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Alternative Names

スーパーマリオ オデッセイ


Nintendo EPD



Release Dates

10/27/17 Nintendo
10/27/17 Nintendo
10/27/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 218
Favorite: 52
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 26

Avg Community Rating:


Super Mario Odyssey (NS) > Opinions (39)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+250k last quarter.

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Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+310k last quarter.

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Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:25
+700k in the holiday quarter.

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Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:19
+510k last quarter.

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Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:15
+680k last quarter.

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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:53
+640k last quarter.
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Machina posted 07/02/2023, 09:41
+720k last quarter.

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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 06:00
+470k last quarter.
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CarriedLawyer45 posted 20/10/2020, 09:33
I like this one a lot. It's great that cartoonish games can still exist today...
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bluemlittlem posted 16/01/2019, 10:58
It will probably Outsell Galaxy by the time the Q3 Financial Quarter Report (Dec 30 2018) happens. Best selling 3D Mario game is imminent.
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StreaK posted 30/12/2018, 09:15
How come 3D Mario games don't sell as well as the 2D games? Is it because 2D has more accessible controls? Mario 3D cannot sell like a GTA or Red Dead but in 2D it can pull of crazy numbers. 20+ million.
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xMetroid posted 30/12/2018, 08:35
This will get a huge holiday boost, almost 11 millions after Black friday but it could get close to 12 million by 2019.
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Aidman posted 24/10/2018, 11:38
10 millions
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haxxiy posted 21/09/2018, 03:54
I didn't like it very much, it seemed shorter and less varied than the Galaxy games.
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xboxonefan posted 06/07/2018, 05:42
If retail is dead than explain these sales
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Munchies posted 26/05/2018, 04:17
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friendlyfamine posted 04/03/2018, 06:23
The real question is...when will this hit 10m? That would be an interesting discussion ^^ I wonder if that's possible before E3? Well we still have 20 weeks :) If the Switch is at 20M by E3 (or maybe 22M) that would be such an insane attach rate.
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Flilix posted 04/03/2018, 01:49
It just entered the top 100 best selling games of all time.
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iLikeEggs posted 10/02/2018, 06:29
Masterful game, but wow this new website layout looks like s***. Disgusting and clunky.
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Karolek12 posted 01/02/2018, 08:27
Masterpiece :p
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CrisYoshi posted 31/01/2018, 01:46
Don't stop to play this beautiful game. Love it :)!
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friendlyfamine posted 14/01/2018, 02:19
On media create Odyssey has sold 1.5 mil, which means the game must have sold over 7 million at this point.
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Munchies posted 14/01/2018, 01:02
Destroying the charts.
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Fuzzybearstead posted 20/12/2017, 04:41
Think Im gonna buy this next year with a switch bundle.
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Flilix posted 19/12/2017, 04:35
Including digital, I can see it doing 7 million by the end of the year.
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friendlyfamine posted 15/12/2017, 07:54
WTF 2 million in 2 days. They weren't kidding lol

5 million by the end of the year easy. Although I think Nintendo already implied that happened earlier...maybe 5.5-75M
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Sergio18 posted 14/12/2017, 11:54
Mario and Pokemon are a machine of money
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Munchies posted 14/12/2017, 03:32
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caffeinade posted 14/12/2017, 03:30
Mario is a monster.
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xboxonefan posted 13/12/2017, 09:25
2m opening it might be a 10m seller likes uncharted 4 will soon be
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STARLEZZ posted 10/12/2017, 10:00
OMG Monster opening in USA
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curl-6 posted 10/12/2017, 12:06
X6 bigger US opening than 3D World
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sethnintendo posted 07/12/2017, 08:37
Might as well just put 7m up there.
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OTBWY posted 06/12/2017, 11:08
Totals soon?
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Hibern81 posted 27/11/2017, 02:47
Picked it up on BF, and its pure Mario nirvana. Cant wait till the numbers drop.
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killeryoshis posted 12/10/2017, 09:27
Anything lower than 10 million is lowballing this game.
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Luke888 posted 04/07/2017, 10:28
This can be a 10M seller, Galaxy did it
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NintendoPie posted 19/06/2017, 05:26
Expecting big things from this.
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Goodnightmoon posted 08/02/2017, 04:03
If this is released in Holidays is gonna be epic
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Shipping Total

28,210,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2024

Opinion (39)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+250k last quarter.

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Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+310k last quarter.

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Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:25
+700k in the holiday quarter.

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Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:19
+510k last quarter.

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Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:15
+680k last quarter.

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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:53
+640k last quarter.
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