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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Pyramid/JAPAN Studio



Other Versions


Release Dates

02/26/08 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/20/07 Sony Computer Entertainment
02/22/08 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 232
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:


Patapon (PSP) > Opinions (96)

Boutros posted 11/02/2011, 12:30
The user score is now below 8 thanks to the Boutros!
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patapon posted 03/11/2010, 05:32
Alright, the fucking moron who made the user score 8.1, pleae come forward so I can kill you.
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non-gravity posted 17/08/2009, 01:29
chaka chaka pata pon. It's too hard. I don't want to put effort in this.
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Burning Typhoon posted 18/06/2009, 03:35
I really didn't like the game very much.. it was... ok, but, I have a thing against trading in my games.
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Strategyking92 posted 26/05/2009, 11:38
I don't care what my psp brethren say.
This is overrated. Sales are deserved for a developer trying something new on the psp though. Especially for the locoroco crew.

Funny fact though: the first titles in the series (loco roco, patapon 1) sold ok. Not so much for the sequels.
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Aj_habfan posted 10/03/2009, 12:57
The game came out over a year ago, it's not exactly rushed.
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drakesfortune posted 28/02/2009, 11:27
Wow, I can't believe this sold this well. I guess that's why they shoved another one out so quickly. It sounds like they should have let the second one cook a bit longer. I'm not sure why they felt so rushed to release another one so quickly.
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ameratsu posted 20/02/2009, 09:15
pon pon pata pon
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chido posted 12/01/2009, 02:56
this game is too short
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hunter_alien posted 20/12/2008, 12:49
500k :D Great sales :P
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MrChi14 posted 23/11/2008, 10:41
This game whoops, but very difficult haha
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nomorehalo posted 18/11/2008, 08:28
I'm glad it sold well cause it is a fun game when it's not ridiculously, unfun hard. Very good and fun concept. Maybe those who play the guitar or are good at rhythm have it easier.

I will buy the sequel provided it is much, much easier. It's actually the first game I've bought that I haven't beaten in years (Morrowind was the last one, so yeah, 5 years).
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Aj_habfan posted 14/11/2008, 03:50
Lol, I'm with you on that one man.
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nomorehalo posted 13/11/2008, 07:44
Based on how much i played this before getting pissed off, it wasn't even worth the low point of $20
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hunter_alien posted 27/10/2008, 09:11
Yep... its pretty much 60$ at this point. But I think that in bigges countryes like the UK and Germany the price was ~ 30 EU ( ~ 30 $ ).
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nomorehalo posted 12/10/2008, 07:57
Is it really $60 in EU?! Since it's still sold more than US, I don't want to know how many sales they've thrown away by selling it at such a ridiculous price.
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hunter_alien posted 29/09/2008, 12:57
I know.... I have to finish it... but Im so scared :( :P
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Aj_habfan posted 22/09/2008, 01:58
This game haunts me in my sleep. I wish I had never crossed its path.
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ameratsu posted 05/09/2008, 12:08
I would love a ps2 port of this game.
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CrazzyMan posted 01/09/2008, 10:27
I would definitely buy this game, But paying 60$ for a game, which in NA cost only 20$.. is not my way of doing.

This Game is Definitely Absolutely WORTH those 20$. =)
Shame on you americans and japanese. =]

@Aj_habfan, well, it`s FUN, atleast for me, to overdo IMPOSSIBLE things in games. =)

Anyway, i hope this game will reach 1 mln. LTD and will become cheaper here in Europe. =)
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CrazzyMan posted 01/09/2008, 10:01
Very fun game, i liked it. =)
Though it`s hard at some times, but very addictive one.

Nice to see it`s moving to 500k range. =)
Great, that sequel was announced, definitely a must play for me. =)
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Aj_habfan posted 24/08/2008, 07:23
Argh, okay, this game is way too hard, it's not even enjoyable anymore. It's super easy level, super easy level, IMPOSSIBLE, super easy level, super easy level, GO QUIT NOW. The developpers must have forgotten they were making a simple rhythm based game, not a freakin RPG.
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Aj_habfan posted 22/08/2008, 12:39
This game is surprisingly hard. I'm like just over half way through and it has been a rough 17 hours. Still fun though.
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hunter_alien posted 31/07/2008, 10:18
Definatly . The game is extremely small barely filling 10% of the UMD . Development cost was probably low and it will probably reach the half million. Great investment if you ask me :)
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Stats87 posted 31/07/2008, 10:13
clearly this game made its money if the sequel has been announced.

