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Alternative Names

Fire Emblem: Akatsuki no Megami

ファイアーエンブレム 暁の女神


Intelligent Systems



Release Dates

11/05/07 Nintendo
02/22/07 Nintendo
03/14/08 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 472
Favorite: 43
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii) > Opinions (141)

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swordplay posted 04/04/2008, 05:58
The Games sales are very good it sold more than the GC game.
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Mnementh posted 02/04/2008, 12:34
The game should be over 500K already. It is sold for some weeks in Europe now (and as you can see, I own it, so it is sold at least once) and that should be enough for the missing 30K.
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 29/03/2008, 10:14
Great game! I bought this from a used-game store (2 days after release too, someone is obviously an idiot), and expected it to be a good, but not great game.

I was right, it wasn't (isn't, I'm still only on 3rd part end) great, it was awesome! Perhaps one of the 10 best games I've ever played.

Why do you people say it sold bad? PoR sold less in Japan (and those are the only numbers we have)

NPD said 226k for PoR on GC (USA only) and this one has surpassed that already.

Anybody know how much they said it has to sell to be profitable? Should it be 200-400k? (since the game is building on an older version a lot)
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Leni posted 29/03/2008, 10:30
it's might reach 1million!!
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MeowTheMouse posted 28/03/2008, 09:09
this game is selling well.. but not for a fire emblem title..
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Knight_Ward posted 24/03/2008, 07:27
Bigjon... Fire Emblem3 sold over 700,000 in japan and no. 4 sold around 560,000.

I believe the first english release one (being no.7) has the highest total so far, but Vgcharts doesn't seem to have the US/others data for it.
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bigjon posted 24/03/2008, 07:12
Is this really the best sellin FE ever? In NA for sure, but didn't some of the older ones go platinum in Japan?
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Tormod posted 20/03/2008, 01:01
No European data?
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Plezbo posted 15/03/2008, 01:13
Ok, so to clear things up before I get bombarded, I mean that it will be worthy when it reaches that point, I know its not there yet, but come on.
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Plezbo posted 15/03/2008, 01:10
Crazy hard, but totally fulfilling. The missions are not as hard to beat if you don't mind sacrificing some teammates, but lose too many and you are screwed. Definitely worthy of holding the Best Selling Fire Emblem ever title. Great news for the game and the series. We can look forward to more FE games in the future, hopefully next time with point and click support.
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Knight_Ward posted 07/03/2008, 02:25
regin2005, this comes out in Europe on the 14th of March, while in Australia it's the 10th of April.
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regin2005 posted 06/03/2008, 03:04
This is coming out in the "Others" region?
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viewtiful_jon posted 02/03/2008, 10:33

You can check how far they move on hard mode but you will have to calculate everything yourself, you can find out any enemies movement and just going over any part of terrain will allow you to know how much movement it takes to traverse it. I love that feature on Hard Mode, makes it more of a challenge like it should be.
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Captian_Twig posted 26/02/2008, 01:15
Hard as hell. But fun
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reinhold posted 21/02/2008, 02:06
The soundtrack has already been ripped. Head here to even d/l some tracks that weren't used in the game:
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 13/02/2008, 04:32
It's comming out, my mistake. Mid march.
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Kenology posted 13/02/2008, 05:27
This game just got a European date not too long ago didn't it!?

@ famousringo - BLASPHEMY! This game has an awesome soundtrack! Someone rip it please.
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bigjon posted 12/02/2008, 01:52
are you sure it won't come to others?
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 11/02/2008, 02:47
Darn game, won't come out in Europe :(:(:(

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famousringo posted 08/02/2008, 10:07
Finally wrapped up PoR a few days ago and tore into this thing. I'm loving most of the enhancements but there are a couple things that bug me.

Minor quibble: The 2D background behind some dialogues is designed for 4:3 aspect ratio only, and it looks as awkward as hell. Since this part of the game worked fine with 16:9 in PoR, I just don't get how something so simple was overlooked.

Major beef: There is some God awful music in this game. How am I supposed to think while my eardrums are being raped? I'm hoping this music is confined to Daein or something, but I may have to mute the music if this keeps up.
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coonana posted 01/02/2008, 12:14
Once this hits europe it wont look like a fail.
If they make another one they should advance the series for crying out loud.
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kewlnesss posted 31/01/2008, 06:31
I'll be playing this one soon :) Looking forward to it.
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tokilamockingbrd posted 24/01/2008, 11:58
selling slow, but steady... depending on how it does in others has an outside chance at 1 million.... still selling 6k a week In NA
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bluster posted 24/01/2008, 03:14
Where are Others numbers???
If it sells another 200k in there, this game could make 700k pretty soon.
I wonder if it will hit 1 million at some point...
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coonana posted 24/01/2008, 09:28
This game actually sold well. Considering how they limit their own audiences and the games are not that expensive to make.
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chriscox1121 posted 04/01/2008, 06:42
Fire Emblem is one of my most favorite games. I would have to agree that the first chapter is prob the hardest. Talk about putting some crazy hours into a game. I couldn't tell you how much I put into this until I finally beat it. My prob isn't mixing up the teams, but the way the story went. I'm not a 100% sold on it. I loved the story just not so much the ending.
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reinhold posted 04/01/2008, 12:09
200K in the US, that is...
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reinhold posted 04/01/2008, 12:09
Woohoo, FE ought to eclipse the 200K mark next week!

