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Alternative Names

Biohazard VII: Resident Evil

バイオハザード7 レジデント イービル





Other Versions

PC, XOne

Release Dates

01/24/17 Capcom
01/26/17 Capcom
01/24/17 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 34
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
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Resident Evil VII: Biohazard (PS4) > Opinions (38)

Sietjie posted 28/01/2019, 08:39
29 December 2018 - 3.31M
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Lekzie69 posted 26/10/2018, 02:05
5.1 million copies sold as of march 2018, congrats capcom its huge success specially theres only 30+ million xbone owners, good thing that the ps4 version helped a lot. more than half of the sales came from the ps4, next dmc5
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kazuyamishima posted 10/01/2018, 06:30
Avoid what some people said over here, RE7 is a very good game, short could say, but very enjoyable. Better with VR.
2.4 millions is a really good amount.
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Nautilus posted 19/12/2017, 07:42
RE 7 sold 4.1 million units as of end of October.And thats sold through, not shipped.Certainly a big success for Capcom.Glad they didnt Delete what made RE a masterpiece in the first place and created a Space between the games with the original feel of the franchise and the horrible action direction that RE 6 had!
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spacedelete posted 05/12/2017, 11:31
@WagnerPaiva not weird at all. game is awful and turned an action franchise into a shitty amensia clone. goes to show sales speak loader than words and shows people do want action. horror simply doesn't sell. in fact remove the resident evil branding from this game and it would have bombed even worse.
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WagnerPaiva posted 08/09/2017, 10:08
My favorite RE since RE2. Weird it sold so little
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spacedelete posted 09/08/2017, 10:23
capcom was expecting 4 million sold copies of resident evil 7 when they just got 3.5 shipped. they also expect 10 million lifetime sales which is laughable as even the mass appealing and marketed resident evil 4, 5 and 6 couldn't even do that yet they expect some lame outlast clone to do that. not happening and the proof is in the sales charts where resident evil 7 is almost off the charts. the game has no legs and is already dead. its entertaining that your ignorance is consuming your puny mind.
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Salnax posted 26/06/2017, 02:26
I doubt Capcom is very worried about these numbers. Capcom said they only needed about 2.5 million sales across platforms to recoup losses, and the team that made this was about 20% the sze of the one that made RE6. And with the new free DLC coming out, the game should pop up and attract notice again over the summer.
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Shikamo posted 11/06/2017, 08:31
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Nautilus posted 19/05/2017, 01:57
This is so entertaining.Now you went from bringing useless proof, as the sales of one country 2 months after the release, to creating false evidence, to saying that this game is underperforming, even when Capcom itself says it had a solid start.Unless you work at Capcom.If thats the case, then Ill correfct myself.And yeah, that number is shipment, but that number wont be off sold-through by much.According to vgchartz, physical numbers put RE 7 roughly at 2.5 millions.PC sales were at roughly 400k by the end of March.Then you would have around 15 to 20% sales from the console digital version, which would add betwenn 375k and 500k(which you conveniently forgot.You gotta pay more attention buddy) and bam, you would have a number really close to 3.5 millions(betwenn 3.275 and 3.4 millions).Ill grant you that those 10 millions seem a bit far fetched, but as I have been saying but your ear seems to be full of wax, this game keep selling well and will have decent to good legs.It will sell the usual 6 to 7 millions that RE always sell, so you dont have to worry that RE will be just fine.I just dont understand why the truth will hurt me, since it feels so good.Care to explain?
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spacedelete posted 17/05/2017, 03:12
@nautilus exactly that is 3.5 million shipped and "shipped" being the key word here so they haven't even sold all of that 3.5 million yet. lets say ps4 version is almost 2 million, xbox hat 0.5 million and pc will probably be at 400k so just under 3 million including discounts. whats funny is even with this game underperforming stupid capcom still thinks it will reach 10 million lol. they are as stupid and deluded as you. this game is a massive flop and your salty because you know its true. truth hurts.
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WagnerPaiva posted 16/05/2017, 06:18
RE7 low sales are a shameful display of how gamers really are: they cry for things and when they finally get it, they do not want it anymore. It is pure horror, classic RE puzzles and atmosphere, great gun mechanics and beautiful VR features. Yet, no one buys it.
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ResidentToxy posted 28/04/2017, 05:14
I expected this to sell more than it has.*
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ResidentToxy posted 28/04/2017, 05:14
I expected this more than it has. This is what the fans have been clamouring for, yet they didn't buy it. What a shame.
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Nautilus posted 27/04/2017, 04:36
@spacedelete Capcom just announced that they shipped 3.5 million copies of the game by the end of March.Do yourself a favor and stop talking, so you manage to save the little self respect you might have left, if there is any left.
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spacedelete posted 26/04/2017, 10:03
wow even on pc resident evil 7 is a flop. steam shows that only 393 people are currently playing resident evil 7. what a fail lol.
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spacedelete posted 24/04/2017, 10:44
@nautilus if physical sales arent great then digital isnt going to be much better. also

