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Monolith Soft



Release Dates

12/01/17 Nintendo
12/01/17 Nintendo
12/01/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 134
Favorite: 33
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 19

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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (NS) > Opinions (25)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 05:24
+260k in all of 2022.

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KingEidilleg posted 25/12/2022, 05:51
I came back to this site after several years. Seeing someone give this a 1 makes me wonder why I came back .. I'm too old for this sh*t.
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PAOerfulone posted 20/08/2020, 12:53
Ok, I have several questions. First one being: Where the hell are all these updated sales figures for all these First Party Switch games coming from?
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Zeruda-Hime posted 21/01/2019, 01:48
I love this game (350 hours LOL).
I want an another Xenoblade on Switch. :(
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PAOerfulone posted 07/01/2019, 04:20
It was at 1.53 million shipped+digital according to Nintendo by the end of September. It should be close to 2 million as of now.
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Shikamo posted 02/06/2018, 07:07
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xboxonefan posted 31/05/2018, 12:57
1 million
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XD84 posted 30/05/2018, 09:19
1 million achieved. Well done!
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Medisti posted 25/05/2018, 12:11
I know it's sold well over a million if you factor in digital, but I really want this to break the million on VGChartz.
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xMetroid posted 26/02/2018, 10:23
Amazing numbers for the franchise. Hopefully it doesn't plumber too much in 2018 but almost 750k in 1 month is impressive. Looking good for the next MS game
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CrisYoshi posted 24/02/2018, 03:27
Buy this game, it will take time to complete it and you will end up loving it!
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Gamer147 posted 19/02/2018, 05:47
Should break 1 million easy.
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PAOerfulone posted 01/02/2018, 11:51
1.06 million shipped + digital in 1 month!
It's done it!
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Fededx posted 28/01/2018, 05:19
Awesome debut! It still has the rest of December to keep selling close to a million. It has a chance this time of breaking that bar.
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xboxonefan posted 28/01/2018, 02:03
it will be a million seller
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NoirSon posted 27/01/2018, 04:56
A fantastic game, I hope whatever success it has, despite some noticeable flaws, leads to more games of the quality in the franchise.
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Luke888 posted 23/01/2018, 02:27
Hopefully legs will allow it to reach 1.5/2M units sold, the game deserves those sales, the locations and sountrack are simply amazing
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CrisYoshi posted 23/01/2018, 03:23
Good game, great story!!
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xMetroid posted 23/01/2018, 01:43
Almost 500k first week !
It will easily become million seller.
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killeryoshis posted 17/01/2018, 01:08
This game is amazing and better than the first to me. Also I refuse to believe that 1st week american sales are that low.
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bowserthedog posted 16/01/2018, 04:42
Nice first week USA only doing 157k! This game will cruise past 1 million sold.
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Nautilus posted 05/12/2017, 09:13
Everything points out that this game will do better at least on Japan and Europe.XC 2 opened better on UK compared to X, and XC 2 has been doing great on Rakuten and amazon japan.The big question mark is how it will fare on US, its biggest market.But being exactly that, the biggest market for this game, makes this in my opinion a non issue.It will do well regardless(It already sold out on US amazon about threee or four times), so I think its safe to say this will be the first XC to sell well over 1 million units.
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XD84 posted 18/11/2017, 03:47
This should be the first Xenoblade that will sell on one system over a million units on vgchartz.
There are two reasons for my prediction:
- It is the first game that arrives early in the life span of a console.
- It is published on a system that likely will sell in a long-term a lot of units.
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PAOerfulone posted 08/02/2017, 10:21
With this being a new installment, the anime-like facelift, and being on the Switch. I predict this will do 300k in Japan
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Luke888 posted 21/01/2017, 07:14
Why is this scheduled for 2020 ? lol
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Shipping Total

2,700,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (25)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 05:24
+260k in all of 2022.

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KingEidilleg posted 25/12/2022, 05:51
I came back to this site after several years. Seeing someone give this a 1 makes me wonder why I came back .. I'm too old for this sh*t.
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PAOerfulone posted 20/08/2020, 12:53
Ok, I have several questions. First one being: Where the hell are all these updated sales figures for all these First Party Switch games coming from?
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Zeruda-Hime posted 21/01/2019, 01:48
I love this game (350 hours LOL).
I want an another Xenoblade on Switch. :(
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PAOerfulone posted 07/01/2019, 04:20
It was at 1.53 million shipped+digital according to Nintendo by the end of September. It should be close to 2 million as of now.
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Shikamo posted 02/06/2018, 07:07
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