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Epic Games



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Release Dates

07/07/08 Midway Games
09/18/08 Electronic Arts
07/04/08 Midway Games

Community Stats

Owners: 79
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Unreal Tournament III (X360) > Opinions (47)

iceolate posted 14/03/2012, 05:09
Beautiful graphics but not really made for a gamepad. Too fast!
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dharmaduke posted 31/01/2012, 11:36
I'm sad this game didn't catch on the way I think it should have... everyone was on the Gears bandwagon at the time, but honestly I had more fun with this Epic title.
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wiilicious posted 08/05/2010, 05:17
this game is great...Even after all this years it's never gets old...i'll keep this one in my collection for a long time.
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richardhutnik posted 05/12/2009, 04:38
I picked it up just recently for under $9 used. The split screen helps for coop deathmatch, which isn't that common this generation. I did have it prior on the PS3.
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Boneitis posted 03/12/2009, 03:05
Now that the online community is pretty much dead this version is useless. Wish I had a better PC for this game.
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dillhole posted 15/09/2009, 10:44
How's the split-screen working out? I wish they'd add it to the ps3 version. It boggles my mind why no one plays this game online but people will play GTA4 - the worst online experience possible.
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CaptainDJ posted 17/07/2009, 03:37
I love this game, though Godlike does get a bit hard sometimes, I really have lots of fun with this game.
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TheThunder posted 13/05/2009, 05:14
couldn't say no for $20 plus it has Splitscreen that always a good thing
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ItzMeeSnitchez posted 27/02/2009, 06:16
great game. deserves better sales. poor epic.
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MonstaMack posted 26/02/2009, 02:21
For 10 bones this game was worth it used - granted I didn't help sales with "new" copies. Regardless looks like it will be on par, and possibly PS3 sales down the road.
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Shadowblind posted 11/02/2009, 12:50
Oh wow. A year late port is selling well on 360. Kewl
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nathantay posted 09/02/2009, 12:42
Great game well worth the $20 I paid for it. 8.5/10
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Egghead posted 23/12/2008, 02:21
Selling on par with the PS3 game despite being MONTHS late.

Had the released it at the same time with the marketting that the PS3 game had, it wouldve sold WAY WAY WAY more
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MonstaMack posted 05/12/2008, 03:40
I bet you'll regret buying it even more when I tell you It's going to be $10 used through a certain site tomorrow :P Yeah not new, but as long as I can install to my HD it doesn't matter.
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yungmagic09 posted 05/10/2008, 09:39
I really regret buying this game.
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deathgod33 posted 06/09/2008, 07:39
i wasted 60 bucks on this game, the guns are retarded, and the campaign is like an online against the computer. i wish i could return it.
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Egghead posted 31/08/2008, 02:04
Yeah good legs in NA can mean everything, its pretty much confirmation thisll sell just as good as the PS3 version

Really hope Epic claw back the losses
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Barozi posted 20/08/2008, 12:39
Good legs in NA. Hope it will stay this way
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 10/08/2008, 09:03
Fission Mailed, Epic. Fisson Mailed indeed. Perhaps next time you should make a game with a half decent storyline rather than chopped up cutscenes and horrible redundant gameplay. I got the PS3 version the same week it was released then sent it back. The online is great, don't get me wrong, but as a whole it didn't quite cut it.
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reggie2 posted 30/07/2008, 11:14
Halo 3,Gears of War,Cod4 and making the mistake of releasing this as a timed exclusive before releasing on 360 = certain doom...
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Egghead posted 28/07/2008, 01:49

Weaker debut but being a shooter itll continue to sell. Around 500k.

Epic might break even, but Publisher fees will get them
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MorgZ posted 23/07/2008, 08:10
Its a good game that might be crippled long term by the lack of sales. The beauty of Halo3 / CoD4 is that the online MP is still soo thriving. I fear that the same wont be said for UT3 in 3-6 months time unless it picks up in sales.
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outlawauron posted 22/07/2008, 12:58
@ erikers

I don't know. The 360 and PS3 versions of Call of Duty 4 sold near the same last week in America.
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Dark Odin posted 20/07/2008, 02:55
wow. bad opening...

battlefield in its 3rd week did better.
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erikers posted 20/07/2008, 05:55
The ps3 version flopped during the holidays and the only ps3 games that will have stronger legs are the ones that are slightly more geared towards Europe/Japan. DMC 4/Burnout type games are going to be the exception this gen, not the majority.

