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Namco Bandai Games



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Release Dates

10/27/09 Namco Bandai
10/29/09 Namco Bandai
10/30/09 Namco Bandai

Community Stats

Owners: 254
Favorite: 13
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 18

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Tekken 6 (PS3) > Opinions (112)

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StreaK posted 08/11/2013, 06:25
Oh, not to mention MK did it without the help from Japan. SFIV and Tekken 6 both had Japans help and MK still came out on top. MK was always pretty popular...the movie even proved that compared to SF's.
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StreaK posted 08/11/2013, 06:23
Nahh, do the math guys. MK is the best-selling fighting franchise this gen across all platforms. PS3+360+PSV= well over 4 million. More than all of Tekken 6 combined and rightfully so. Last good Tekken was 5. Shame, too, considering TTT2 has such a killer soundtrack and visuals.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 05:32
OH COOOOLLL the best selling fighting game on ps3 average sales. 😀
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Heavenly_King posted 23/06/2012, 05:03
I will wait for Tekken 7 and Tekken X Street Fighter, to see if the series is back on track. I could not care less for Tekken Tag 2.
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Heavenly_King posted 23/06/2012, 05:00
Indeed, it is the worst in the series. But it may reach 3M which is not a bad thing considering the crapfest and this console generation.

Also this game is looking to be the best selling fighting this generation and that is a complete BLASPHEMY!!!
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AndrewWK posted 23/06/2012, 11:11
This is a piece of shit game. Worst in the series by far
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lindaniceone posted 23/02/2012, 04:34
Hello dear, Please my dear,contact me by my private mailbox.....( for more of my details and my pictures. Thanks and remains blessed ...Linda
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lindaniceone posted 23/02/2012, 04:30
Hello dear, Please my dear,contact me by my private mailbox.....( for more of my details and my pictures. Thanks and remains blessed ...Linda
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Heavenly_King posted 14/01/2012, 03:00
Playstation version sales are crap (considering that the fanbase is on Playstation, it is selling bad). If the game was so good , it would have sold on PS3 ALONE 3.5M. It is happening the same stuff like with FFXIII.
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The_Joker_Product posted 17/12/2011, 07:51
Except it isnt, the games sold 3.5 million copies, more than Tekken 1 and 4 and not far off Tekken 5's PS2 sales.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2011, 03:40
the whole game sucks, that is why it is the worst selling game in the series.
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oniyide posted 24/11/2011, 09:23
its not so much that the game sucks, but feature wise its worse than 5. Scenario mode just brings the whole thing down
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 02:59
the game is awesome and the moves too.
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Mordred11 posted 21/10/2011, 02:50
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Rockyb posted 09/08/2011, 04:39
offline will always be better but i hope they invent some way to play with 0 lag someday, like you are playing someone with a 2nd controller.
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Mad55 posted 02/08/2011, 05:01
cause they are crazy. also almost to 2 million on ps3 alone whoo!
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enditall727 posted 11/07/2011, 05:15
why do you guys think that this game sucks compared to 5?
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Heavenly_King posted 14/05/2011, 06:26
this game sucks! Tekken 5 is the best
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 05/05/2011, 12:14
The core fighting is the best ever, in any game, as far as I'm concerned. But they made so many poor design choices in the rest of the game that let it down.
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Biddles posted 23/12/2010, 12:09
This tanked in japan
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pslee posted 04/12/2010, 03:15
just bought this game on amazon for $10
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Sensei posted 21/11/2010, 03:06
I love this game.
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The_God_of_War posted 20/05/2010, 10:53
Ah, there we go.
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The_God_of_War posted 19/05/2010, 11:21
Will this ever go above 1.54 million? It's just stuck there.
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Heavenly_King posted 03/05/2010, 08:13
The same here.......sadly:(

