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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Monster Hunter 4G






Release Dates

02/13/15 Capcom
10/11/14 Capcom
02/13/15 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 15
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

4,200,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (25)

b00moscone posted 30/01/2016, 01:29
Over 1m sales in the West. Capcom must be happy with this.
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toot1231 posted 28/01/2016, 05:49
buy this game
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piggychan posted 23/10/2015, 12:36
just got this. Grats on the sales Capc
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PAOerfulone posted 15/10/2015, 06:05
I think that this game will eventually leg it out to 4 million.
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b00moscone posted 02/09/2015, 09:48
This is totally set to beat 4, hopefully it'll go past 3.5m
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b00moscone posted 03/04/2015, 12:33
3 million! Congrats :)
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