Hopefully this game flops as hard on the 360 as it did on the ps3. Epic will fully learn their lesson if they haven't already on how to release games.
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MontanaHatchet posted 20/07/2008, 04:37
No, it will have weaker legs. The PS3 version launched during the holiday season, and as the PS3 userbase grows, more and more titles have shown to have stronger legs than their 360 counterparts.
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Oemenia posted 20/07/2008, 02:12
It will sell around as much as the PS3 version, mainly because itll have greater legs
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Skeeuk posted 19/07/2008, 07:40
i think 360 version might just pip the ps3 version.

i highly recomend people to buy this game it is very very good indeed, IF it had a true single player story it would be an AAA title
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SmokedHostage posted 19/07/2008, 06:50
laughable sales.
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FaRmLaNd posted 19/07/2008, 07:32
It was always going to have a weak start as it was delayed for such a long time.
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chinmoku posted 18/07/2008, 02:31
A weak start ;)
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Dark Odin posted 17/07/2008, 01:37
I think this will outsell too.

released in Europe first? strange, no?
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fastyxx posted 17/07/2008, 06:10
The achievements for this game are crazy hard! Will keep me playing a long time.
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DanBal76 posted 17/07/2008, 04:24
Will the 360 version outsell the PS3 one? I think it will.
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Strategyking92 posted 17/07/2008, 12:50
ba-ba-ba- bomb!
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segajon posted 17/07/2008, 12:37
@ chinmoku
Shut up
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chinmoku posted 14/07/2008, 12:19
Live is overrated ;)
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yungmagic09 posted 07/07/2008, 04:21
Hopefully a lot of people will play this on Xbox Live.
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FaRmLaNd posted 05/07/2008, 01:53
Its getting released soon, it'll be interesting to see how it sells as FPS releases generally do better on the 360, but its been delayed so much most of the hype is gone. I personally don't think it'll outsell the ps3 version.
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chinmoku posted 04/07/2008, 05:49
Wonderful game for the PS3.
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 30/06/2008, 10:14
I bought this on
PS3 and was highly dissapointed. Not that great of a game IMO.
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segajon posted 26/06/2008, 04:51
I have this for the ps3 and love it. But sometimes it is hard to find an online match to play so i'm considering buying this for the x360 for the achievements and online on xbox live!!!!!!
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Oemenia posted 11/06/2008, 01:34
Please have mod support!
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FaRmLaNd posted 25/05/2008, 12:27
I'll probably end up buying this as I love UT but my pc isn't fast enough to run it. but I'm not happy with the extended delay this version is receiving.
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jrix posted 25/04/2008, 06:11
no split screen ps3 version.. is that superior?
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FaRmLaNd posted 17/04/2008, 03:42
I wish they'd release this already. The longer its delayed the more sales they lose.
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MattAAron posted 02/04/2008, 08:58
Most underrated game of the year! Sadly, This will probably sell better and get more recognized then the PS3 version :( Even though the PS3 version is superior
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (47)

1 n/a n/a 21,262 21,262
2 n/a 37,433 18,912 9,685 66,030
3 n/a 18,383 13,140 5,383 36,906
4 n/a 9,946 8,634 3,161 21,741
5 n/a 9,614 6,361 2,733 18,708
6 n/a 9,673 4,576 2,452 16,701
7 n/a 9,223 3,721 2,234 15,178
8 n/a 7,392 3,185 1,822 12,399
9 n/a 4,851 2,800 1,312 8,963
10 n/a 4,495 2,442 1,191 8,128
iceolate posted 14/03/2012, 05:09
Beautiful graphics but not really made for a gamepad. Too fast!
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dharmaduke posted 31/01/2012, 11:36
I'm sad this game didn't catch on the way I think it should have... everyone was on the Gears bandwagon at the time, but honestly I had more fun with this Epic title.
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wiilicious posted 08/05/2010, 05:17
this game is great...Even after all this years it's never gets old...i'll keep this one in my collection for a long time.
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richardhutnik posted 05/12/2009, 04:38
I picked it up just recently for under $9 used. The split screen helps for coop deathmatch, which isn't that common this generation. I did have it prior on the PS3.
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Boneitis posted 03/12/2009, 03:05
Now that the online community is pretty much dead this version is useless. Wish I had a better PC for this game.
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dillhole posted 15/09/2009, 10:44
How's the split-screen working out? I wish they'd add it to the ps3 version. It boggles my mind why no one plays this game online but people will play GTA4 - the worst online experience possible.
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