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Alternative Names



Nintendo EPD



Release Dates

06/16/17 Nintendo
06/16/17 Nintendo
06/16/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 46
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


ARMS (NS) > Opinions (31)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+60k in all of 2022.

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tripenfall posted 26/01/2020, 07:54
2 million sales! A great result for a new IP....
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gustave154 posted 22/06/2018, 09:58
Game really deserves a sequel. Great sales for a new IP
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ThisIsRusko posted 20/04/2018, 09:10
let's get this to 2m. i love this game.. and it need a sequal!
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xMetroid posted 23/01/2018, 01:35
It had nice sales in Japan during December, I think the game will 1.4 million before 2018.
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fedfed posted 29/11/2017, 12:29
Finally!!! so well deserved it. new features and modes are great!
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fedfed posted 29/11/2017, 12:29
Finally!!! so well deserved it. new features and modes are great!
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Shikamo posted 24/11/2017, 09:21
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xboxonefan posted 24/11/2017, 04:09
it already sold a million on 2nd of july according to nintendo
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xboxonefan posted 24/11/2017, 04:08
1 million finally
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STARLEZZ posted 23/11/2017, 02:21
1 million
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XD84 posted 23/11/2017, 11:30
Well your wish got fulfilled.
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greencactaur posted 14/11/2017, 09:38
I'd really like a demo of this game. I'm hesitant to purchase it unless I can actually try.
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xboxonefan posted 11/11/2017, 09:45
hopefully this sells 1m before odyssey
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curl-6 posted 27/08/2017, 12:14
I'm pretty sure Nintendo's numbers are always digital + shipped to retailers.
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acdcste posted 26/08/2017, 08:52
I didn't think Nintendo included digital? If we know the figure is 1.18 by close of June even accounting for digital the figure must be in the 850-900k range. Either way the figure seems low on here
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Nuvendil posted 24/08/2017, 12:07
Well the 1.2 mil is shipped+digital and due to the timing they likely shipped a bit extra. So yeah, it's probably under tracked but not as much as you think. Perhaps it is more around 750k? Maybe 800k?
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acdcste posted 22/08/2017, 11:00
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acdcste posted 22/08/2017, 10:59
Nope. Those figures were released in nintendo's quarterly reports so massivelry undertracked here
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acdcste posted 16/08/2017, 12:54
Pretty sure this is under tracked if Nintendo has said it's sold 1.2 million by end of June.
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fedfed posted 14/08/2017, 10:41
I am happy with this game sales!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 12/08/2017, 08:30
It actually sold 1.2 mil in 2 weeks. a mil in one month is not impressive ... haha : D
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 12/08/2017, 08:30
It actually sold 1.2 mil in 2 weeks. a mil in one month is not impressive ... haha : D
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acdcste posted 08/08/2017, 11:50
NoirSon ignore that last comment! That will teach me not to skim read!
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acdcste posted 08/08/2017, 11:48
NoirSon are you sure about that buddy? Nintendo have already confirmed its sold a million units in one month alone.
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Munchies posted 07/08/2017, 06:09
Nice debut!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 07/08/2017, 04:41
Japan and America sitting in a tree.
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NoirSon posted 27/07/2017, 05:55
This does seem like it will wind up out performing most other traditional fighting games which is funny.
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Goodnightmoon posted 26/07/2017, 12:40
Nintendo confirms 1.2m for the first 2 weeks, amazing performance, who said it was overhyped? :P
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 12/07/2017, 11:22
wtf this control scheme is so weird it's so hard to move around freely. I just got this game and i've been beaten on difficulty 3 tournament like 7 matches.
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Luke888 posted 24/05/2017, 08:50
Yay! First appearance on the USA preorders and it still has 8 weeks to go, hopefully it can have a great launch in the West since it seems to be struggling in Japan, still the Testpunch should give it a boost !
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Shipping Total

2,720,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (31)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 03:09
+60k in all of 2022.

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tripenfall posted 26/01/2020, 07:54
2 million sales! A great result for a new IP....
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gustave154 posted 22/06/2018, 09:58
Game really deserves a sequel. Great sales for a new IP
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ThisIsRusko posted 20/04/2018, 09:10
let's get this to 2m. i love this game.. and it need a sequal!
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xMetroid posted 23/01/2018, 01:35
It had nice sales in Japan during December, I think the game will 1.4 million before 2018.
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fedfed posted 29/11/2017, 12:29
Finally!!! so well deserved it. new features and modes are great!
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