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EA Tiburon



Release Dates

08/12/08 Electronic Arts
(Add Date)
08/15/08 Electronic Arts

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Madden NFL 09 All-Play (weekly US sales) (Wii) > Opinions (60)

naruto3336 posted 02/05/2009, 04:31
It is not that bad. Look at Shaun White Wii. It ended up being better than the other versions even if it was "kiddy".
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primogen18 posted 27/04/2009, 01:37
This is THE last Madden on Wii, so I would snatch this up if you can.

(Madden 2010 is on Wii, but they changed to an extremely kiddy art direction, think Backyard Football or Kidz Sportz, this isn't a joke, EA KILLED the madden series for Nintendo)
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primogen18 posted 19/03/2009, 05:33
The "all play" thing could have been smaller, and a "with" would have been nice before it so it doesn't seem like a completely different game and not the real thing. any "others" sales?
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kopstudent89 posted 27/02/2009, 02:07
i think the all play theme killed the legs, but hey thats my opinion i guess...
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Frinaldo posted 09/02/2009, 07:03
a friend of mine was going to pick this game up for me. When he got back he told me he wasent sure if this was the true 09 version of madden because of the All-Play logo
that might be a reason why the 08 version still sell
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widescreen posted 29/01/2009, 03:10
the crusty box-art for all "All Play" titles puts a cheesy spin on these titles. Has marketing realized that you can be mass-market but you don't need to be kiddie?
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primogen18 posted 18/01/2009, 04:56

I clicked on this game thinking the exact same thing, the cover art is just horrible, it doesn't even look like its related to the other versions. It's sad its not selling as well. Wii has so many more systems out there that it is almost embarrassing that this being outsold by so much on PS3/360.
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Voltaire posted 17/01/2009, 06:21
Have the game, its good, and while EA tried its best to make this appeal to the masses, its still Madden at heart. I stand by me saying the terrible box-art is a reason its sales are less than stellar.
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averyblund posted 14/01/2009, 11:10
A million for sure, it is tracking way above 08 which is 70,000 shy of a million and might even make it itself. Iratating that the PS3 has Others sales and the Wii doesn't. Judging by the PS3 I would say there is another 10k at least missing.
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Kenka posted 14/01/2009, 01:07
BIG drop. What the hell... will it really reach a million ?
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Hyperion posted 14/01/2009, 08:58
I really feel this game would have done better had it remained simply Madden 09. The All-Play name and atrocious boxart didn't help at all. Those thing probably hindered its sales.
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outlawauron posted 05/01/2009, 09:57
@ fmc

Sure in the grand scheme of things it should be added up, but it's the same issue with so many other games.
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ZuZayLi posted 04/01/2009, 11:34
I live in Europe and own the game. Better than Madden 08. This game is amazing. I love soccer too but American football is waaay better; Yaaa-Haaa!!
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Zucas posted 04/01/2009, 09:42
Yea having EU sales would be pointless. At the most probably sold about 5,000 copies If that .01 is really that important then fine.
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fmc83 posted 28/12/2008, 07:28
Well I wouldn't say, that they don't sell at all in Europe - the fanbase is just smaller. A friend bought it, and I will buy it as well.

Still I would reckon that there are at least 30-50k copies out in others. Most of the games are sold with a price tag...
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outlawauron posted 28/12/2008, 05:39
@ Voltaire

Not at all!
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brk00 posted 27/12/2008, 04:52
Man.....I think platinum is possible.

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bigjon posted 27/12/2008, 02:54
madden 08 has sold 150k since 09 has come out...

Wii owners (parents) tend to gobble up games at the 29.99 and under price tags. 08 really started to do well when its price went down in the months before 09.

