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Alternative Names

ジェット セット ラジオ フューチャー





Release Dates

02/28/02 Sega
02/22/02 Sega
03/14/02 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 104
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future (XB) > Opinions (9)

TheDelBel posted 16/11/2019, 04:40
My favorite game of all time!
Sadly, it was unfairly ignored... u.u
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Utaku posted 04/01/2010, 07:58
I got this recently and after replaying the original Jet Set/Grind Radio, this sequel is a total letdown.
The controls are better, but the challenges, character designs, tagging system and overall design are really inferior imho.
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VivaLaWiida posted 29/12/2008, 10:01
I love the Sweet Soul Brothers Remix !
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SmokedHostage posted 20/11/2008, 02:02
You gotta make a statement of intent! Easily my favorite game on the original Xbox.
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Ronster316 posted 03/09/2008, 04:08
Great game, Great soundtrack.
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syzegy posted 17/03/2008, 08:23
Dam love the funky graphics and being able to grind around town!
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jonboy101 posted 06/01/2008, 03:57
A five? What the hell is that? Some sort of joke?
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Myahon posted 05/01/2008, 07:40
BEGGING for a Wii sequel. I mean it's not graphicly intensive and the Wiimote could be waved JUST like a spray can. Also I loved the Freamcast prequel, and this was STILL great but not as great as the origanel.
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Daddo Splat posted 05/12/2007, 07:01
a five average did you peeps even play this or the orginal totally inovative for the times and great sound tracks on this and original you really have no gaming taste if you rate this under an 8 unless its to say its sega and I love nintendo so its sin to play then I understand your extreme loyalty to a name nintendo not sega
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Legacy Sales History

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Opinion (9)

TheDelBel posted 16/11/2019, 04:40
My favorite game of all time!
Sadly, it was unfairly ignored... u.u
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Utaku posted 04/01/2010, 07:58
I got this recently and after replaying the original Jet Set/Grind Radio, this sequel is a total letdown.
The controls are better, but the challenges, character designs, tagging system and overall design are really inferior imho.
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VivaLaWiida posted 29/12/2008, 10:01
I love the Sweet Soul Brothers Remix !
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SmokedHostage posted 20/11/2008, 02:02
You gotta make a statement of intent! Easily my favorite game on the original Xbox.
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Ronster316 posted 03/09/2008, 04:08
Great game, Great soundtrack.
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syzegy posted 17/03/2008, 08:23
Dam love the funky graphics and being able to grind around town!
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