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Release Dates

04/30/97 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/20/96 Sony Computer Entertainment
10/01/98 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 96
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
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Avg Community Rating:


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Opinion (13)

SammyGiireal posted 30/08/2018, 03:57

Wild Arms is a masterpiece and probably features the best dungeons found in a PS1 RPG ( With the original Alundra being the exception). It has an unforgettable story, and huge world full of secrets and things to do. A must buy for hardcore RPG fans, casual fans who are interested in playing an old school RPG should definitely take notice.

Gameplay: 9.5-Huge world to explore and challenging dungeons. The Battles could have been a tad easier though.

Graphics: 9.5-One of the best looking 2-D games I have ever played. The Battle graphics however seem amateurish at times.

Music: 9.5-Square Caliber music, the game is the best sounding of the series, sadly there was no voice acting..

Story: 9.0 –Epic and engrossing. However the character development could have been stronger.

Addictiveness: 8.5-The game itself is pretty long your first time through but dedicated players will find much to like here, since there is so much stuff to do in the game world.

Overall: 9.5-A true Classic and a must buy for any hardcore RPG gamer. I would recommend the game even to casual players who are looking to play a deep adventure with a great story.

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Mad55 posted 03/07/2011, 10:29
Man the graphics are bad, wish i played it years ago lol.
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Simulacrum posted 19/10/2009, 02:28
Intro is amazing...But I didin't get into the game that much (bad graphics)
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Musouka posted 20/05/2009, 08:57
I love to whistle the intro music :)
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hxa155 posted 28/04/2009, 07:33
It's actually pretty good. You gotta appreciate that this is one of the first RPGs on the PSOne so don't expect FFIX level of graphics. The combat system is innovative and the story, while filled with clishes, is actually good and keeps things interesting.
The best thing about this game though is its puzzles. You actually do something when not in battle.
It was worth it.
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hxa155 posted 11/04/2009, 03:36
I'm playing this right now

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