1 million is a sure thing, but it looks like shawn white will beat it for the best selling sports game (I am happy about that)
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Tuulikk posted 22/12/2008, 08:57
@ Zucas

Does it have like 8 months to sell next year? I think the changes of it going Platinum is good to.
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Voltaire posted 22/12/2008, 03:33
Do Madden titles sell well in Others?
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Zucas posted 21/12/2008, 07:36
Should be over 600k by the end of the year and if its anything like the 08 version, it'll leg it out even til next holiday season. So easy platinum title for Wii.
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Narfer posted 06/12/2008, 04:16
When it goes platinum will it be the first madden to sell a million on a nintendo console?
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kopstudent89 posted 04/12/2008, 05:57
the previous version sold really well in the holidays last year... so this could be at around 600-750k range by the end of the year, and then legs will carry it to a million...

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GIO posted 04/12/2008, 04:40
I just bought this game the other day and I must say I really enjoy it after i take off all the ~All Play~ modes of the game. It is very addiciting and fun to throw the ball and tackle with the remote.
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bigjon posted 02/12/2008, 01:08
This game will still be selling 10k a week when 2010 comes out... Plat easy. I think 1.3 mil is the final resting point here.
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arsenal009 posted 09/11/2008, 12:47
Hey guys, compare sales for this game & the 08 version:®ion=All

It outsold the 08 iteration in every of its 1st 10 weeks and that one sold 830k. So i'm sure this one will sell over 830k.
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WiiBox3 posted 16/10/2008, 06:32
So far doing better than previous years after 9 weeks...
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Aprisaiden posted 12/10/2008, 04:38
i wonder how long the legs will last.
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smac posted 12/10/2008, 12:00
what is with all that pink on the boxart?
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bigjon posted 11/10/2008, 10:20
Maybe if EA decided to ditch the crappy box art on the Wii series it would sell a bit better.
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kopstudent89 posted 04/10/2008, 09:12
wow not bein adjusted down yet(though i think it will:S) soo lets not keep our hopes up
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arsenal009 posted 21/09/2008, 11:05
Finally starting to sell more than PS2 version in NA.

But where is Others data?
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Chrizum posted 16/09/2008, 01:14
Adjusted downwards with 60k. Still 80k above NPD, does that mean ioi doubts NPD's tracking methods concerning this game?

All in all, over 200k within a month is still good.
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Voltaire posted 14/09/2008, 04:55
The box art and the unnessesary 'all play' name will undoubtedly turn off veteran players, but i hear the game itself is very good (much like previous Maddens). Im sure it will sell very well, slowly maybe.
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JonasJuice posted 12/09/2008, 07:52
It'll break a million pretty easily.
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Kurakasa posted 12/09/2008, 02:05
This won't even oversell madden 08.
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Chrizum posted 12/09/2008, 01:03
I still think the game will reach a million though. But yeah, major bummer.
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kopstudent89 posted 12/09/2008, 11:19
lol. So much for the 1.5 mil prediction... it was probabely the box art, i blame the boxart!!
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Chrizum posted 11/09/2008, 11:51
If NPD is right, this game is overtracked by over 100%. That means this game is selling exactly as well as Madden 08 for the Wii.

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Chrizum posted 07/09/2008, 11:44
This game will reach 1,5 million for sure, probably even near 2 million at the time Madden 2010 releases.
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jpelles posted 07/09/2008, 08:57
Madden 2008 Wii
74,421 1st week
28,116 2nt week
20,738 3d week
Total 800k
This years is pretty much guarenteed to hit a million.

This is very big for a Nintendo platform since the last time this happened is... i'm not even sure. I know there were some non madden NFL games on N64 that did a million.
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stof posted 04/09/2008, 03:48
Don't worry Brute, it will.
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11ht11 posted 04/09/2008, 02:00
where are the "other" sales?
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jeffrey9999 posted 03/09/2008, 03:40
each year it's going to sell closer to the 360 version because the wii sells almost 3× more then the xbox360 so it's only a matter of time till All games sell better on wii.......... I think madden09 might just pass a million then maybe they will put NCAA2010 online then I might buy that game two but sorry EA their wasn't enough effort put into NCAA09, maybe next year........btw I got madden09 and it's a big improvement from madden08 especially the online play, theirs almost know lag........
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Zucas posted 30/08/2008, 07:53
Well 2nd week sales bode great things considering the dropoffs for Madden 08 on Wii were much more percentage wise closer to the 360 version dropoff of Madden 09. Meaning it's hard to say what sales will be like over the next week but I'd say we can expect about 40k-50k next week and then I'm thinking it will hit a leveling off point at about 15k-20k. And then like Madden 08 explode in the holiday season.

