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Gearbox Software



Release Dates

11/01/99 Sierra Entertainment
(Add Date)
11/15/99 Sierra Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 161
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,100,000 Units
As of: November 2008

Opinion (3)

poopface1 posted 11/11/2008, 01:56
I was so excited to get this back in the day. I got this and UT at the same time. I was in shoother heaven.
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cool48 posted 28/03/2008, 08:09
I just deleted it by mistake and now I can't add it anymore!
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Dallinor posted 14/01/2008, 12:50
A Classic.
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