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Nintendo EPD



Release Dates

07/21/17 Nintendo
07/21/17 Nintendo
07/21/17 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 101
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 2
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Splatoon 2 (NS) > Opinions (32)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 11:44
+300k in the last 9 months of 2022.

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KLAMarine posted 25/11/2019, 08:26
I remember when some predicted Splatoon 1 selling sub 1 million...

I'm very proud of our little inklings.
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Aidman posted 02/11/2019, 10:26
LT sales may reach 10 million.
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Aidman posted 28/01/2019, 03:33
December 29th : 7 millions ^_^
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Mentore posted 03/06/2018, 07:52
Gears is in decline, Uncharted is over, Splatoon is the new king of TPS.
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Salnax posted 23/04/2018, 04:02
Assuming these sales are not undertracked, this is still one of the best selling third person shooters of all time anyway, especially on a single platform. For context, the Gears of War trilogy sold in the 6 to 7 million range each.
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ThisIsRusko posted 16/04/2018, 04:11
outsold Splatoon1 congrats.
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Seacliff posted 17/01/2018, 05:45
It's been confirmed to surpass 2 Million in Japan alone.
Might be close to surpassing the first game at this point, if it hadn't already.
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 11/11/2017, 07:30
@lasershow that's what I'm thinking. I'm pretty sure their Japanese tracking is more or less fairly accurate, that 670k number is *fairly accurate for first week, and follow weeks look correct. They must not have thought that NA and Europe would make up a lot of sales for this game .... I think it's probably mostly undertracked in NA and a bit in EU
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lasershow posted 09/11/2017, 01:10
How can this be so undertracked?
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 01/11/2017, 08:57
I'll admit, I thought it was undertracked, but only by a couple of hundred thousands. Finding out that it sold possibly 1.4 million + more than VGChartz estimates will probably be on the 30th ... WOW! Way off!

I wonder where it's undertracked the most though? Aren't VGChartz using Famitsu or Media Crate for the Japanese sales? If so, then I honestly think this is probably mostly undertracked in America. I'm sure the game is much bigger here than a mere 500k. Probably a fair bit undertracked in Europe too
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Nuvendil posted 30/10/2017, 11:03
Yep, substantially undertracked to the surprise of no one.
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PAOerfulone posted 30/10/2017, 08:24

3.61 million as of September 30th.
It's lookin' like this game is undertracked by quite a lot.

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Munchies posted 18/10/2017, 02:17
2 million!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 06/10/2017, 07:15
Wow. This week's U.K. sales are only 3k behind U.S. will probably sell 1.87 mil for the 19th of august!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 02/10/2017, 10:56
Sales for the 5th week have come in. 27k. This game might actually have pretty good sales in the U.S. ... it looks like legs may keep going. We'll see if it has the legs of Splatoon 1.
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curl-6 posted 27/09/2017, 04:39
I knew Splatoon was big is JP but I really underestimated just how much of its sales would come from there. More than 55% from one country, it's crazy
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killeryoshis posted 25/09/2017, 08:53
I think Mario Kart is next unless Mario Odyssey beats it there.
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Darwinianevolution posted 25/09/2017, 06:32
Wow, a million units sold in Japan (retail+digital). Is this the first Switch million seller in Japan? How long is it going to take until another game reaches that milestone over there?
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 19/09/2017, 08:42
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Nuvendil posted 18/09/2017, 11:02
Remember when the first game would be lucky to break 250k lifetime? :P
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Salnax posted 12/09/2017, 01:49
How to become Japan's #1 Switch game in a single day.
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dan_banan posted 11/09/2017, 08:04
global total as of 22nd july.. release date: 21st july... = 1.1 million in one day? am i reading this right? :O
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Nautilus posted 11/09/2017, 12:17
Hmmm it did well everywhere, and phenomenal on Japan.It is my wishful thinking, but NA seems a bit low.Hopefully its undertracked!
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Green098 posted 09/09/2017, 10:09
Splatoon 2 did well more than double the original did in it's first week and on a much smaller install base too. With the legs this game is known for I can see it doing 10 mil+ lifetime.
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Rob5VGC posted 09/09/2017, 09:10
1 million!
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 09/09/2017, 08:08
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AngryLittleAlchemist posted 05/09/2017, 10:44
Not by much? It oustold it by 100k units.
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Munchies posted 05/09/2017, 04:04
Outsold the first game's debut in the US but not by much.
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NintendoPie posted 20/07/2017, 04:58
Should outsell FY Japanese sales within its first few weeks there. Exciting times.
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Shikamo posted 23/03/2017, 07:56
that game will be HUGE in Japan
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Luke888 posted 15/01/2017, 09:03
OMG, already in here ? I'm hyped for this game, it'll be my first Splatoon, kinda sad to not get the opportunity to do that amazing boss battle from Splatoon 1 tho
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Shipping Total

13,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (32)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 11:44
+300k in the last 9 months of 2022.

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KLAMarine posted 25/11/2019, 08:26
I remember when some predicted Splatoon 1 selling sub 1 million...

I'm very proud of our little inklings.
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Aidman posted 02/11/2019, 10:26
LT sales may reach 10 million.
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Aidman posted 28/01/2019, 03:33
December 29th : 7 millions ^_^
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Mentore posted 03/06/2018, 07:52
Gears is in decline, Uncharted is over, Splatoon is the new king of TPS.
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Salnax posted 23/04/2018, 04:02
Assuming these sales are not undertracked, this is still one of the best selling third person shooters of all time anyway, especially on a single platform. For context, the Gears of War trilogy sold in the 6 to 7 million range each.
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