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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami

ファイアーエンブレム 暁の女神


Intelligent Systems



Release Dates

11/05/07 Nintendo
02/22/07 Nintendo
03/14/08 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 472
Favorite: 43
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) > Opinions (141)

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goldmario79 posted 14/10/2016, 06:46
I hope this game goes above 75.00 for a complete set...otherwise I'm gonna lose money on buying it here LOL. I will look at it again here in 20 years.
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homer posted 08/02/2016, 04:49
They need to quit being dicks to people who didn't get it on disc and just put it up on eshop already.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 29/12/2014, 11:02
Amazing how this can't even sell .5m on a console that sold over 101m. Deserves so much more
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homer posted 19/02/2012, 10:52
Why did it sell 11000 more in 2011 than 2010?
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Arfen posted 13/01/2012, 09:09
another gem of the Wii unknown calalogue for the audience and list goes on and on... GREAT GAME!
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Fededx posted 08/01/2012, 12:43
Americans love Fire Emblem, yet we didn't get the second DS game... Nonsense!
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stitch55555 posted 07/01/2012, 03:29
And....these european sales...can someone explain to me?. There are many imbalances in the european sales lately
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Mad55 posted 04/07/2011, 05:21
I gotta finish this
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cromeros posted 16/05/2011, 06:07
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Fededx posted 20/03/2011, 06:13
Outstanding game :)
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itachi-89 posted 04/03/2011, 11:16
with others this game have sold around 600 - 700kr so its good for a fire emblem game, hope to see more fire emblem games in the future
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Galvanizer posted 04/01/2011, 10:24
Love this game. My fave SRPG series after Tactics Ogre and Final Fantasy Tactics.
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nordlead posted 10/11/2010, 04:26
not all games were tracked in EMEAA when this website first started. It has been getting better over time, but this is a fairly old game now.
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Conegamer posted 07/11/2010, 12:58
...hang on a minute, why isn't EMEAA included! I have this game, and I reckon around 100,000 others do as well!
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Conegamer posted 07/11/2010, 12:57
Great game, good sales, expecting to see the final part of the trilogy soon!
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sorento posted 14/05/2010, 10:57
other doing 50 000 maybe?? even more i think like muramasa.

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Smeags posted 10/05/2010, 03:48
39 lucky new owners this week.
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Fededx posted 09/05/2010, 05:13
With others, it should reach 500 k, it's still so shameful... This game is SO awesome, it should be the best selling Wii game ever...
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homer posted 25/04/2010, 10:21
Surely this warrants another game in the series.
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Thechalkblock posted 10/04/2010, 05:53
Beat this game, it's great. One of the best I've played.
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Skeeuk posted 30/03/2010, 10:11
good game, shame i havent got a manual with mine but never th less its quite expensive to get hold of now
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primogen18 posted 18/03/2010, 10:37
no others sales?
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oni-link posted 20/01/2010, 04:58

Well if you add the Others the game probably did somewhere between 450K-500K or even more!!! I don't have a source but that's what I think it has done with others. It's using the GCN engine so Nintendo should be pretty happy with the results.
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Intendo21 posted 10/01/2010, 04:53
450,000 will be good.
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MirrorWorld posted 04/01/2010, 06:56
Wow is that really all it has sold? D:
This game is waaay awesome. The crazy difficulty is pretty addicting.
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IxisNaugus posted 10/12/2009, 02:56
I wonder how this did in Europe.
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pariz posted 09/12/2009, 11:33

I totally agree with you. I always remember (and how it disgusts me) how critics wrote that its story was all messed up and poorly written. My god, how wrong and short sighted they are.
The truth is that PoR has one of the most "mature" and the deepest story I've ever enjoyed in an rpg.
Regardless how much I love Valkyria Chronicles and what a great it is, we all should agree that VC is a casual game and FE:PoR is the hardcore one.
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Kihniö posted 07/12/2009, 12:33
Same here Zucas..
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Zucas posted 07/12/2009, 07:14
Love this game and the GC one. Still the best strategy RPG franchise out there. So difficult as well... most just can't handle Fire Emblem haha and tha'ts just the way I like it.
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famousringo posted 02/11/2009, 09:10
@ Spring

You're right, character interaction was dismal in this game compared to PoR. I'd still rate the story as better than any handheld FE game and the gameplay as best of the entire series, though.
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Hephaestos posted 22/10/2009, 01:58
umh... there are others sales... I just bought mine :p (finally dropped from 30£ to 15!!)
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pariz posted 30/09/2009, 08:25
The Wii game I played the most.
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burning_phoneix posted 30/09/2009, 02:28

The scores are low because most reviewers are pussies who can't handle hard games.

