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Alternative Names

バトルフィールド: バッドカンパニー


EA Digital Illusions CE



Other Versions

X360, XBL, All

Release Dates

06/23/08 Electronic Arts
08/28/08 Electronic Arts
06/27/08 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 208
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Battlefield: Bad Company (PS3) > Opinions (63)

SolidGear3 posted 17/11/2011, 01:25
@Nic - Funny, seeing as how I had 18 pre-order/day 1 purchases in 2011 alone. Not to mention all the New games I bought that weren't Day 1 purchases.
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Iveyboi posted 19/11/2010, 02:17
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NicholasCage posted 31/03/2010, 12:56

People buy games used, rent them or borrowed from a friend.
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alziron posted 14/02/2010, 09:45
second hand killed the sales
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Dark Odin posted 21/01/2010, 02:14
with a boost near the release of the sequel this could be almost a million seller... 900k+
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headshot91 posted 08/10/2009, 09:13
@footbal fan this game is deffo not 40 percent above official figures...
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321tttrini4everz posted 13/09/2009, 01:01
man this game is undertracked
im on level 22 and my standing is 290,000

when i was level 15 my rank was around 650,000......
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zzyoshiman posted 02/09/2009, 12:27
I like it when if you throw a grenade at a building, the house will blow up realistically
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sergiodaly posted 14/08/2009, 01:57
no complains here. on-line is fun and servers almost every time full with 24 players... very cool game...
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321tttrini4everz posted 12/08/2009, 05:53
love it !

i agree
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Epke posted 17/07/2009, 09:58
fun game, the only annoying part is that if an enemy shoots you from nearby it should show on the small map
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FootballFan posted 10/05/2009, 04:04
will get around 650,000 total sales
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headshot91 posted 25/03/2009, 11:10
wtf this has been reduced by like 20 percent ?!!?! damn i thought it would make 1 mill this year :(
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Aj_habfan posted 06/03/2009, 04:40
Finding a game online is very weak. It always puts me in dead games, probably the worst system I have ever seen. Random or nothing.

Fun game though.
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El_Valuador posted 05/03/2009, 07:22
Again, this is a great game but if they would've done it right when it was released they could've doubled or tripled the sales. So there would be more people online to frag ;) Compared to the forums I've read my complaints and suggestions are minor and I think BFBC2 will address all of the issues.

Bf2 has expandable maps with way omre variety of vehicles and the maps themselves (i.e jets and aircraft carriers). They didn't include conquest mode for over a month and only had 4 maps at first. You can't even choose the map you want to play and there are spots on two of the new conquest maps that freeze up if you go near them.

I'll I'm saying is that, while it's a great game, it fell well short of it's potential. Make more like COD4 with the frostbite engine and tons of vehicles on half the levels and watch the game fly off the shelves. I'll still play this regardless because taking someones dog tags it way more satisfying than shooting them point blank and the pace of the game is more balanced imo ;)
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ninjascroll posted 27/02/2009, 01:53
El_Valuador, I kinda confused what isn't next gen about this game 90 percent destructible enviroments and maps(gold rush version) that are the biggest I have ever played ever.

Beside a few small random lock-ups I haven't found any real problems.
Sure clan support would be nice but most games still don't bother with it.
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El_Valuador posted 16/02/2009, 01:54
If they would've turned this into a next gen version of bf2 with no bugs it would've sold a whole lot more. By just fixing the bugs and adding clan support bfbc2 should sell at least twice as much as bfbc.

It's just frustrating that dice knows how to make a great game but glazed over the details on this. Here's hoping that with of2 comming out in a few months dice will learn something from them and raise their own bar.
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headshot91 posted 14/02/2009, 01:00
On the contrary, with 8 million more consoles I'm surprised the 360 didn't sell more.
Oh i understand you meant you thought it would sell even more, not just what its already outsold. Bluegrayz was right too
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El_Valuador posted 09/02/2009, 09:18
I do aggre with headshot91 that its a shame both versions didn't sell more but here's hoping bfbc2 will address the bugs and add clan support by making it even better than bf2 which was/is epic.
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El_Valuador posted 09/02/2009, 09:04

I was referring to the comment by headshot91 but thanks for the obvious.

After further analysis the sales ratio between the ps3 & 360 for bfbc is the same as cod4 & 5 and thereby nothing out of the ordinary.
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bluegrayz posted 08/02/2009, 07:33
erm, it did- by 500000 more units!
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El_Valuador posted 08/02/2009, 08:06
On the contrary, with 8 million more consoles I'm surprised the 360 didn't sell more.
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headshot91 posted 28/01/2009, 09:48
this sold terrible compared to x360 version!
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Griffin posted 27/01/2009, 03:28
I just bought the game from blockbuster from $20, but i have a major complaint, the game does not use the center speaker during gameplay. During cutscens and menus its on but not during gameplay.
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oliminator1994 posted 23/01/2009, 05:53
Wont hit 1 million :(
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Aj_habfan posted 28/12/2008, 08:33
Dude, picked up this game brand new $20 - can't wait for some multiplayer.
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El_Valuador posted 04/12/2008, 07:40
I've really enjoyed the conquest mode with the new maps. I only hope the sequel is more like Battlefield 2 as I believe that would boost its sales tremendously.
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headshot91 posted 27/11/2008, 04:45
it was a good game and i am dissapointed it didnt sell more but i dont know if i can be bothered to play thru the singleplayer for trophies, its a gd thing trofies for online multiplayer are retroactive, i got 29% straight away after the patch. Btw while not stunning i think the graphics in this are still v gd.
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Aj_habfan posted 22/11/2008, 08:11
The game is all about the multiplayer though. And that rocked.
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Kantor posted 08/11/2008, 04:10
I don't know if even trophies could make me play through the game again, though.
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Kantor posted 08/11/2008, 04:10
It was a pretty disappointing game. The environment destruction was cool, but only being able to carry one weapon was lame, the graphics were dated, the voice acting was awful, the humour often falls flat on its face. And the WORST part was those long annoying walking sequences, especially after you die.

