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Quicksilver Software, Inc



Release Dates

02/25/03 Atari
(Add Date)
03/07/03 Atari

Community Stats

Owners: 9
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Opinion (2)

Parokki posted 04/05/2008, 10:05
Lots of potential for awesomeness in this game, but most of it was only half-way implemented, and the rest not at all.

The extensive modding community really helped though. Upping armada size to 255 made combat more interesting, even though it kinda broke the system.. =P
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famousringo posted 26/04/2008, 07:40
This was such a letdown. The fleet combat was lousy and gave you almost no control, and the technology and planetary development was incomprehensible and bogged down in micromanagement.

MoO2 is where it's at.
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