Sales are low becuase Fire Emblem was never a huge selling series. Just search "Fire Emblem" on VGchartz and see!
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Arfen posted 22/09/2009, 12:39
hello? no others sales?

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Spring posted 31/08/2009, 05:47
I don't know whether it's just me, but I found this game to be very disappointing in comparison to every other FE title.

The gameplay rocks, no doubt, and battle saves really help. But... the story wasn't nearly as interesting as previous epics were in the series and support conversations were for whatever reason COMPLETELY destroyed in this game. Each individual character lacked the amount of personality and life that they used to have from Path of Radiance. For example, RD's 'tough' Ike felt like a completely different character than PoR's stalwart Ike, and without any true reason either... The quality of the writing also felt a little underwhelming in comparison with the other titles.

I guess my gripes lie within the lack of character interaction in the game. Unfortunately, this is one of the main reasons I have for playing FE games, and the different direction in this game was a disappointment.
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Drumstick posted 12/08/2009, 03:06
I don't know why this game have only 0.41m sold units...
and why these scores are so low?

For me It's the best strategy game since Ogre Battle 64.
This game on hard is insane, It took me several hours to complete it with every characters alive.
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KingHenry posted 07/06/2009, 07:40
Subjectively, this is the best single player wii game out there. Maybe I'm just into this genre, but it's actually fun to play. I'm not an action/adventure type gamer, even though i tried to be. Those games get boring to me, and i find myself forcing game play. I own a lot of wii games, i haven't opened like 10 of them, and i usually play a game for like 10-30 mins before i turn it off and never touch it again. I've clocked over 80 hours of game play on this game, and feel it's a must buy for non casual gamers!
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Stats87 posted 13/05/2009, 12:49
Just bought this today from EB for $15. (brand new) Looking forward to playing it, I liked Path of Radiance...but no longer have my save file.
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redsoxfan9477 posted 06/05/2009, 02:40
favorite game on wii to me
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consoloid posted 13/04/2009, 10:21
have to play it on hard, normal is actually easy....., I LOVED both Fireemblems,

the critics were not fair, saying it didn't offer enough, it offerd more than enough, and the in Game grafix arn't important (turn of the animation, give the game more speed, the Chrakter styles are important and the cutscnen, and they're great!!!)....
still hope nintendo makes a sequel....(FE just needed a bit more PR....maby bad timing to...)

