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Alternative Names

ザ ハウス オブ ザ デッド 2&3 リターン





Release Dates

03/11/08 Sega
03/19/08 Sega
03/28/08 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 158
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 11
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (Wii) > Opinions (97)

Fededx posted 07/07/2012, 06:02
I just love this compilations, those are two fantastic and very fun games. And it sold really well, I'm happy for Sega!
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d21lewis posted 20/07/2011, 01:06
Played both of these qt Dave qnd Buster's Arcade and had to buy it! Even bought two Wii handguns to get the arcade experience!
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:35
Miss playing these at the Arcade!!!!
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primogen18 posted 02/02/2011, 01:49
This is still out-selling Overkill? I guess people see it as a better value with 2 games on one disc
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Spidey-RJ posted 15/01/2011, 08:32
There is no way HOTD2&3 is better than HOTD Overkill. Overkill is an all-new game developed exclusevely fot the Wii, while 2&3 is nothing but a port. Don´t get me wrong, I own both games, and I love them, but they are just on different levels.
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Conegamer posted 05/11/2010, 11:13
Wow, it sold over 1mil? Shocked!
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primogen18 posted 29/01/2010, 04:06
HOTD4 would be very cool! Online leader-boards this time SEGA.
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Innervate posted 14/01/2010, 07:20
It's a better game, that's why it outsold Overkill.
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zzyoshiman posted 05/12/2009, 01:32
@ nightwish, he is the main character in the series
for some reason this sold a million copies while Overkill didn't
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MegaDrive08 posted 29/11/2009, 08:49
Y cant i find this game anywhere, everywhere i go they tell me there out of stock!
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Red4ADevil posted 18/10/2009, 12:51
Good job Sega! Now bring THOTD 4 like you promised. We'll be waiting.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 28/06/2009, 08:19
Lets hope that there will be no down-adjustment anymore. And prey for Overkill to reach the same sales!
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Arius Dion posted 27/06/2009, 03:07
I wonder why this isn't proof of Mature games selling on the Wii, but Overkill and MW are proof that Mature games DON"T sell on Wii..Baffling.
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Nightwish224 posted 25/06/2009, 05:04
"You'll suffer just like G did." I don't care, and who the hell is G?!!?!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 28/05/2009, 05:37
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DavidValbu posted 25/05/2009, 05:09
0.03+0.48+0.49 = 1.02?? I think you must revise your maths.
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arsenal009 posted 24/05/2009, 08:43
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SJGohan3972 posted 23/05/2009, 04:20
How is 0.03 + 0.48 + 0.49 = 1million? wouldn't that be 1.02 million?

anyways, pretty sweet, and I didn't realize this was available in Japan packaged with the Wii Zapper, that's pretty sweet - I wish we got cool deals like that.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 19/05/2009, 03:49
WHAMMY, one mill!

I wonder if Overkill will ever make it there.
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SaviorX posted 19/05/2009, 02:30
Hey, its a million! But I'll keep the congrats reserved, there may be another adjustment.
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kopstudent89 posted 18/05/2009, 08:29
wow! :O sweeeet :D
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Son1x posted 18/05/2009, 08:03
nice, another million seller :)
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Zucas posted 18/05/2009, 07:34
Sweet about time.
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ash3336 posted 18/05/2009, 07:22
MILLION SELLER! got adjusted up.
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st_muscat0 posted 08/05/2009, 03:49
Others numbers for next week will make it 0.49 million there, so hopefully this weeks and next weeks America numbers are good so it can reach 0.99 million by next week. And then a million. :)
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primogen18 posted 30/04/2009, 11:12
I should snag this sometime soon, though I am still hooked on Overkill, but I want more House of the Dead.
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 10:08
Id say million seller in about 2 months.
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naruto3336 posted 21/04/2009, 11:14
This game got an amazing opening week considering it came out the same week that Brawl did.
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MasterZack posted 16/04/2009, 08:16
Actually, it a good game for buy it?
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killeryoshis posted 06/04/2009, 03:47
This title is not fair. It goes up then down,up,down. Its just teaseing us.
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naruto3336 posted 03/04/2009, 12:14
Overkill can Overkill this hopefully.
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jim1029 posted 03/03/2009, 03:58
Doing really well. Hopefully Overkill can too.
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Fido posted 16/01/2009, 07:50
This might get a little boost from HotD: Overkill and reach the mill even faster
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SmokedHostage posted 08/01/2009, 08:40
So close to Platinum.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 07/01/2009, 08:38
If this is selling this well ... I guess House of the Dead Overtkill will be multi platinuum
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11ht11 posted 29/12/2008, 03:40
sold 40k last week, next month it will be a million seller
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Voltaire posted 26/12/2008, 09:44
Itll hit 1 mil in a few weeks, thats for sure. Its a great foundation for OVERKILL.
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bigjon posted 26/12/2008, 06:36
I explained to my finance that this would be just like the Archade shooters with the Zapper, once she understood she thought it was an awsome game...