A damn fine game. I completed it on Normal a couple of weeks ago, and I've now completed Part I on Hard. I'm not completely sold on how the parties are split for so long (I think I prefer building a team from start to finish as in FE's 6-9), but I loved the climax where you select your teams for Part IV.
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jpelles posted 31/12/2007, 05:06
Why hasn't this hit europe yet. Very strange since it would probably do very well over there.
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Hyperion posted 31/12/2007, 05:08

That's great advice and all, only you can't do that in hard mode XD.
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whatever posted 30/12/2007, 10:07
Just finished this and it was fantastic. The hardest part was actually Part 1. After you get to Ike's crew, it actually got much easier as they are much stronger than Miciaih's crew in Part 1.

I loved Part 4 where you choose 3 teams and then one uber team for the final chapter (which is in 5 parts).
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famousringo posted 28/12/2007, 10:40
Up to 350,000 units I see. Not bad at all, considering it was probably cheap as borscht to make.

Just picked up my copy today. Now I have to finish off PoR so I can leap into RD with cool bonuses!
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jv103 posted 28/12/2007, 05:29
Oh and at first the game seems hard. Just remember to things. CHECK HOW FAR THE ENEMY CAN TRAVEL, and THEY WILL ATTACK YOUR WEAKEST MEMBER IF POSSIBLE. If you remember that, you can survive. I only logged 40 hours play time (cause i did battle screens) but that doesn't include the additional 40 I logged through soft resets.
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jv103 posted 28/12/2007, 05:27
I beat the game once and I really enjoyed it. Now I'm going to go on hard-mode so I can use pelleas and sephiron.
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Hyperion posted 19/12/2007, 03:11
Now that I've almost done with the game, after playing it for an ridiculous amout of time, I can say that this game rocks! The issue I said I had before doesn't really bother me any more. So I guess that should teach me I shouldn't judge games too quickly. Nevertheless, I still do not think this game is better than the original, because PoR was my first FE game and it will forever hold a special place in my heart.
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Plezbo posted 19/12/2007, 02:14
Ok, I am 5 missions in, and I can officially say, this game is fucking hard. I didn't have Path of Radiance, last FE I played was the first GBA one to make it over here. Beating levels isn't all that hard, but doing so without losing anyone on my team is plain tough. I love it though, haven't felt this mentally challenged in a long time. haha, I called myself mentally challenged.
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cloud_IX posted 17/12/2007, 02:52
Hurry up and release this in the UK dammit

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coonana posted 12/12/2007, 11:08
sweet they fixed it
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Hyperion posted 12/12/2007, 05:33
It's a very good game, but not as good as Path of Radiance, I think. I give it a 9...But I have not finished it yet, so perhaps the score will go up when I play it completely.

So far, the thing that annoys me about the game is that it gives you a set of new characters in every part. What I loved about PoR was that you started out with these weak characters and you stuck with them until the very end and you saw them grow and become strong. That was very satisfying for me, at least. In here, you play the first ten chapters, and when you're starting to really like the characters, they take them away and give you a new batch...then they do it again.

It's nothing major, but it bothers me a bit. The game is still addicting as hell. I can't get enough of it XD.
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coonana posted 09/12/2007, 07:45
seriously wtf???? it makes it look like this game is selling terrible
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choirsoftheeye posted 06/12/2007, 02:28
Can we combine this with the Japanese entry?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (141)

1 76,631 n/a n/a 76,631
2 20,256 n/a n/a 20,256
3 10,954 n/a n/a 10,954
4 7,760 n/a n/a 7,760
5 7,329 n/a n/a 7,329
6 4,318 n/a n/a 4,318
7 3,170 n/a n/a 3,170
8 3,102 n/a n/a 3,102
9 3,107 n/a n/a 3,107
10 2,937 n/a n/a 2,937
goldmario79 posted 14/10/2016, 06:46
I hope this game goes above 75.00 for a complete set...otherwise I'm gonna lose money on buying it here LOL. I will look at it again here in 20 years.
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homer posted 08/02/2016, 04:49
They need to quit being dicks to people who didn't get it on disc and just put it up on eshop already.
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 29/12/2014, 11:02
Amazing how this can't even sell .5m on a console that sold over 101m. Deserves so much more
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homer posted 19/02/2012, 10:52
Why did it sell 11000 more in 2011 than 2010?
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Arfen posted 13/01/2012, 09:09
another gem of the Wii unknown calalogue for the audience and list goes on and on... GREAT GAME!
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Fededx posted 08/01/2012, 12:43
Americans love Fire Emblem, yet we didn't get the second DS game... Nonsense!
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