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SmokedHostage posted 26/03/2009, 03:06
This Fire Emblem turns you into a man... if you beat it on Hard.
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scottie posted 21/03/2009, 04:21
I just got up to Part 4 - Shit just got real
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TWRoO posted 21/03/2009, 12:48
At best I estimate it's PAL sales at 150k... but I think it is more likely 100-110k. (using Nintendo Channel data)
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DarkLantis posted 17/03/2009, 07:30
man, this game is so hard!
and i'm playing on normal... hahaha
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metalgearmatt posted 15/03/2009, 03:24
My favourite story in any game!
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jefforange89 posted 13/03/2009, 08:32
I love this game. I think I've spent more time playing it than Brawl, which is no easy feat, since I played Brawl for 20 hours straight or so when it first came out.
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Araknie87 posted 11/03/2009, 08:38
I want the data for the europe.
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outlawauron posted 05/03/2009, 06:48
Wow! Valkyria is on its heels!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 19/02/2009, 03:37
Wasn't this at like 600k a sec ago... ? That's a massive adjustment!
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 09/02/2009, 07:27
holy crap, huge adjustment down...
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SmokedHostage posted 09/02/2009, 02:37
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Kenology posted 09/02/2009, 03:35
Adjusted way down.... :( *tear*
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Kihniö posted 09/02/2009, 01:15
Adjusted down..
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coonana posted 29/01/2009, 03:01
please put up some Other sales
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Vas-y posted 18/01/2009, 12:35
It's over :(. This game was so much fun.
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J-Favs posted 18/01/2009, 05:31
I really need to finish this game but it's just so hard at times that it destroys my motivation.
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Undying posted 09/01/2009, 12:05
This game was fantastic. It was my personal 2007 GotY.
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TheConduit posted 02/01/2009, 04:08
Outsold the game cube fire emblem by 3.5 to one not including PAL region sales.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 31/12/2008, 10:44
haha, right there with you SmokedHostage. I thought it was much better than PoR, and it's my second favorite FE too (first being FE7)
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 07:09
wow, I think NA will get every FE from now on... over 2x the sales it got in Japan. Nice.
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SmokedHostage posted 28/12/2008, 03:48
Much better than Path of Radiance. This has become my second favorite FE.
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PowerOn posted 24/12/2008, 05:03
I admit I'm addict to this game. I thought it's terrible but I'm wrong. That's my third time to play to see bit different ending on Support and death/life. Ooo.. Look at time! it eat my time already!
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Kihniö posted 14/12/2008, 08:26
Good one Zucas
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Zucas posted 12/12/2008, 07:21
Finally got this game. Still haven't finished the first one though but oh well.
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EdEN posted 12/12/2008, 05:54
Ah, Ilyana and her insatiable hunger.

I'm at the Endgame on Chapter 4 (4.3 to be precise) so it should be done over the weekend.

Still, after 36 hours and counting, it's been one hell of a ride...
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Kenology posted 10/12/2008, 02:30
Others sales please. I really want to know how it did overall.
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 09/12/2008, 11:59
Should easily break 750K LT with Others sales in. That is very, very good for a SRPG really, and should also have made some good profit.
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silverlunar777 posted 08/12/2008, 04:08
This game is hard to find >_< i was looking for it for almost 4 months!
I finnaly made our local shop import it.
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Drumstick posted 05/12/2008, 09:32
where's the others sales?
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famousringo posted 25/11/2008, 07:58
This game made me stay up all night the other day. And when I finally finish it, I'm going to have to fight not to load up Path of Radiance and start all over again.
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SmokedHostage posted 18/11/2008, 04:25
I need to find this game... It's the only FE released in the US that I don't own.
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scottie posted 07/11/2008, 12:25
Just bought this game today - it's really good (but confusing and hard - tis my first entry into the series and I'm loving it)
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ugg1020 posted 26/10/2008, 01:27
I concur. Ilyana FTW!!!
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Smeags posted 06/10/2008, 07:00
Lovely game for sure. I'm going through my second playthrough and it's amazing of how much better one can be when you have a set list of characters you will use and level up.

Plus, Ilyana is the coolest Arch Sage this side of Tellius.
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Zucas posted 18/09/2008, 07:02
Well there is no way others would put this over. At the most there, 200,000 which would simply put it around 750,000 and 800,000 in shipments. Once again will need a reduced price with advertising(aka player's choice) to have a shot at it.
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laziassazn posted 17/09/2008, 06:48
@pmaster4 "can't find this game anywhere "

really at my local frys i saw at least 20 copies i was guessing it was available everywhere
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pmaster4 posted 13/09/2008, 11:19
can't find this game anywhere
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Kenology posted 10/09/2008, 07:28
What if Others makes this a million seller. Not likely in the least bit, but that'd be awesome.
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Lolcislaw posted 05/09/2008, 08:12
Path of Radiance is my favourite GC game, Radiant Dawn favourite Wii title. Fire Emblem is amazing.

