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Alternative Names

バイオニック コマンドー





Other Versions

PS3, NES, GB, PC, All

Release Dates

05/19/09 Capcom
06/25/09 Capcom
05/22/09 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 57
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Bionic Commando (X360) > Opinions (37)

GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 11:32
A great game and the best title of the series. I loves the classic MP story and I love the MP even more. What a great, new classic!
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pokeclaudel posted 11/05/2011, 08:42
I saw this game for 5 bucks.... I still didn't want to risk it. I was so excited when I heard they were making this game but I new it wouldn't sell after the first trailer. If they can't even get the character model right how could they get the gameplay right?
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SHMUPGurus posted 23/04/2010, 04:36
Rawnchie14 - Who are you and how do you know he played the game? Maybe he was just saying it sucked because of the sales? And we all know sales = quality right?... ;)
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/03/2010, 05:54
Well I just finished this game and it wasn't half bad. One of my favorite Capcom games this gen.
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Rawnchie14 posted 02/02/2010, 04:23
SHMUP - why would you finish a game you don't like? Really nice logic. This game blew so hard that it blew GRIN out of video game development. Capisce?
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gansito posted 13/09/2009, 06:38
i like this game, its a fun solid action game. Plays and feel like bionic commando and thats what matters.
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Salnax posted 03/09/2009, 12:54
Capcom's first big failure on the HD systems.
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SHMUPGurus posted 21/07/2009, 03:00
This game sucks yet I'm sure he didn't even try or even finish the game. Nice logic!
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infinty posted 18/07/2009, 04:39
this game sucks!
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Ari_Gold posted 08/07/2009, 01:37
sweet, i'll be pickin this up today for 19.99 :)
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johnsobas posted 29/06/2009, 03:01
can't believe capcom expected this game to sell 1.5 million
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Skeeuk posted 26/06/2009, 08:10
ps360 version of BC is utter flop although game isnt so bad.

i will pick this up soon
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Gabriel84 posted 26/06/2009, 07:41
Epic flop
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sonicshuffle posted 24/06/2009, 04:45
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Strategyking92 posted 20/06/2009, 08:00
the demo almost turned me off also:-/

almost no instructions, and the matches were short and laggy.
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SHMUPGurus posted 19/06/2009, 11:19
It was rubbish because of...? Don't say the swing controls, please, or I'll redirect you to a college and take physics class or something (or my thread). o_O

If you want to talk about weapon balance, then maybe. But what makes the game truly shine is the singleplayer, but that's obvious to many real gamers out there (as in singleplayer should be the core of a game in the first place).

So, I agree with you in a way. This is why I think releasing a multiplayer demo was bad... what were they thinking?
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kiefer23 posted 18/06/2009, 12:29
I think the demo ruined people opinions on the game. I played the multiplayer demo for about 10 minutes and wiped it from my hardrive. It was complete rubish and Lost Planet was far better in évery aspect. Bring on Lost Planet 2!
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Strategyking92 posted 17/06/2009, 09:56
why did ioi adjust the sales down
I thought it was like .11 earlier
Now this is bad
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Skeeuk posted 17/06/2009, 06:56
this is pathetic.

i would have expected this to sell well on 360 and wii. the game isnt actually that bad
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shinyuhadouken posted 30/05/2009, 02:49
got it yesterday. come on baby...start selling.
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shinyuhadouken posted 29/05/2009, 03:34
i'm getting this today.
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BrayanA posted 28/05/2009, 08:09
Poor Bionic Commando T_T
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Strategyking92 posted 28/05/2009, 05:38
added a review
I'll try to edit the score.. right now it says 0.0 though.
Pics to be added soon.
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SHMUPGurus posted 28/05/2009, 04:39
Worse part is that apparently GRIN is said to be hit by cutbacks... Let's just hope the team that worked on this game are not leaving.
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Strategyking92 posted 28/05/2009, 03:49
Considering the sales, we may never get a true ending to the cliffhanger.
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drakesfortune posted 28/05/2009, 02:15
Ouch, bad sales.
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SHMUPGurus posted 27/05/2009, 06:29
I hope the sales in America will be a bit higher than that. The whole team that made this game deserve them. :/

This game is going in the "underrated gems" category for sure, along with Dead Space and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.
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CaptainDJ posted 26/05/2009, 08:01
This game looks Awesome!
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SHMUPGurus posted 23/05/2009, 11:47
Oh, and DAMN @ the ending! o_O
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SHMUPGurus posted 22/05/2009, 02:33
Such an amazing game! I've been waiting for sooo long to play this game, and it finally arrived! I'm loving every seconds of it; the music, the swinging, the weapons, the extras, everything.

The game has a Capcom feel to it, so I'm not surprised to die from some cheap deaths. It usually takes one playthrough to get used to everything the game throws at you, kind of like a hard old school game! I'm sure I'll replay this game a bunch of time. ^^
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d21lewis posted 21/05/2009, 07:45
.....and now I like it again! Maybe not worth $60, but it's still kinda fun and addicting.
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d21lewis posted 21/05/2009, 02:54 kinda sucks. You die without any warning if you go into certain areas for half of a second. There's no warning where these areas are, either. I'm still at the beginning of the game, though.
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d21lewis posted 21/05/2009, 12:22
Got it! That didn't take long!
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d21lewis posted 20/05/2009, 03:54
I had this game in my hand today, but my evil girlfriend said I was wasting too much money. I'll sneak and buy it by Saturday, though.
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Slimebeast posted 16/05/2009, 03:48
It will bomb, and drop off the charts quickly. I don't even bother to make a perdiction. Mite get low 80's on Gamerankings though.
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SHMUPGurus posted 17/04/2009, 06:17
Oh yes it will!
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striderhiryu posted 18/01/2008, 06:44
I cannot wait for this game! It should be AWESOME!
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Shipping Total

375,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (37)

GERMANIA_FORMA posted 09/05/2012, 11:32
A great game and the best title of the series. I loves the classic MP story and I love the MP even more. What a great, new classic!
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pokeclaudel posted 11/05/2011, 08:42
I saw this game for 5 bucks.... I still didn't want to risk it. I was so excited when I heard they were making this game but I new it wouldn't sell after the first trailer. If they can't even get the character model right how could they get the gameplay right?
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SHMUPGurus posted 23/04/2010, 04:36
Rawnchie14 - Who are you and how do you know he played the game? Maybe he was just saying it sucked because of the sales? And we all know sales = quality right?... ;)
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/03/2010, 05:54
Well I just finished this game and it wasn't half bad. One of my favorite Capcom games this gen.
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Rawnchie14 posted 02/02/2010, 04:23
SHMUP - why would you finish a game you don't like? Really nice logic. This game blew so hard that it blew GRIN out of video game development. Capisce?
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gansito posted 13/09/2009, 06:38
i like this game, its a fun solid action game. Plays and feel like bionic commando and thats what matters.
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