seriously, 30 bucks for an un ending arcade shooter.... what else can you ask for : )
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jpelles posted 26/12/2008, 05:07
When this first came out I said this would get pushed to a million because of the name.

Everyone from kids to parents recognize these games since there still in movie theatres and were so popular back in the day.

But I was thinking broadly with steady sales. This is selling a lot faster than I thought it would.
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brk00 posted 21/12/2008, 06:09
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Zucas posted 20/12/2008, 06:20
Man and people thought my 850k by the end of the year was an over estimate but man it's looking to be an under estimate. Wii software never ceases to surprise me. Software beast.
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segajon posted 14/12/2008, 02:44
This baby is gonna hit a million. it is defining legs
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bigjon posted 13/12/2008, 11:57
I think price had alot to do with the great sales here... If UC was 29.99... it would have sold well over 2 million.
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kopstudent89 posted 12/12/2008, 02:25
did this get adjusted upwards, or di sales really pick up recently?
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Spidey-RJ posted 02/12/2008, 12:37
Lots of fun.

I expect Overkill, being a brand new Wii exclusive title, to do great.

Especially after these robust numbers accomplished by the 2&3 port.
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johnsobas posted 22/11/2008, 11:50
omg, this is probably gonna sell a million.
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SaviorX posted 22/11/2008, 03:45
I'm expanding my earlier prediction for this to 800k by the end of the year. It has 6 weeks left, and the 12k-a-week legs aren't going anywhere.

The olnly thing that could stop this is a readjustment.
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Resident_Hazard posted 10/11/2008, 07:37
If you can still find it, it's a clearance item at Target now--I got it for $15 brand new.
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CONMAN15 posted 10/11/2008, 04:01
This probably means the new Hotd will do killer. I find it weird that horror games do so good on wii.
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Zucas posted 24/10/2008, 02:59
10k a week with 11 weeks to go definitely says 780k by then. But of course it'll get holiday increase so more than likely we'll be at about 850k by the end of the year like I predicted awhile ago. But once again its going to be about how this title sales in early 2009. If it keeps up that 10k a week thing then platinum for sure. If not then we'll see it die at a very anti climatic 900k-950k. But I'd go out on a limb and say this will go platinum.
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SaviorX posted 12/10/2008, 01:50
750k is a definite before the end of the year.
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segajon posted 11/10/2008, 04:24
11k this week world wide!!
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rockleemexico posted 07/10/2008, 06:06
650k XD could do 750k before new year?
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brk00 posted 29/09/2008, 06:53
600k is VERY good for this port =P.

But it is a good game.