I wonder how much it sold in Europe.
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silverlunar777 posted 03/09/2008, 07:25
I am a Fire emlem fan and i don't have the game yet! Ahhhh!
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Leni posted 28/08/2008, 09:41
awesome game!!

btw, where are Others sales, it might be close to 1 million!
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Kenology posted 15/08/2008, 07:58
Europe sales please!
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sc94597 posted 08/08/2008, 01:14
This game is amazing, but extremely hard. I love it though. Sales seem pretty nice for an Srpg.
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youjiro posted 06/08/2008, 01:08
i just bought this game today... i love the series and can't wait to spend 40+ hours of my life on it
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Captian_Twig posted 15/07/2008, 02:07
Beautiful cutscenes...
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SmokedHostage posted 12/07/2008, 12:30
If it helps, I'm planning on buying this game new. I still haven't beat this first one.
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Kenology posted 18/06/2008, 04:47
It would be so awesome if this game became a million seller. It so deserves it. Others numbers PLEASE!
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PabloV posted 11/06/2008, 01:57
yeah i got the game in The Netherlands here, that means that there should be at least one there :P i hope they can get the data to fill in the gap. since then this might become a million seller sooner ^-^
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Soanevalcke posted 08/06/2008, 04:41
I love this game!!! ♥
Not really a Wii title [if you know what i mean...], but it has a good gameplay, an incredible storyline and... anyway, a great game.

A little bit frustrating on hard.
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pikazoo2 posted 03/06/2008, 02:47
Even though the graphics aren't amazing in this game, the story and game play more than make up for it and make it a must have title for the Wii.
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Zucas posted 30/05/2008, 09:04
150k-200k with the E/O thereabouts.
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Kihniö posted 14/05/2008, 12:11
Yes.500k.Without Europe..Congratulations
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 06/05/2008, 06:38
Hehe, my friend played this game at my place, 3 days later, he has a Wii and this game. SMG was, and I quote "a second degree purchase" compared to this one.
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outlawauron posted 04/05/2008, 04:04
@ Quilex

Europe doesn't seem to like RPGs like America and Japan does.

Example: FF 12 didn't even sell a million in Europe.
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coonana posted 01/05/2008, 06:04
damn they still did not count it for Other
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Smeags posted 23/04/2008, 09:28
I'm not a huge fan of this genre, but there's just something about Fire Emblem that sucks me in and doesn't let go. A great game that no one should miss.

Plus Illyana destroys all with her hunger! Nom nom nom!
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 14/04/2008, 03:10
Wow, I spent 100 hours on this game (played 3/4 on easy and 100% on Normal)

One of the best games ever made!
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Quilex posted 14/04/2008, 12:28
This game makes a wii purchase value in it's self. As long as you like turn based strategy then this game will take a massive amount of your game time.

I am also in the UK and would love to get an idea to how it's sold in Europe but it's not even appeared in the UK top 30 to my knowledge so I'm not sure how much more there is to add.
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Kihniö posted 13/04/2008, 06:08
It is so great game..
Fun to play that nobody in your group dies..but also frustrating
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Cyan_Up posted 07/04/2008, 05:15
I have all the english FE games and also Fuin no tsurugi, the sequel to rekka no ken(i dont remember the numbers) and i have to say Radiant Dawn owns all!!! In terms of story, stages and characters its the most complete FE title yet.

As a european i'd like to see the sales of this game. Come on VGC, i know you can deliver!!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (141)

1 76,631 n/a n/a 76,631
2 20,256 n/a n/a 20,256
3 10,954 n/a n/a 10,954
4 7,760 n/a n/a 7,760
5 7,329 n/a n/a 7,329
6 4,318 n/a n/a 4,318
7 3,170 n/a n/a 3,170
8 3,102 n/a n/a 3,102
9 3,107 n/a n/a 3,107
10 2,937 n/a n/a 2,937
goldmario79 posted 14/10/2016, 06:46
I hope this game goes above 75.00 for a complete set...otherwise I'm gonna lose money on buying it here LOL. I will look at it again here in 20 years.
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homer posted 08/02/2016, 04:49
They need to quit being dicks to people who didn't get it on disc and just put it up on eshop already.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 29/12/2014, 11:02
Amazing how this can't even sell .5m on a console that sold over 101m. Deserves so much more
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homer posted 19/02/2012, 10:52
Why did it sell 11000 more in 2011 than 2010?
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Arfen posted 13/01/2012, 09:09
another gem of the Wii unknown calalogue for the audience and list goes on and on... GREAT GAME!
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Fededx posted 08/01/2012, 12:43
Americans love Fire Emblem, yet we didn't get the second DS game... Nonsense!
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