the latest position of resident evil 7 is number 31 so your theory of the game having legs is wrong plain and simple. this game wont even get half the sales of 4, 5 and 6 and that includes the massive discounts. resident evil is now niche just like it became exclusive to gamecube. carry on being mad and keep crying.
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WagnerPaiva posted 18/04/2017, 12:17
This deserved much better sales.
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Dreamcaster posted 11/04/2017, 03:36
@Nautilus Looking at Steam-Spy, they've got the game at about 380K, so I'd say your assumption of 3 million is about correct. Comparing this to RE5 and RE6 paints a picture though. RE6 managed 3.1 million in the same time without the 400K+ boost from PC, while RE5 managed about 4 million (adjusting for the early Japan launch) once again without PC. RE7 sales aren't disastrous, for sure, but they're certainly lower than I expected considering the reviews and publicity on YouTube.
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Nautilus posted 08/04/2017, 07:46
@spacedelete What are you talking about?I just gave you more than enough reasons as to why digital sales of this game should be good and why RE 7 sold more than 3 millions.I mean, if you didnt know, PC gaming is a thing, and there 99% of the sales comes from digital.And you are comparing oranges with apples.IF GTA would have sold 3 millions units in the first 2 months it would be abysmal, but it would be abysmal because GTA constantly sells dozends of millions, with GTA being a monster of a game.Or are we to compare every single franchise to GTA, COD or Mario?Because then every single franchise would have horrible sales.

And given the legs this game had so far, it will keep selling good.If I had to venture a guess, this year alone it will sell an extra 1.5 to 2 million units(physical and digital combined).OH, and just to make you into a more informed person, which yyou do seem a bit ignorant:RE games never sold much more then 6 or 7 millions units.IF RE 7 ends up selling that, not only would have saved the RE brand, which RE 6, and RE 5 to a much lesser extent, almost killed it, but it would have sold on par with other entries.

But I think Im wasting my time here.For someone who goes and calls this pathetic, but not only just created an alt to come here and do this horrible comment(and probably is an alt and is coward enough not to face me with your real account), not to mention say compeltely wrong things such as the game having no replay value, and saying that the game is linear as if it is something bad(and its actually something great), its simply sad.

And giving it a second look, I just laughed at the horrible attempt to "explain" why the game had a bad digital attach.As if UK was the whole world, lol.And not only that, but a chart that came two months after the game released, lol.
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spacedelete posted 07/04/2017, 11:56
@nautilus if you think these sales arent low then theres something wrong with you. 2 million for a well known and biggest franchises out there is pathetic. just imagine if gta 6 only sold 2 million after months of release the franchise would be dead. also digital isnt going to be a high for a linear no replay value game. heres the uk chart for february 2017 and its not even in the top 10.

this game dragged resident evil back into being niche. your out of your mind if you think this is selling 6 million especially as action resident evil fans refusing to buy and casuals dont like linear horror games. game is a flop so deal with it.
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Nautilus posted 07/04/2017, 01:23
@Dreamcaster these sales arent low.If you sum both versions, it is around 2.2 millions, and thats whitout digital.Since this is also on PC, I would say that with digital this is easily above 3 millions, and given that this game got great reviews and is a return to form for RE, it will have good legs.Plus Capcom had the objective to ship 4 million units by the end of March, and while I dont think it reached that number, it wasnt far off, so they are still good.All in all, I think this will end up selling betwenn 5 and 6 millions LT.
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Dreamcaster posted 03/04/2017, 02:12
Sad to see these sales so low :(
At least it should be at nearly 250K PSVR players, so there is some good news.
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johnsobas posted 30/03/2017, 06:36
those USA sales are bad, it's shocking. Japan sales are bad too but not surprising given when is going on there. European sales holding up pretty good though. Great game.
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StreaK posted 26/03/2017, 12:25
Wow, the sales don't reflect how great everyone is saying the game is. I mean, for a crappy game like RE6 to sell over 3 million on PS3 I would imagine this should be well over 5 million.
I guess as great as it is RE just has too many action fans as well and they aren't into the full on horror of the game. Too scary for them to handle.
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StreaK posted 26/03/2017, 12:25
Wow, the sales don't reflect how great everyone is saying the game is. I mean, for a crappy game like RE6 to sell over 3 million on PS3 I would imagine this should be well over 5 million.
I guess as great as it is RE just has too many action fans as well and they aren't into the full on horror of the game. Too scary for them to handle.
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WagnerPaiva posted 14/03/2017, 12:32
@SubiyaCryolite At least 9 out of 10. I agree. It is like a very modern Resident Evil 2.
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SubiyaCryolite posted 12/03/2017, 08:01
I just finished the game last night. Its a great return to form. 9/10
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darkneal posted 11/03/2017, 09:12
Finally, a good Resident Evil game again, its been a long time coming. (Resi 4 was the last one that was top-drawer imo) Hopefully cause its a different beat to the more action friendly wider audience Resi has picked up over the years it will have massive legs instead of the massive initial sales its gotten used to, and finish with numbers that represent its excellence. (although the sales so far are decent already)
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WagnerPaiva posted 11/03/2017, 03:23
First things first: When I read Capcom was going back to their horror roots with REVII I thought "Yeah, right, fat chance..."

