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Release Dates

09/16/02 Square EA
03/28/02 Square
11/15/02 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 832
Favorite: 81
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 1
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Avg Community Rating:


Kingdom Hearts (PS2) > Opinions (56)

Mafuba posted 30/10/2014, 02:52
Looks like it was adjusted up 550,000 copies in Japan a few months ago.
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Mafuba posted 30/10/2014, 02:52
Looks like it was adjusted up 550,000 copies in Japan a few months ago.
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Azhraell posted 29/05/2013, 03:50
This sold better than any final fantasy in NA but less in Japan :o
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ice posted 01/03/2013, 04:29
This game didn't make it to 1million in Japan?
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krizalidzero posted 05/07/2011, 04:34
When it was coming some people thought Square was crazy, but I always knew it'd rock and it did!
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GuiltySpartan77 posted 04/06/2011, 03:33
I remember when i had got this game when i was a little kid. My dad had said i could get a game i didn't see any i liked so i just choose a random game and it turned out to be one of my favorite franchises
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Boutros posted 13/03/2011, 05:52
That franchise is so dear to me. It breaks my heart to see how milked it is. I just want KH3, nothing more.
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A203D posted 23/05/2010, 03:03
I'm curious to why it didnt do well in EU?? any theories
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StreaK posted 13/03/2010, 01:16
Damn, in the US this game sold more than any FF title. That says a LOT!!!
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SOLDIER_Cloud posted 30/01/2010, 02:16
Had fun playing this on my PS2
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 04/12/2009, 06:54
Wowwww amazing legs LOL
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gueuzav posted 24/11/2009, 07:42
I had so much fun playing this =3
can't wait for kh3 or w/e its going to be called =P
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scabab90 posted 16/10/2009, 06:30
Obviously the US sales are wrong have some common sense
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gurglesletch posted 01/10/2009, 03:53
it sold 172 copies week 1 in US? wow this game had mega legs
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Justin posted 09/05/2009, 04:53
Such a great game. I enjoyed it much more than the second one. I'm probably in the minority of people who played both though.
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Gearbox posted 29/04/2009, 12:07
wow i thougth those na sales were real then i put it in vgchartz chart thing and was like - lol only 2k copies sold in america eh
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vashkey posted 24/04/2009, 04:01
I wonder how much of that is imports.
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PullusPardus posted 24/04/2009, 12:38
This is beyond normal legs, its a lightning speed tripod!
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Dgc1808 posted 21/04/2009, 04:15
Are those NA Sales for real????!!!!
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kersed3 posted 12/04/2009, 06:52
such a fun game growing up. never played the second. if there was one to come to ps3 id get it. I would probably even get it day1 if it was ps3 exclusive
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sonicshuffle posted 10/04/2009, 04:19
There is no way it sold that bad at launch. Is there?
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haxxiy posted 04/04/2009, 12:21
Best legs ever :D
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ShadowSoldier posted 23/03/2009, 06:38
Definintion of Lefsadmnefmasf;wenkas,GNOQNELFFEAFOJEWRGENKASGQWq3
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Vertigo-X posted 22/03/2009, 07:02
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zexen_lowe posted 21/03/2009, 10:06
Well, that was some great launch in NA
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shinyuhadouken posted 12/03/2009, 02:20
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blaydcor posted 06/03/2009, 07:46
Surely it launched with more than 172 sales in North America...
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Beoulve posted 05/03/2009, 12:24
Love this game, and IMHO better than KH2.
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Sledge posted 24/02/2009, 02:40
definitely the most beautiful idea to come from square in many years
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metalgearmatt posted 03/02/2009, 02:00
This is one of the best plots in a video game! The theme song makes me so emotional...
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Jo21 posted 31/12/2008, 01:44
i bought a ps2 because of this, nomura u are evil but i love you =D
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Quartz posted 31/10/2008, 04:18
I thought this game wouldn't be for me due to it's image... but when I played it I really found myself enjoying it. The battle system reminds me of Star Ocean Till The End Of Time.
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Okain posted 24/09/2008, 04:26
I hated on this game before i bought it in magazines scoffing at the disney and kiddy elements. I played it, and punched myself in the face for almost missing one of the best games ever released.
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coolestguyever posted 06/09/2008, 05:26
wow i just read the description of this game...sounds gay!
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MontanaHatchet posted 11/07/2008, 03:43
I'm pretty sure they were talking about the KH franchise and not just this game. Not sure though.
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Gearbox posted 08/07/2008, 08:53
These sales make no sense some1 care 2 explain?