Tekken 5 was a beast!!
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naruball posted 24/04/2010, 12:57
I expected better sales for such a great game. I bought it a couple of days ago and I'm loving it. I do prefer Tekken 3 though. There was something magical about it. I couldn't stop about thinking when I was gonna play it again, when I was at school or anywhere else. I hope the low sales do not hurt the franchise. I still think that had it been a ps3 exclusive it would have been a much greater hit.
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jin_ivasawa posted 23/04/2010, 01:17
This is HANDS DOWN The Worst Tekken game EVER .
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Mr Puggsly posted 10/04/2010, 09:29
@ hunter_alien
Well it didn't bomb. The PS360 sales will be at par with the PS2 sales. Doesn't seem they spent much on advertising either.
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hunter_alien posted 08/04/2010, 02:39
I dont get it why it bombed. The PS3 version will probably do 2 million, and the 360 version will do over 1 million. Plus half million LT at least from the PSP version. People have way to high expectations for fighting games this gen

Also, lets be honest, its not the best Tekken, hell, the only mainstream Tekken that is worse then this is 4 IMO...
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/04/2010, 08:45
Were you guys expecting PS1 and PS2 numbers with a fraction of the userbase?

The combined sales of Tekken 6 is about 2.1 million. It took years for Tekken 4 and 5 to reach 3+ million.

Also, Tekken 4 and 5 went down to $20 rather quickly. Its not like the masses bought them at full price. You people have brains, use them!
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huaxiong90 posted 02/04/2010, 04:27
Man this bombed so hard.
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Solid_Snake4RD posted 17/03/2010, 11:12
bombed because of going multiplat
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Dgc1808 posted 03/03/2010, 09:55
Ok sales for a game... very weak for tekken.
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jin_ivasawa posted 22/02/2010, 12:34
This is the worse Tekken in the entire Franchise ... runners up Tekken 4 .
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Mad55 posted 04/02/2010, 02:51
doesn't that mean the game is under tracked in japan Dark Odin.
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Dark Odin posted 02/02/2010, 03:50
08. Tekken 6 (Playstation 3 and Xbox 360) - 400K in Japan and Asia

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xykes posted 01/02/2010, 07:58
During the holiday season (where most of these sales came from) the game was not selling for full price at numerous outlets. At it fluctuated all the way down to 20 bucks on some days. (it's 35 dollars at Amazon now.) I saw it for 40 at Best Buy during the holidays.

So, yeah, I'd say the low price had a lot to do with the sales.

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Mad55 posted 01/02/2010, 05:35
at major retailers it is indeed full price the sales stay steady because that's what the franchise has always done.
Its fully priced at game stop,walmart,target etc. don't believe me go to there websites. tekken is a great series there sales reflect that.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 23/01/2010, 12:12
so, still great sales! and it keeps going

Playstation and Tekken are in love
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Cowboys4u86 posted 18/01/2010, 03:44
@ PlaystaionGamer

Around about the time it went half price despite only being out a couple months.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 17/01/2010, 10:17
omg, these sales are huge! when did this happen lol
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ShadowSoldier posted 14/01/2010, 07:05
Its doubled the 360 sales
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Mad55 posted 04/01/2010, 07:52
wow who was doubting sales.
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Aj_habfan posted 30/12/2009, 11:16
That didn't take too long
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xykes posted 28/12/2009, 03:55
this game hasn't been full price for weeks. it's only 2 months old, and I've seen it hover down between 40 bucks to 20 bucks new. So, I don't know how informative these sales numbers are. 20 bucks for a newly release game? Of course it's gonna sell.
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nen-suer posted 17/12/2009, 06:32
million seller next week
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KeyStyle posted 14/12/2009, 12:12
Can reach 2 - 2.5 mil by the end of 2010) and only on PS3))) x360 version only 1.5...or something...
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Boneitis posted 13/12/2009, 02:41
@ Heavenly_King
Well I'm a long time Tekken fan as well. I've been playing since the first hit the Arcade.

