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Review Scores



Alternative Names






Other Versions

All, And, Arc, Series, XBL

Release Dates

09/09/99 Namco
08/06/99 Namco
12/02/99 Namco

Community Stats

Owners: 223
Favorite: 12
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: December 1999

Opinion (16)

thewastedyouth posted 01/04/2012, 04:51
why are only Japanese sales being tracked, I am PRETTY sure this thing sold into the millions
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thetonestarr posted 28/04/2009, 05:07
Definitely just obtained a LEGIT copy of this game from Games Galore yesterday. Completion of total SC series... nearly there!
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piggychan posted 08/04/2009, 10:18
I thought this game originally shipped 2 million on dreamcast.. ??
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sonicshuffle posted 07/04/2009, 11:54
One of my favorite dreamcast games. Why'd you have to die dreamcast?
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BroFe posted 29/12/2008, 03:22
Much better than all its sequels IMO, one of my favourite Dreamcast games.
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nahuivillano posted 28/12/2008, 06:20
America and Others???
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