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Alternative Names

Sonic Chronicles: Yami Jigen Kara no Shinryakusha

ソニッククロニクル 闇次元からの侵略者


BioWare Corp.



Release Dates

09/30/08 Sega
08/06/09 Sega
09/26/08 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 88
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood (DS) > Opinions (31)

Questklonoa posted 22/08/2016, 10:25
It's not the best game I played, sitting as a disliked game in my opinion for a number of reasons, it's enjoyable at least.

It won't really help keep you playing, unless you're willing to beat the game.

The game does have a pretty cool fighting mechanic, but once you played for a set of time, it gets pretty repetitive quickly. And grinding is almost worthless, as the game will only give you a small amount of XP once you reach a certain level in a certain area, thus making grinding a chore. Moving around is pretty awkward, as you use the stylus to move. It would've been better if the way you move is like the way you can in Dragon Quest IX, instead of like the way you move in Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks. Oh, and the directional pad is unused, I don't know why.

I would like to go in more detail, but I have only mixed opinions on this game.
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/07/2011, 05:21
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/07/2011, 05:21
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Fededx posted 25/03/2011, 03:48
Still selling, it's got some nice legs!
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uppertone posted 09/10/2009, 02:46
sold 3 quarter millions Worldwide and didn't manage to sell 4k in japan? Aww wth
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SJGohan3972 posted 05/05/2009, 06:25
I'm suprised this is doing less in Europe than in the US, I thought Sonic was really popular over there.
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SaviorX posted 10/04/2009, 05:01
This game is being released in Japan much later than NE/EU.

However, 625k at this point is very good.
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shizzlee posted 08/04/2009, 02:32
Lolwut? I beat this game the first day I got it. It's super easy. Spam your pow moves and stock up on items that replenish your HP/PP is all you got to do. You will finish the game in probably about 8 hours on your first run. New game plus will only take you a few hours if you know where to go.
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MasterNetra posted 01/04/2009, 08:46
Loved it! You run into enemys much the same way you did in the first Digimon Game for the PS. In battle fights are much like Final Fanstasy (with your special moves stylis oriented instead of button mash). Although it seems to have lost its "Speed" feel when traveling (which i think could be easily remedy) this style of gameplay seems to suit the Sonic Series quite well! Now if they can only bring into full 3D with easy to use cameras that don't go with bad angles at the wrong time. (P.s. This is only a short game if you use Action Replay Codes otherwise it could take you several days to a week maybe to beat.)
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shizzlee posted 26/01/2009, 10:59
Decent. Not awesome but decent. I kind of find it a little too easy and it's too short.
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Wiintendo posted 25/01/2009, 04:50
no Japanese release?
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coonana posted 14/01/2009, 07:18
the reason why this hasnt sold better is the reivews. The people who notice this type of this game is the audience that looks at reviews.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 08/01/2009, 11:35
i just started the game, I don't understand why it got such bad reviews, it's really good so far
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obiwankenobi posted 07/01/2009, 03:57
This game is great.

I hope BioWare makes more like it, even if they don't use Sonic.

Kudos to them for creating something unique and enjoyable.
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jpelles posted 26/12/2008, 05:13
From what Bioware has said a sequal is very possible.

I liked this enough that i'd get that. A fun diversion in the spirit of the Mario RPG games.
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SJGohan3972 posted 22/12/2008, 09:34
While I did not enjoy this RPG as much as I wish I had I think it has the potential to have a sequel that could be pretty cool. There are some pretty interesting gameplay devices here that could be put to good use in a game with a little more polish.

that said, do you think this has a chance at a million?
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 05/12/2008, 09:57
getting this for christmas
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uppertone posted 03/12/2008, 06:35
It's Catching up in Europe, probably gonna pass US sales by holiday season's end :)
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Roflcop posted 29/11/2008, 08:13
At least the sales seem to be rising :)
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wfz posted 13/11/2008, 08:51
I didn't expect anything out of this game, but I definitely enjoyed it for what it was. It definitely wasn't too great, or amazing, but it was good.
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gunslinger posted 20/10/2008, 04:10
I bought this game because of the reviews and I found it to be HORRIBLE! It is VERY dull, the battle system sucks, the story is lame and all the side quests are boring. Then I had to force myself to play it for the couple of hours that I did. Now I don't even touch the game. Did these so called reviewers play a different game?
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FaRmLaNd posted 15/10/2008, 10:21
Sonics all about legs at a lower price point. Not first week sales.
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kopstudent89 posted 14/10/2008, 10:54
wow weird it isnt kickin off in EU. That said i dont remember a sonic game having a big launch there
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SHMUPGurus posted 12/10/2008, 03:33
How come Rol didn't comment about the game here yet?

With that said, he's just a Big the Cat hater.
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arooguy posted 11/10/2008, 11:07
That was so weird. Before I posted my comment it sad 0.03m sold and as soon as I posted that comment, the American sales appeared lol.
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jpelles posted 11/10/2008, 10:50
Pretty good for American debut. I thought for sure it would do better in Europe then here in America.

Hopefully European sales will pick up because this game deserves sales a lot more so than the wierdly million selling Wii Secret Rings and 360/PS3 games did.
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arooguy posted 11/10/2008, 08:50
They finally make a decent Sonic game and it sells bad.
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arsenicazure posted 03/10/2008, 05:58
wow crappy sales... they need to advertise this better
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shizzlee posted 13/08/2008, 01:04
The wait for this game is killing me. Is there an official release date for this yet?
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Gearbox posted 10/08/2008, 01:55
There was something that looked odd about this whne i watched the gameplay vide. Then I realised that when your char is freeroaming and runs into a shadow of something ur guy doesnt get darker... He keeps his normal shadow effect, which is very weird if you ask me...
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pichu_pichu posted 07/05/2008, 12:47
can't wait :)
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 n/a n/a 10,387 10,387
2 n/a 49,890 11,066 10,605 71,561
3 n/a 25,587 7,812 5,787 39,186
4 n/a 13,382 6,757 3,462 23,601
5 n/a 9,538 5,479 2,575 17,592
6 n/a 7,984 6,834 2,522 17,340
7 n/a 7,473 9,805 2,915 20,193
8 n/a 8,536 10,066 3,145 21,747
9 n/a 11,001 13,054 4,066 28,121
10 n/a 19,270 16,071 6,017 41,358
Questklonoa posted 22/08/2016, 10:25
It's not the best game I played, sitting as a disliked game in my opinion for a number of reasons, it's enjoyable at least.

It won't really help keep you playing, unless you're willing to beat the game.

The game does have a pretty cool fighting mechanic, but once you played for a set of time, it gets pretty repetitive quickly. And grinding is almost worthless, as the game will only give you a small amount of XP once you reach a certain level in a certain area, thus making grinding a chore. Moving around is pretty awkward, as you use the stylus to move. It would've been better if the way you move is like the way you can in Dragon Quest IX, instead of like the way you move in Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks. Oh, and the directional pad is unused, I don't know why.

I would like to go in more detail, but I have only mixed opinions on this game.
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/07/2011, 05:21
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yahoocom1984 posted 28/07/2011, 05:21
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Fededx posted 25/03/2011, 03:48
Still selling, it's got some nice legs!
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uppertone posted 09/10/2009, 02:46
sold 3 quarter millions Worldwide and didn't manage to sell 4k in japan? Aww wth
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SJGohan3972 posted 05/05/2009, 06:25
I'm suprised this is doing less in Europe than in the US, I thought Sonic was really popular over there.
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