It's still fun, but it won't hit a million.
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Aj_habfan posted 12/10/2008, 04:26
It won't.
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jedson328 posted 12/10/2008, 02:19
Trophy patch is coming, I wonder if that will help sales.
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s-grandi93 posted 07/10/2008, 01:46
will this get to 1mill?
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slimeattack posted 28/09/2008, 08:58
I have it. It's a nice game. Sales aren't that bad, right now it is at 20k per week.
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ninjascroll posted 23/09/2008, 10:55
One of my favorites
its got everything infantry vechiles all balanced perfectly
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HanzoTheRazor posted 21/09/2008, 01:06
8.5/10 Solid game. Trophies will give it a boost too both in sales and re-play.
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luistomas8782 posted 15/09/2008, 08:58
blow suff up
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Damstr8 posted 11/09/2008, 03:35
wonder if trophies will spark sales a little.
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lanod posted 10/09/2008, 06:40
nice sells in Japan 22k first week 7k second :)
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Aj_habfan posted 26/08/2008, 09:21
This keeps getting adjusted down...
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Dark Odin posted 25/08/2008, 11:11
thursday in Japan
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ameratsu posted 20/08/2008, 09:41
I picked this up a couple days ago and must I say I am very dissapointed in the multiplayer.
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Skeeuk posted 14/08/2008, 09:41
stunning game online is superb even more so with the update. very good game indeed.
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 12/08/2008, 07:21
Wow. Horrible PS3 sales in comparison to 360. I guess MSG4 killed any chance of this being a hit on PS3.
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headshot91 posted 10/08/2008, 06:19
man i just played this just now and the games were so LAGGY it was unbelievably UTTERLY UNPLAYABLE
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Dark Odin posted 05/08/2008, 02:27
I agree with Aj_habfan
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slimeattack posted 02/08/2008, 01:51
Why is this game selling so poorly? It's supposed to be awesome.
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Aj_habfan posted 01/08/2008, 10:34
Considering EA's revenue announcment, this might be a bit undertracked. Hard to say though.
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headshot91 posted 24/07/2008, 01:32
people on the GAME website have said the graphics of this are ps2 quality... THEY ARE IDIOTS
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Pristine20 posted 23/07/2008, 08:40

One word: MGS4. How? It was overshadowed. Also, most people are not ready to give up COD4 yet. I love free-for-all aka deathmatch. It doesn't even have that so I just had to pass.
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Dark Odin posted 17/07/2008, 01:42
the H7 doens´t work so well, only one multiplayer mode is sad, and it´s so atrange that you can´t lay on the ground.
oh, and press R3 to run is bad too.
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Skeeuk posted 06/07/2008, 09:16
top top game, but why only 1 multiplayer mode? why not death match and team death matches aswell?
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headshot91 posted 04/07/2008, 04:06
really enjoyed the game multi is superb aswell as singlepyr. Why is this selling WAY below the 360 version in america? WHY!
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Dark Odin posted 03/07/2008, 03:41
if this becomes a million seller, it will take really long...
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luistomas8782 posted 03/07/2008, 11:32
I can't believe that Haze got a better 1st week than this. what is wrong with you people.
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Kamahl posted 03/07/2008, 05:43
i dont understand why the 360 version was released in japan but the PS3 version wasnt... its like EA is trying to make the 360 more succesful in japan, i wonder if MS has something to do with this because this is not the first game that comes out for the 360 first in japan
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cla715 posted 02/07/2008, 09:02
ouch, way below my expectations
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luistomas8782 posted 24/06/2008, 09:40
can't wait for this game, the demo was great but I have to get used to these new controls
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Blaiyan posted 10/06/2008, 03:59
Just downloaded and played the demo. Didn't really like it that much.
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Munkeh111 posted 08/06/2008, 11:58
This is the normal one, there is also the gold edition
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Blaiyan posted 06/06/2008, 08:27
Yeah I think this is the officiial one. I put it up months ago and haven't seen any different ones.
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Dark Odin posted 19/05/2008, 11:09
is this the original cover??? I like it!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (63)

1 n/a 54,207 40,017 22,905 117,129
2 n/a 21,205 25,004 12,077 58,286
3 n/a 13,851 16,738 8,023 38,612
4 n/a 11,997 12,480 6,277 30,754
5 n/a 9,671 10,430 5,184 25,285
6 n/a 8,674 9,036 4,543 22,253
7 n/a 7,177 7,822 3,874 18,873
8 n/a 5,179 6,840 3,194 15,213
9 n/a 4,348 6,396 2,899 13,643
10 22,655 4,261 5,940 3,088 35,944
SolidGear3 posted 17/11/2011, 01:25
@Nic - Funny, seeing as how I had 18 pre-order/day 1 purchases in 2011 alone. Not to mention all the New games I bought that weren't Day 1 purchases.
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Iveyboi posted 19/11/2010, 02:17
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NicholasCage posted 31/03/2010, 12:56

People buy games used, rent them or borrowed from a friend.
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alziron posted 14/02/2010, 09:45
second hand killed the sales
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Dark Odin posted 21/01/2010, 02:14
with a boost near the release of the sequel this could be almost a million seller... 900k+
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headshot91 posted 08/10/2009, 09:13
@footbal fan this game is deffo not 40 percent above official figures...
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