Frankly, I think this is the best Tekken so far. Definitely one of my favorite fighters this gen and I've played them all. You're entitled to your opinion, but some of us are perfectly happy with this release.
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Carl posted 13/12/2009, 02:23
Should be 1 Million seller next week
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Mad55 posted 12/12/2009, 10:28
Stop saying the 360 version wasnt worth it its selling fine and is of the same quality as the ps3 version. There making good money on both versions. look at borderlands selling better on the 360 but i bet they aren't considering the ps3 version a failure.
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 12/12/2009, 09:10
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Heavenly_King posted 11/12/2009, 02:13
I am a Tekken fan, but I have to say that this is the worst Tekken so far. Tekken 5 was so AMAZING!!!! I thought back then: "Holy Damn, How good will Tekken6 will be next-gen". This game is so disappointing. I know it is a port of a 2 year old arcade game, but they could at least tweak the graphics a little, the game looks so bad. And that campaign mode is so damn horrible.....What the hell they were thinking when they decided to make that "Story mode". The gameplay is as always really good, but tekken is not only about good gameplay is about the whole package. If I just want a good fighting game I would play Virtua Fighter 5.

So far the fighting games this year rating for me is like this:
SFIV > BlazBlue >>>Tekken 6 > KOF XII.

Hopefully this game will serve namco's Tekken team to make a better Tekken sequel; because if not, I wont buy the game; and that would make me very sad because I have every Tekken game yet.
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Dgc1808 posted 09/12/2009, 05:20
Good performance so far. Tekken5 had great legs and that's how it got to where it is now.

The gameplay in this is well refined and the best the series has ever seen and the animations are very well done. The character models still hold their slightly cartoonish/gamey appeal that the other tekkens have and doesn't go for the realistic look like certain other games do which i think is awesome.

My only complaint is that scenario mode just wasn't fun. Sucks that I had to do it to get my platinum. After the second patch which fixed that input delay online, this game plays like a dream.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 09/12/2009, 08:09
Agree with last two comments. The 360 version wasn't worth the effort.

This game was one of the reasons I bought a PS3 but it turned out to be too little, too late.
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Burning Typhoon posted 09/12/2009, 02:30
It is actually a worse game because of the multi-platform. If people want to enjoy it, buy a PS3. The value of the game has gone down because of it.. This game should have been released back in Summer 2008...
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MarshmallowMan posted 08/12/2009, 02:25
I think the point they're trying to make here is that the port to 360 really delayed the game. During that long delay, this game lost some of its appeal. Other fighters coming out like Street Fighter didn't help, either.
I agree that the PS3 version should have been released on time, to capture all that demand, followed by a port to other systems like PSP and 360. This is similar to what the 360 does with games like Bioshock and Ninja Gaiden.
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atma998 posted 07/12/2009, 04:05
Damn there is too many fanboys here. What's wrong with releasing this game multiplatform? The game isnt worst because it was release on another console. Youu people should learn that the more people can enjoy the game the best it is for the franchise.
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geddesmond2 posted 06/12/2009, 09:10
Namco Fucked up when they decided to release this multiplat. The delay they put on the game for the 360 port really hurt this game. I remember at the start of the PS3's life this game was one every PS3 owner wanted. Now look at what a multiplat release has done to the series. People are giving the middle finger to this game now and 360 owners don't even appreciate the game. I think Namco lost more customers on the PS3's side than what they gained on the 360s side.

Ah well. The games fucking awesome. PS3 owners, yous need to buy this game.
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fabkazuya posted 06/12/2009, 06:40
1 million now with ps360.
Maybe not a big success but it's still decent.
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ShadowSoldier posted 06/12/2009, 08:46
Namco really fucked up
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TT Makaveli posted 05/12/2009, 12:18
@legendarysaiyanbroly: dont be so dramatic...maybe they really Re-launch the Tekken series with a Tekken 7 exclusive for PS3 or PS4 launch!
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 01/12/2009, 11:22
@ Makaveli:

2 late! Da damage's already been done to the franchise, and it's all Namco's fault. They should've released this game 2 fucking years ago!