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SaviorX posted 27/09/2008, 01:00
This game will ride the legs of 10k a week Worldwide into the holidays. It will be about about 700k by December. However, will it see a boost during those times?
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Zucas posted 16/09/2008, 05:16
Once again selling at 10k a week and currently at 600k. Will be just under 700k by start of holiday season. Question is will it get lost in the holiday season? Well it's hard to say that considering with it's cheaper price and obvious appeal it might not haha. I think this title has a strong chance considering how it's been able to last. Possibly around 850k by end of holiday season then it'll just need to tack on the rest in 2009 to make it. But needs to do it before Overkill.
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chris100185 posted 08/09/2008, 05:21
Is anyone else not surprised by these numbers? It's House of the Dead. It's been an arcade staple for 12 years, and unlike the other console light gun games you don't need any special accessories. You get 2 arcade classics for $30. I didn't have to think twice before adding it to my must have list.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 01/09/2008, 07:54
Fantastic party game. Just beat HotD 2 while downing some Barcardi Mojito.

For the price tag ... its well worth it considering you will most likely spend more playing this at your local Dave N Busters lol
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amp316 posted 20/08/2008, 06:11
The bad voice acting in 2 is what makes it my favorite entry in the series. New HOTD coming to the Wii. Awesome!!!
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/08/2008, 02:39
Anyone else laughing at the ridiculously bad voice acting in HoTD2? And the horrible dialogue in HoTD3? This is an amazing party game by the way. And it should be reaching 600k soon.

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SaviorX posted 11/08/2008, 04:30
Anybody think this could get a sales boost around Halloween?
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wiifan75 posted 11/08/2008, 07:43
Great game. Lots of fun. Good investment at $30. My kid and I are loving this game.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 24/07/2008, 03:27
The legs on this game are crazy. I would have never thought this would reach gold.

There's really no reason for Sega not to live up to their HotD4 promise.
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MontanaHatchet posted 19/07/2008, 07:50
Half a million!

Let's see if it can make the magic number *crosses fingers*.
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Nebnosneh posted 14/07/2008, 08:46
Sega are having great success with this and ghost squad. And so they should, they are great fun.

I rekon their next Wii port should be Star Wars Trilogy Arcade.
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MontanaHatchet posted 11/07/2008, 04:48
House of the Dead 3 is infinitely better.
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noname2200 posted 04/07/2008, 05:28
I dunno. Being able to actually aim at your target is something you can't do in Umbrella Chronicles. The price sure doesn't hurt either.
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11ht11 posted 02/07/2008, 05:31
umbrella chronicles is way better.
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Kenology posted 27/06/2008, 03:23
What do you guys think is better: House of the Dead 2&3 or RE: Umbrella Chronicles?
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Andrex posted 20/06/2008, 04:45
Holy hell this game has legs in Europe and America. :O
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 13/06/2008, 05:30
This game's got some impressive legs.
Sega must be loving Nintendo this gen.
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11ht11 posted 07/06/2008, 04:32
i remember playing this for hours on my xbox, im for sure getting this one day!!
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Zucas posted 30/05/2008, 09:07
If it keeps its 30k a week pace then it has a chance of going platinum as it'll survive the holiday season, where titles like this sell the best.
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MontanaHatchet posted 29/05/2008, 12:34
Now this is a title I'd like to see hit a million. It looks like a lot of fun. Possible future purchase for me.
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SaviorX posted 22/05/2008, 03:22
If this game continues to sell like 22,000 worldwide a week like it will probably doing from now on, it can hit 500k worldwide in about 9 weeks. So by July 23rd.
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Smeags posted 06/05/2008, 05:58
This game's sales just won't die!

(I am teh clevers)
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jpelles posted 06/05/2008, 04:28
This game has a lot of recognition. I know I love it.

I think this game will have amazing legs and go on to sell a million in it's lifetime.
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slalanc01 posted 05/05/2008, 12:30
This game is a blast!
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tokilamockingbrd posted 22/04/2008, 01:56
awsome sales for this one, Sega has to be ecstatic.

has a decent chance for 500k
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itap08 posted 22/04/2008, 04:48
Yes, get it. If you liked RE:UC, you'll really like this. Plus, if it sells well, SEGA said that they would likely bring over HotD4!
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DarkNight_DS posted 22/04/2008, 04:34
Should I pick this game up? I love Umbrella Chronicles... this looks like it might go well with my collection.
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dvarca1231 posted 22/04/2008, 03:07
HOTD 4 for the Wii would be awesome, but I'm not sure if the Wii could handle it
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11ht11 posted 19/04/2008, 01:38
someone uploaded 3 of the same pics twice