But basically within the next 10 weeks before the holiday season we are looking at about 250k-300k in sales putting it at 0.53 million in sales. And then the final 9 weeks of the year it could be anything from 300k-500k. But it'll go platinum either at the end of this year or the first quarter next year.
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brute posted 30/08/2008, 06:27
I wonder if this will sell 1 million.
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bigjon posted 30/08/2008, 03:30
great 2nd week sales, the Wii version will see the best legs...
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Chrizum posted 30/08/2008, 02:28
Why is this the only version where Others sales are not tracked? Seems kind of silly.
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Lolcislaw posted 29/08/2008, 11:09
I wonder how much this version can sell in others.
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kopstudent89 posted 24/08/2008, 09:46
yeah dont underestimate these sales, especially for a nintendo console whose graphical capabilities are less than the competition(alot find graphics a priority for a game like this).
So for me its really good sales
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Zucas posted 22/08/2008, 01:34
Haha when's the last time a football game has done this on a ninty console opening week since the N64 era eh.

Given the mainstream popularity of the Wii and the sales of the other 2 on Wii this should have great legs and probably this holidays push over a million no prob.
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Lolcislaw posted 20/08/2008, 09:37
Well Great Sales for Madden Game on the Wii, hopefully it will sell more then Million
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SaviorX posted 20/08/2008, 07:07

Yup, it took about a month for Madden 08 to get these sales. So now it isn't a matter of IF this will hit 1.2 million, but when. Madden 08 sold last week what it did on its 7th week of release.

The legs on this game will be even stronger.
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WiiBox3 posted 20/08/2008, 04:35
It took the other previous Madden games at least 4-5 weeks to sell as much as this did in its first week..
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Thekirby45 posted 10/08/2008, 06:52
I already paidoff the whole game cant wait till Tuesday
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toastboy44562 posted 09/08/2008, 07:50
lol at the boxart
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perculator posted 25/04/2008, 08:22
Brett Farve is on the cover
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Explosivo posted 13/04/2008, 02:38
haha, nice summery :)
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Tavin posted 13/03/2008, 03:40
LOL at the summary :D
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SnesTea posted 12/03/2008, 11:38
lol i gave it a 10 FIRST POST EPIC WIN!
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (60)

1 n/a 113 n/a 20 133
2 n/a 44 n/a 8 52
3 n/a 28 n/a 5 33
4 n/a 20 n/a 3 23
5 n/a 17 n/a 3 20
6 n/a 16 n/a 2 18
7 n/a 17 n/a 3 20
8 n/a 23 n/a 3 26
9 n/a 40 n/a 6 46
10 n/a 61 n/a 9 70
naruto3336 posted 02/05/2009, 04:31
It is not that bad. Look at Shaun White Wii. It ended up being better than the other versions even if it was "kiddy".
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primogen18 posted 27/04/2009, 01:37
This is THE last Madden on Wii, so I would snatch this up if you can.

(Madden 2010 is on Wii, but they changed to an extremely kiddy art direction, think Backyard Football or Kidz Sportz, this isn't a joke, EA KILLED the madden series for Nintendo)
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primogen18 posted 19/03/2009, 05:33
The "all play" thing could have been smaller, and a "with" would have been nice before it so it doesn't seem like a completely different game and not the real thing. any "others" sales?
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kopstudent89 posted 27/02/2009, 02:07
i think the all play theme killed the legs, but hey thats my opinion i guess...
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Frinaldo posted 09/02/2009, 07:03
a friend of mine was going to pick this game up for me. When he got back he told me he wasent sure if this was the true 09 version of madden because of the All-Play logo
that might be a reason why the 08 version still sell
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widescreen posted 29/01/2009, 03:10
the crusty box-art for all "All Play" titles puts a cheesy spin on these titles. Has marketing realized that you can be mass-market but you don't need to be kiddie?
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