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Double Fine Productions



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All, X360

Release Dates

10/13/09 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
10/16/09 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 141
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 13
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Brutal Legend (PS3) > Opinions (43)

dexterneo posted 24/01/2012, 09:53
the music of this game was so awesome !!!
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Salem posted 06/09/2011, 05:14
Ya, still good though
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:31
Demo lead you to believe it was something different. Became like a tower (stage) defense game!!!
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 12:10
Heres props to tim, may not be a beast, but it is a hell of a game that may even hit 2 mil one day, hopefully. p.s. lol at activision for dumping it
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blackfire_upon_you posted 15/03/2010, 07:48
Kudos to Double Fine for INVENTING a multiplayer genre for consoles.
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Riachu posted 05/03/2010, 03:30
It finally reached a million units in sales
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Riachu posted 27/02/2010, 05:17
Now total conbined sales are up to 980K
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Riachu posted 06/02/2010, 03:12
Now sales are up to 950K(between both PS3 and 360). I say it will be up to a million in a few weeks. Now you see why Schafer wanted to wait a while to sweat over the game's sales.
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Kushalafang posted 18/01/2010, 02:10
as a game this might not be that great, but as a tribute to awesome music it succeeds in spades.
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blackfire_upon_you posted 03/01/2010, 05:28
The reviews say the opposite, that it tries everything and succeeds. The half Action, half RTS fights are amazing. I don't like RTS games but I love this, and I wish there were more games like it.

In fact, I hope Halo Wars 2 is like Brutal Legend. Imagine building a Scorpion and actually getting to drive and shoot it yourself, or going back on foot and letting the AI use it.
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famousringo posted 02/01/2010, 05:17
This game suffers from Spore syndrome. It tries to be too many things, and ends up doing most of them poorly.

The art design and most of the level design is pretty cool, though. Gotta love the licensed music and voices.
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Riachu posted 26/12/2009, 04:07
RTS elements were very flawed but they were by no means game breaking. Sales aren't bad if you put the total sales between PS3 and 360. It has sold 780K so far. It will probably crawl to a million copies.
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Munkeh111 posted 24/12/2009, 06:06
Well.... I have been playing that game, and I must say, the RTS elements just aren't as good as Halo Wars. I love the characters, but the gameplay is slightly weak, but it does certainly deserve more sales than this
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dobby985 posted 20/12/2009, 04:40
More ppl need to buy this game! :'(
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Munkeh111 posted 19/12/2009, 08:21
Just got my copy
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Darkeagle posted 18/12/2009, 12:21
sure its worth 60 bucks. and by the way its no full price title anymore at least in europe. i think you can get it for about 30-40 dollars if you like.
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Munkeh111 posted 17/12/2009, 10:01
I feel really sorry for it, it deserves more
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Zlejedi posted 17/12/2009, 09:24
Well the big problem with this game is that it isn't worth 60$. I'll get it once they release it as part of ea classics.
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Darkeagle posted 16/12/2009, 03:32
adjusted down :( ... buy this fantastic game!!

18 pounds or 23,50 euros at
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Munkeh111 posted 12/12/2009, 10:55
I wish sales would pick up, Uncharted was selling 100k a week atm, I think 1m is out of reach