Now that they have ported Tekken 6 to the weaker 360, the series will forever b "broken merchandise".

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TT Makaveli posted 01/12/2009, 02:13
i hope it will sell 3:1 in favor of the Ps and maybe release Tekken 7 exclusive again!
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fabkazuya posted 27/11/2009, 04:57
Next week, 1 million on ps360.
Maybe 1 million on ps3 in the beginning of the next year.
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Burning Typhoon posted 20/11/2009, 12:35
I hope this game does as worse as possible on both systems so they learn what they're not allowed to do with Tekken..
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nen-suer posted 19/11/2009, 06:23
Up in NA this week nice..
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cmeese47 posted 19/11/2009, 05:44
Fighting games always sell better on PS3 than 360.
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Train wreck posted 19/11/2009, 05:19
Sales went up in the US...hmmm
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C_Hollomon posted 15/11/2009, 06:39
PS3 version will reach 1m but I don't think 360 version will.
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Seraphic_Sixaxis posted 14/11/2009, 04:13
My first Tekken game that i own ever, i never did like 1,2 or 3 and after 3 i kinda didn't bother to check out 4 or 5, but with 6 im finally a fan. great game even if the battle system does feel dated.
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krimoz911 posted 14/11/2009, 01:09
What did Namco expect?

This game is 2 years late.But I am going to buy after all.
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masterb8tr posted 13/11/2009, 07:13
lol at this rate, demon souls will pass it in weekly sales in amrica next week:P And it released before tekken:)
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ZorroX posted 13/11/2009, 12:20
If Tekken 6 was released a year ago as PS3 exclusive, i think Japan alone would cover all x360 sales.
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Gearbox posted 12/11/2009, 11:30
18k? wow just wow...
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SubiyaCryolite posted 12/11/2009, 04:33
They took too long to port it. I love tekken, but Street Fighter IV, Blaz Blue, Soul Calibur IV, VF & DOA stole its thunder. Namco kept people waiting for too long, its been out in japanese arcades for over 2 years now.
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Mad55 posted 10/11/2009, 10:37
its okay tekken will have better legs than street fighter 4. look at tekken 5 it only sold around 300,000 first week and went on to sell 3 or 4 million.
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Burning Typhoon posted 10/11/2009, 05:38
The game wasn't a good translation from the arcades. I like tekken, but, glad to see this did so badly, so namco will learn not to screw people over and expect a high turn-out because of the series' name.

It's worth having, and I would play it over SFIV any day, but, it didn't come close to metting my expectations.
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jneul posted 09/11/2009, 12:06
I think all the leaks on this games quality has not helped it sales, what ever happened to tekken, it used to sell like hotcakes.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/11/2009, 05:54
Street Fighter wasn't big on PS, very true. That's where Tekken was born though, so it's bad to see Street Fighter outselling it on the PS3 by a considerable margin.
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TheConduit posted 08/11/2009, 12:28
Unlike Tekken Street fighter wasn't big on the PS consoles and therefore had more balanced sales between 360 and PS3.
Tekken also has broken online and stupid beat em up mode.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/11/2009, 09:40
And just for a little more perspective.

Week 1 Worldwide sales.

(PS3) Tekken 6 - 313,633
(PS3) SF IV - 500,644
(360) Tekken 6 - 128,775
(360) SF IV - 439,027

Total combined sales in week 1.

Tekken 6 - 442,408
SF IV - 939,691

Tekken 6 overall sales weren't even as high as the PS3 version of SF IV in week 1. It's less than half of SF IV's overall week 1 sales. So yeah, I firmly believe it won't be the best selling fighter this gen.
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Cowboys4u86 posted 08/11/2009, 09:28
@ Gearbox

Yeah, but Japanese sales isn't going to make a big impact when SFIV sold way more in it's first week in the west, where software sales numbers are always higher.