great legs in EU
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hunter_alien posted 21/07/2008, 04:16
Yeah it just lost 30k from US :( Well it will probably hit the 500k anyways :P
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Aj_habfan posted 21/07/2008, 12:40
Adjusted down =(
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hunter_alien posted 18/07/2008, 11:37
You build your Patapon army and then go out and fight by giving commands with 4 drums :)
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Gearbox posted 17/07/2008, 11:01
What do you do in this game?
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hunter_alien posted 13/07/2008, 09:53
Yeah its one of the low sellers with legs . It will probably remain in the 1-5k region for a good time . Not enough to stay in the charts , but enough to push it over 500k IMO ...
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Aj_habfan posted 07/07/2008, 01:57
Is this still selling? I don't see it on the charts anymore but I think it's number is rising.
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hunter_alien posted 28/05/2008, 01:22
Yay ... Others got in front of the US sales wise :D
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lolita posted 19/05/2008, 04:13
amazing and very addicting game! also cheap. nothing to complain about.
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hunter_alien posted 22/04/2008, 11:50
300K ... CoO was adjusted to :D
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DMeisterJ posted 22/04/2008, 01:00
Patapon Adjusted up? Yay! 300k sold!
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iron_megalith posted 18/04/2008, 04:52
So sad.. 250k only.. It deserves more IMO....
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Gangster_Gamer posted 16/04/2008, 12:15
This is possibly the most addicting game known to man, and I've played Gran Turismo 4.
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hunter_alien posted 04/04/2008, 11:53
OMG ... using the miracles is so frustrating :(
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cool48 posted 01/04/2008, 09:09
Damn this game is hard.
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hunter_alien posted 29/03/2008, 08:52
Just got the game and I have the same question as cool48 :?
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DMeisterJ posted 28/03/2008, 09:23
Awesome. Great sales for a great game.
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cool48 posted 28/03/2008, 07:53
Where's the I Own This Game button!?!?!?
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hunter_alien posted 28/03/2008, 10:14
200k and its still going :)
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hunter_alien posted 18/03/2008, 04:10
Next week 100k in the US alone :)
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Reasonable posted 17/03/2008, 02:27
Great little game.
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TheGza posted 15/03/2008, 08:05

I should back hand you for talking to the glove like that
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hunter_alien posted 14/03/2008, 02:46
Great second week in the US :D I was not expecting this :)
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CortezTheKiller posted 14/03/2008, 01:33
PS @weezy, actually your prediction is completely wrong. Compare sales of the very new Patapon to the nearly two years old Loco Roco and stop talking out of your ass.

What a moron.
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CortezTheKiller posted 14/03/2008, 01:29
As many people have downloaded this game as have paid for it. Thieving scum.
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outlawauron posted 14/03/2008, 01:10
Ok second week.....
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Strategyking92 posted 10/03/2008, 10:53
OOPS! I meant over 100,000 copies... 100 copies wouldn't be that big of a deal.
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Strategyking92 posted 10/03/2008, 10:52
Why isn't the game selling better?

because people pired over 100 copies..... probably... Pspfanboy did a good article about the psp's piracy problem.
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Damstr8 posted 08/03/2008, 02:33
i think its off to a strong start....
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4D Gamer III posted 07/03/2008, 09:37
Why isn't the game selling better?
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wenlan posted 06/03/2008, 10:25
Why do you need attention so badly from the Patapon community?
It's a shame that you can't/don't want to play this game. It's your loss, not ours.
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wenlan posted 06/03/2008, 10:22
Just finished this game this morning. Best $20 I've ever spent! Will go back to finish those higher level monsters this weekend. Pon Pon Pata Pon! Be careful~ Be careful~
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mullinsmcd posted 06/03/2008, 03:24
Man, I'm so happy Patapon did so well! Granted it did get released at a Greatest Hit price point, its still a wonderful game and I hope it has legs! In my opinion, the 4 greatest exclusives will be released within the next 5 weeks and this is the first one(GoW, WildARMS XF, and FF7:CC are the others)! Everyone go buy it!
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regin2005 posted 06/03/2008, 02:58
Is this game similar to that Loco Roco game that came out for the PSP a while back?
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hunter_alien posted 06/03/2008, 12:37
Yay 48k ... great sales for first week :D
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Kingsora_be posted 06/03/2008, 12:04
The numbers of EU are way undertracked probably and the game was only released in the UK and in the rest of europe on saturday
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iron_megalith posted 06/03/2008, 11:05
somebody choke me I have Last Song Syndrome. It's been two days the song is stuck in my head.
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weezy posted 06/03/2008, 09:06
hmm... lackluster sales..
I guess my prediction is right.
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Strategyking92 posted 06/03/2008, 03:42
WOW A PSP GAME IN TOP !)? is the world ending????!!?