I will, however, be getting this for Christmas, and I hope plenty more do too
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dobby985 posted 10/12/2009, 09:27
I'm really upset that this didn't sell very well :'(
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Riachu posted 22/11/2009, 02:44
Just beaten the game with a 76%.
The sales will most likely pick up over the holidays like the original Uncharted. I think 1 million copies is not out of reach.
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Munkeh111 posted 19/11/2009, 06:36
If it can settle at over 20k on each platform through the holidays, it might do okay, that would get it close to 750k
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cmeese47 posted 19/11/2009, 05:47
This game is quite awesome and wish it would get some more support.
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Riachu posted 15/11/2009, 04:39
1+ sales
Just got the game at GameStop
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Munkeh111 posted 15/11/2009, 01:50
It has been in development for ages and ages, I highly doubt it will turn any sort of profit unless it comes close to 1m combined sales
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FatBoyPT posted 15/11/2009, 12:09
one of my favorite games of the year. funny, cool, just great!
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Riachu posted 08/11/2009, 08:10
how are the sales are bad? The game has sold 450K total so far which is quite good for a new IP.
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dobby985 posted 06/11/2009, 10:05
not a great game but a good game
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Abberon posted 03/11/2009, 01:52
This game was aweful. I've already traded my copy back in. The story is half-baked and the actual gameplay is terrible. It fails as an RTS and a hack/slash game at the same time. The only thing this game had going for it was Jack Black and the OCCASIONAL funny line. It won't make it to 1M and the sales will fall off the charts within a few weeks.
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Munkeh111 posted 30/10/2009, 12:07
So, a Tim Shafer game lacking in sales and reviews... I think I will definitely get this when it is cheaper
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PlaystaionGamer posted 29/10/2009, 12:38
il pick it up in the January Sales
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Darkeagle posted 28/10/2009, 02:04
if it gets 1 million on ps3 and also 1 million on xbox360 i´d be very very happy and i think tim, jack and ea too ;)
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Munkeh111 posted 25/10/2009, 05:56
Decent start, but it will struggle to get to 1m. I might get it for christmas
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Xen posted 24/10/2009, 03:32
Played the demo, can't wait to get the full game. Bloody fucking genius. And the soundtrack, oh the soundtrack!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 24/10/2009, 09:44
This game sucks. Production values through the roof, gameplay through the floor pretty much.
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drakesfortune posted 23/10/2009, 06:08
This game got thrown under the Uncharted bus.
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Dgc1808 posted 22/10/2009, 08:37
To be honest... I wish this game would sell millions... Just to show developers that an interesting and humors story is something that alot of people want. Sadly that probably won't happen.

I love serious games but when that's the only thing that ever get's attention... it can get really boring over time...
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pablogers posted 11/10/2009, 04:44
and demon's souls, killzone 2, infamous, ratchet and clank... oh man, i love this freaking console
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vokiel posted 09/10/2009, 05:44
How is this game multiplayer? P2P? Because if it is, I'm not even touching it. Had enough with Red Faction BS already.
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Christhor posted 08/10/2009, 06:26
Seriously though, GOTY... after Uncharted 2 :P
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Christhor posted 08/10/2009, 06:26
This game is such big rip-off of Brütal Legend, it's not even funny!
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Darkeagle posted 22/09/2009, 01:20
so where are you ps3 owners??? no one interested in this awesome game? ok maybe it´s a little too early ... but spread the word and tell everybody about the new game of the year ;) :P
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (43)

1 n/a 62,592 24,663 19,267 106,522
2 n/a 21,877 11,738 7,774 41,389
3 n/a 15,173 7,693 5,242 28,108
4 n/a 11,327 6,700 4,232 22,259
5 n/a 8,435 7,726 4,064 20,225
6 n/a 5,060 7,324 3,334 15,718
7 n/a 10,776 6,898 4,201 21,875
8 n/a 7,881 6,561 3,578 18,020
9 n/a 8,792 9,387 4,681 22,860
10 n/a 10,503 11,371 5,643 27,517
dexterneo posted 24/01/2012, 09:53
the music of this game was so awesome !!!
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Salem posted 06/09/2011, 05:14
Ya, still good though
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:31
Demo lead you to believe it was something different. Became like a tower (stage) defense game!!!
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 12:10
Heres props to tim, may not be a beast, but it is a hell of a game that may even hit 2 mil one day, hopefully. p.s. lol at activision for dumping it
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blackfire_upon_you posted 15/03/2010, 07:48
Kudos to Double Fine for INVENTING a multiplayer genre for consoles.
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Riachu posted 05/03/2010, 03:30
It finally reached a million units in sales
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