Tekken 6 week 1 in NA - 96k
SF IV week 1 in NA - 250k

That's just for PS3.
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Gearbox posted 08/11/2009, 07:41
@Cowboys4u86 - hasnt this already beaten it in japan?
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Cowboys4u86 posted 07/11/2009, 03:26
@ Boneitis

I doubt it will be the best selling fighter this gen, Street Fighter IV pretty much has that locked.
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Boneitis posted 06/11/2009, 08:34
@ Tbone
Fighters don't do as good as they used to in general. That's absolutely no reflection on the quality of this game.

For the record, the combined sales of Tekken 6 is 450K. That's a great start in my opinion and could be the best selling fighter this gen.
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Tbone posted 06/11/2009, 04:18
@Dark odin
Exactly my thoughts, first week in Americe i predicted 150k but it did only 90k. I think 300k first week is good anyway since its clear Tekken isn´t as good as befre.
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Dark Odin posted 06/11/2009, 11:56
it had 130k pre-orders in america. I don´t understand...

anyway, if this was still exclusive and got released a year ago, I think that this first week number would be doubled at least.
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snyperdud posted 06/11/2009, 06:18
@ Chairman-Mao

Well compared to other Tekken's.

It's not very good...
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Burning Typhoon posted 06/11/2009, 03:53
It's not so much when it released that screwed the game up, as what happened to it... It was ported, received a drop in graphics, and nerfed training options.
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Chairman-Mao posted 06/11/2009, 02:38
lol what? Nothing spectacular. 300k for a fighting game is pretty great.
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snyperdud posted 06/11/2009, 02:34
Solid debut.
Nothing spectacular though.
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Dgc1808 posted 05/11/2009, 10:33
I was hoping for a bigger opening but Tekken6 should have some very good legs.
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Burning Typhoon posted 20/10/2009, 04:41
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Dark Odin posted 08/10/2009, 01:39
it was a day one buy... now, I don´t even know if I´ll buy this
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Tbone posted 21/08/2009, 06:48
First day buy, it really sucks that it releases in middle of Uncharted 2 and Modern warfare 2.
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Burning Typhoon posted 17/06/2009, 07:38
I was really aggravated out when I heard it was coming to 360 and at the same release date.

This game's original Japan release was December 2007, and we're still waiting...
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saimcheeda posted 14/04/2009, 08:55
@TT Makaveli

Righto im really dissapointed too....
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TT Makaveli posted 07/04/2009, 11:50
@kyuu: yes...but FF was first nintendo then its not soo hard...but people play tekken on that xbox controller...this is really just too hard...tekken was PS like Halo xbox was/is!namco sold out :(
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boxydancer posted 25/02/2009, 10:14
@ Finnbar--- it will lol.
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Finnbar posted 23/02/2009, 02:22
Better have the kangaroo!
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Shipping Total

3,120,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (112)

StreaK posted 08/11/2013, 06:25
Oh, not to mention MK did it without the help from Japan. SFIV and Tekken 6 both had Japans help and MK still came out on top. MK was always pretty popular...the movie even proved that compared to SF's.
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StreaK posted 08/11/2013, 06:23
Nahh, do the math guys. MK is the best-selling fighting franchise this gen across all platforms. PS3+360+PSV= well over 4 million. More than all of Tekken 6 combined and rightfully so. Last good Tekken was 5. Shame, too, considering TTT2 has such a killer soundtrack and visuals.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 05:32
OH COOOOLLL the best selling fighting game on ps3 average sales. 😀
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Heavenly_King posted 23/06/2012, 05:03
I will wait for Tekken 7 and Tekken X Street Fighter, to see if the series is back on track. I could not care less for Tekken Tag 2.
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Heavenly_King posted 23/06/2012, 05:00
Indeed, it is the worst in the series. But it may reach 3M which is not a bad thing considering the crapfest and this console generation.

Also this game is looking to be the best selling fighting this generation and that is a complete BLASPHEMY!!!
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AndrewWK posted 23/06/2012, 11:11
This is a piece of shit game. Worst in the series by far
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