I really hope this is a million seller, i know it won't, but it would be awesome if it was.
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sexybeast posted 06/03/2008, 01:36
If you own a PSP I HIGHLY recommend you get this game. Plus it's only 19.99!
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cool48 posted 06/03/2008, 01:29
Disappointed in Europe numbers but they are undertracked so...
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Damstr8 posted 06/03/2008, 12:48
.10 mil.....not bad,not bad at all
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hunter_alien posted 05/03/2008, 05:43
Wow , pretty strong start for the game in the EU :)
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iron_megalith posted 04/03/2008, 02:05
I'm playing this game now. It' s worth it. Addicting sound.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 02/03/2008, 06:32
Seems like it ssj12
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ssj12 posted 29/02/2008, 10:32
7.89.. nintendo fans are jealous i see
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cool48 posted 29/02/2008, 02:20
None in stock at Wal-Mart, K Mart, Superstore and Pamida. I know they're not video game stores but still that's where I usually buy my games.
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xenophon13 posted 29/02/2008, 05:19
yeah why didnt this game sell in japan? kinda ridiculous since its an awesome game
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mullinsmcd posted 28/02/2008, 05:24
Fun game with a harder difficulty then you would expect. I am about half way through (if the reviews are correct about the 15 hr play time).
This game is the perfect lead-in to March which will probably be the greatest month in PSP history; GoW, FF7:CC, WildArms XF, etc. If you need a mobile MP3 player, video player, game player, get a PSP. All the reasons are there now :)
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barney posted 26/02/2008, 03:06
Great concept only matched by other PSP games.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 24/02/2008, 03:38
Played the demo the other day there and it was just soooo addictive! I found myself ignoring everything else just to make thos little guys move around :D lol
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wenlan posted 22/02/2008, 03:41
I am gonna add it to my game collection anyway. I have preordered it :P
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cool48 posted 22/02/2008, 03:19
Coming out next week can't wait to see how well it does.
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zackblue posted 18/02/2008, 03:17
This game was way better than most psp games, its so freakin addictive! Im going to buy this day 1!!
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Man posted 17/02/2008, 10:09
man, this game looks really good. its unfortunate that it seems perfectly suited to the ds, what with the drum beat and all.

also, it sucks because i have a ds, but no psp. so alas, i cannot play it :(

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weezy posted 25/01/2008, 05:31
acually i take that back .. it wont sell half as loco roco imo
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Kingsora_be posted 25/01/2008, 01:34
Yes end february ^^
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weezy posted 20/01/2008, 12:50
This game will sell as much as loco roco.

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Squall_Leonhart posted 19/01/2008, 03:23
Never heard of this game before! Looks good though :D

Any idea on a EU release date?
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Kingsora_be posted 13/01/2008, 08:42
If you order him online at Amazon or Gamestop it's only 20 bucks everywhere else it's the full PSP price
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outlawauron posted 13/01/2008, 08:34
I really hope this game comes out with a budget price.
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hunter_alien posted 13/01/2008, 04:42
Lets hope that it will do good . It will probably hit the 50k in Japan during its lifetime , and thats not bad , especially because this game had probably an extremly low development budget . Maybe 300k worldwide , that would be more than enough :)
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Kingsora_be posted 11/01/2008, 07:39
Yep the 23rd of february it is released in America and I can't upload any screens anymore...

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Hookman posted 11/01/2008, 12:12
Oh man, getting a PSP for this one too!
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DaSimkin posted 10/01/2008, 11:35
Is this game going to be released in the Americas? I think i Need it.

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Kingsora_be posted 10/01/2008, 09:48
Yeah cool you're right, we don't want this innovative game to bomb. Btw the game will probably be sold for $20
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clerk posted 10/01/2008, 09:28
I'm getting a PSP for this game. No lie.
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cool48 posted 09/01/2008, 10:17
We should make a Buy Patapon Campaign! I don't want it to flop like it did in Japan.
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cool48 posted 09/01/2008, 12:22
This is on my list of most wanted, I hope it doesn't come out at 50$ though.
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Kingsora_be posted 08/01/2008, 10:14
I added some screens, it's really too bad that such a innovative game like Patapon bombed. But I do think, that the game is going to be a succes in Europe and America. It's a day 1 purchase for me.
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Kratos posted 31/12/2007, 05:50
Must have it. So cute. Kill enemies with cute little creatures. GASP.
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hunter_alien posted 27/12/2007, 04:05
It had a pretty decent strat IMO . Especially for a brand new , not so popular IP :)
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (96)

1 16,076 n/a n/a 16,076
2 9,195 n/a n/a 9,195
3 9,329 n/a n/a 9,329
4 3,705 n/a n/a 3,705
5 3,082 n/a n/a 3,082
6 2,530 n/a n/a 2,530
7 2,303 n/a n/a 2,303
8 1,978 n/a n/a 1,978
9 1,833 n/a n/a 1,833
10 1,676 n/a 5,915 76 7,667
Boutros posted 11/02/2011, 12:30
The user score is now below 8 thanks to the Boutros!
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patapon posted 03/11/2010, 05:32
Alright, the fucking moron who made the user score 8.1, pleae come forward so I can kill you.
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non-gravity posted 17/08/2009, 01:29
chaka chaka pata pon. It's too hard. I don't want to put effort in this.
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Burning Typhoon posted 18/06/2009, 03:35
I really didn't like the game very much.. it was... ok, but, I have a thing against trading in my games.
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Strategyking92 posted 26/05/2009, 11:38
I don't care what my psp brethren say.
This is overrated. Sales are deserved for a developer trying something new on the psp though. Especially for the locoroco crew.

Funny fact though: the first titles in the series (loco roco, patapon 1) sold ok. Not so much for the sequels.
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Aj_habfan posted 10/03/2009, 12:57
The game came out over a year ago, it's not exactly rushed.
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