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Review Scores



Alternative Names



SCEA Santa Monica Studio



Other Versions

PC, Series

Release Dates

03/22/05 Sony Computer Entertainment
11/17/05 Sony Computer Entertainment
07/08/05 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 725
Favorite: 48
Tracked: 4
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

4,617,350 Units
As of: May 30th, 2012

Opinion (54)

thewastedyouth posted 21/05/2013, 09:28
Japan fail, jeez what crap do people play over there
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MARCUSDJACKSON posted 17/08/2011, 01:21
this game kills every other action adventure game ever made.
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Jay520 posted 26/07/2011, 05:27
Attention all God of War fans! God of War is in danger of being eliminated from the "best Sony games" thread. Click here to vote for God of War:
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Feniris posted 14/06/2011, 08:25
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A203D posted 13/11/2010, 05:23
Yeah i agree Gilgamesh, i always thought EEMEA would be higher, more in the realm of Uncharted 2....
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Heavenly_King posted 20/05/2010, 10:53
mmm. 270k less than before
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