I had no faith whatsoever in this game, but I bought it because I wanted a AAA game to play with my shinny PSVR headset.
Well, that did not went well.
After 2 hours playing the game in PSVR I decided I am too much of a coward to go through it, I almost died 5 times of a heart attack.
So, I put both away.
Then, I had a plan: finish the game in normal mode, to know where the scares are, then do it again in VR.
Well, first thing: the game is at least 50% less scary in normal mode, even playing in 49 inches 4K curve HDR TV.
But, I got tell you guys, it is still scary, scream in horror scary.
Now I am 7 hours into. That because I stop after for a rest, a brain rest mind you, cause the game is so well crafted that I fear it could drive me insane if I went right through it.
When I was a teenager I played Silent Hill. And after finishing it, I had nightmares about it.
I got say: I dreamed about RE7 4 times already, and the scenes, sounds and even music stay with me: it is a masterpiece.
So, I think it is the most amazing horror game I ever played in my life, and no matter how much it sells, it is less than it deserves.

One thing though: beware playing it in VR, it is almost dangerous if you have a heart condition.
I am so amazed.
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Anfebious posted 07/03/2017, 01:29
Excellent idea! I'm sure me and a few other millions will be really happy about it.
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matheusbrito02 posted 07/03/2017, 11:44
hey capcom RE7 was not the RE @anfebious was expecting! Maybe you could change the whole game and the whole new idea of the franchise just for him to be happy! What a great business!
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Anfebious posted 06/03/2017, 07:45
Since when is Metacritic so important for Capcom? Sales should be all they care about. I don't see this game doing RE 5/6 numbers.
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Anfebious posted 03/03/2017, 02:29
This is not the RE we want. You better take note Capcom!
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xboxonefan posted 26/02/2017, 03:51
million seller 1st week
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Kerotan posted 26/02/2017, 02:21
RE7 on the ps4 did very good. Million seller week one!
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Nem posted 26/02/2017, 01:53
Wow! Europe is saving this game from complete flop material. US and JP numbers are very low.
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chidori-chan2 posted 03/02/2017, 04:47
Only 180 k Media create for re7. Ouch.
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Shipping Total

3,825,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (38)

Sietjie posted 28/01/2019, 08:39
29 December 2018 - 3.31M
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Lekzie69 posted 26/10/2018, 02:05
5.1 million copies sold as of march 2018, congrats capcom its huge success specially theres only 30+ million xbone owners, good thing that the ps4 version helped a lot. more than half of the sales came from the ps4, next dmc5
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kazuyamishima posted 10/01/2018, 06:30
Avoid what some people said over here, RE7 is a very good game, short could say, but very enjoyable. Better with VR.
2.4 millions is a really good amount.
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Nautilus posted 19/12/2017, 07:42
RE 7 sold 4.1 million units as of end of October.And thats sold through, not shipped.Certainly a big success for Capcom.Glad they didnt Delete what made RE a masterpiece in the first place and created a Space between the games with the original feel of the franchise and the horrible action direction that RE 6 had!
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spacedelete posted 05/12/2017, 11:31
@WagnerPaiva not weird at all. game is awful and turned an action franchise into a shitty amensia clone. goes to show sales speak loader than words and shows people do want action. horror simply doesn't sell. in fact remove the resident evil branding from this game and it would have bombed even worse.
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WagnerPaiva posted 08/09/2017, 10:08
My favorite RE since RE2. Weird it sold so little
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