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coonana posted 16/04/2008, 05:35
that would be cool if this sold a million, possibly HotD4 could come to Wii
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segajon posted 14/04/2008, 09:16
sega delivers yet again, this game will have good legs for a long time, future million seller
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Red4ADevil posted 14/04/2008, 02:17
With the ease of porting it to the wii it shouldnt have cost that much to make it and should made some profit with the little sales it made. Awsome game brings back old memories.
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johnsobas posted 09/04/2008, 05:46
this game is a success for Sega for sure, Wii is the perfect platform for this game.
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bigjon posted 09/04/2008, 02:50
nice legs, it is a better deal than UC, so it appears to be steal some of UCs steam.
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kopstudent89 posted 08/04/2008, 04:03
wooow! Sega
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AJM Ruler posted 08/04/2008, 03:52
This looks to probably hit at least 300K worldwide total, going up there with Ghost Squad. Pretty good sales for re-packaged lightun games. Props to Sega.
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MeowTheMouse posted 28/03/2008, 08:36
well its not doing really bad in terms of sales
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sizynski posted 28/03/2008, 12:50
Both House of the Dead 2 and House of the Dead 3 are really fun, especially co-op. I'd say this is a good deal at $30. I'm getting a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Now I hope Sega takes my money and puts it towards a remake of House of the Dead 1 and a port of House of the Dead 4. I think House of the Dead 4 could work on the Wii without much of a problem. It came out in arcades like three years ago. I'm pretty sure that the Wii could handle it without much tweaking.
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amp316 posted 24/03/2008, 07:07
What? Only question mark head people own this game? Very cool. Exactly the same games I remember. Some might be upset that they weren't upgraded but I'm a purist. Definitely worth the price tag.

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superjon2 posted 24/02/2008, 05:44
They didn't add the original because the Saturn is so hard to emulate.

It comes out some time between now and May and will cost 20-30 dollars.
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Sherlock99 posted 22/01/2008, 10:09
when dose this game come out an how much will it cost
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ClaudeLv250 posted 12/01/2008, 06:56
Why DIDN'T they add the original?
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Parokki posted 22/11/2007, 07:01
I wish they'd add the original House of the Dead to the bundle as well, as it's the one I played the most at the arcades.

Looking forward to buying this if it's cheap enough...
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (97)

1 n/a 11,834 n/a 2,088 13,922
2 13,235 15,962 n/a 3,137 32,334
3 4,540 9,888 17,844 5,019 37,291
4 2,393 15,374 21,676 6,699 46,142
5 1,650 11,764 15,673 4,964 34,051
6 1,073 11,035 13,606 4,461 30,175
7 1,028 15,769 10,539 4,817 32,153
8 1,092 20,734 8,746 5,440 36,012
9 931 13,236 7,785 3,859 25,811
10 618 12,961 10,896 4,346 28,821
Fededx posted 07/07/2012, 06:02
I just love this compilations, those are two fantastic and very fun games. And it sold really well, I'm happy for Sega!
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d21lewis posted 20/07/2011, 01:06
Played both of these qt Dave qnd Buster's Arcade and had to buy it! Even bought two Wii handguns to get the arcade experience!
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 02:35
Miss playing these at the Arcade!!!!
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primogen18 posted 02/02/2011, 01:49
This is still out-selling Overkill? I guess people see it as a better value with 2 games on one disc
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Spidey-RJ posted 15/01/2011, 08:32
There is no way HOTD2&3 is better than HOTD Overkill. Overkill is an all-new game developed exclusevely fot the Wii, while 2&3 is nothing but a port. Don´t get me wrong, I own both games, and I love them, but they are just on different levels.
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Conegamer posted 05/11/2010, 11:13
Wow, it sold over 1mil? Shocked!
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