/2014, 10:44
epical endgame content, new expansions, heavy challenging (endgame) raids, cool classes (and cool class-system in general....) ect. ect...

FFXIV deserves to sell at least like Diablo 3 or Destiny..

(and you'll be glad, that it has a subscription, keeping many kids away from it., besides every since I reached the epical endgame content, I buy less new games on release day.. instead get them cheaper/used later ...resp. with the subscription Im actually saving money all together.., you'll understand once you start doing those ex primals and coils..)
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ice posted 07/10/2014, 10:33
Pretty mehh sales.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 22/05/2014, 08:53
not selling anything like it deserves too..., manybe Square-Enix (or Sony) should push the game with more PR??...
(the game is so gorgeous..., it should be easy to make some "non-mmo" players curious about the game...)
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 10/05/2014, 02:12
true, the subscriptions will be making cash (with so many crossplaform sales.., even if quite a few PS4 buyers are possibly just PS3 upgraders)

but still wished, that it hit harder on the PS4..., I see TESO selling better on the PS4, thanx to Skyrim's good influence it had before and thanx to FFXIII bad influence it had on the FF franchise.. (besides the scary lookning PS3 version of FFXIV...)

FFXIV is so gorgeous, practly bugfree, well balanced (thax to the updated, addons ect. since 2010 and 2013...), and deserves to sell more on the PS4....

and really ALL PS3 FFXIV fans should upgrade to the PS4 version! and any RPG fan should check out FFXIV...., even if your not into MMOs... (MMOs will start to hit in on the PS4/XO gen, more than ever..., FFXIV is a great start)
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