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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Anno 1701


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Release Dates

11/06/06 Aspyr
(Add Date)
11/03/06 Deep Silver

Community Stats

Owners: 16
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


1701 A.D. (PC) > Opinions (2)

SJGohan3972 posted 24/08/2008, 02:05
finally got this, loved 1602, liked 1503, not to sure about this one yet, hopefully it is good.

i got the gold edition which includes the expansion pack "The Sunken Dragon" so hopefully it's cool.
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Strategyking92 posted 03/08/2008, 04:25
I've been meaning to get the DS version.
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Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: October 23rd, 2006

Opinion (2)

SJGohan3972 posted 24/08/2008, 02:05
finally got this, loved 1602, liked 1503, not to sure about this one yet, hopefully it is good.

i got the gold edition which includes the expansion pack "The Sunken Dragon" so hopefully it's cool.
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Strategyking92 posted 03/08/2008, 04:25
I've been meaning to get the DS version.
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