Kingdom Hearts shipped out 11 million units worldwide and if they only reached half that then they whould have made a huge mistake and teh media would have eaten them alive. It would be like the 2nd coming of ataris Pacman "screw up."

Also, if they made no money they would abandon the project not make MORE and MORE sequels
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MontanaHatchet posted 04/07/2008, 01:31
I don't understand how a MGS4 fan could complain about a game's cutscenes being too long. Never noticed a problem with them anyways.
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Gearbox posted 05/06/2008, 04:26
kick ass sales for japan only game!
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Snake612 posted 29/05/2008, 09:23
this game is great. The cutscenes are abit long but its still awesome. I'm hoping there will be a kingdom hearts 3
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Louie posted 14/05/2008, 08:30
Hell, I loved this.

I will never forget the intro of this game, as well as the humor ;)

I hope Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released soon.
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SaviorX posted 10/05/2008, 02:58
I could never beat the Sub-bosses but I beat the game. The final fight lasted like 90 minutes. This game was definitely great though.
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matrix_30 posted 07/04/2008, 04:29
Great game.The prove that mix can do greats games.
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zexen_lowe posted 06/02/2008, 12:40
Interesting concept, but the unresponsive controls (jumping was impossible), the horrible camera and bad party management keep it from being a good game. I thought before playing the game that I wouldn't like it due to it's "kiddy" setting, but, in the end, the Disney part is the one that bothered me the least. 6/10
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ctk495 posted 16/01/2008, 02:25
this game rocksssssss
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ctk495 posted 16/01/2008, 02:24
Personal favorite this game rox
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Krim posted 01/01/2008, 03:13
Kingdom Hearts the only rpg made by S-E that managed to get my attention...
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Mummelmann posted 16/12/2007, 06:26
A tad childish for my tastes, but it's a great concept, can't wait to see what they can do on PS3 hardware!
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josenieves1 posted 06/11/2007, 07:19
Very good gameplay, great history. 10/10.
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/09/2007, 06:23
I loved this game. Never beat Sephiroth, but man did I love this thing.
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soccerdrew17 posted 15/08/2007, 06:48
i thought this game was amazing and better in every way from the original except for two critical things. overload of disney (therefore taking away from the amazing story it had) and easy combat (defeating the point of the great the combat system). all in all an amazing game and my third favorite ps2 rpg (ffx and kh1 beat it)
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leo-j posted 15/08/2007, 01:50
This is the best rpg ever invented in the history of rpg's on the ps2.
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kimoy posted 24/07/2007, 08:52
yea i love nintendo but this game deserves atleast a 9... so many fun hours playing this game.. keep it up square
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 03:28
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 05:19
This game is epic the best game on ps2 period
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NightStalker posted 26/06/2007, 03:46
whoa the score is way too low. this game is great.
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roadkillers posted 11/06/2007, 01:14
A great game with great gameplay. You have to love it.
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Shipping Total

6,300,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (56)

Mafuba posted 30/10/2014, 02:52
Looks like it was adjusted up 550,000 copies in Japan a few months ago.
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Mafuba posted 30/10/2014, 02:52
Looks like it was adjusted up 550,000 copies in Japan a few months ago.
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Azhraell posted 29/05/2013, 03:50
This sold better than any final fantasy in NA but less in Japan :o
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ice posted 01/03/2013, 04:29
This game didn't make it to 1million in Japan?
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krizalidzero posted 05/07/2011, 04:34
When it was coming some people thought Square was crazy, but I always knew it'd rock and it did!
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GuiltySpartan77 posted 04/06/2011, 03:33
I remember when i had got this game when i was a little kid. My dad had said i could get a game i didn't see any i liked so i just choose a random game and it turned out to be one of my favorite franchises
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