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Release Dates

01/01/92 LucasArts
(Add Date)
01/01/92 LucasArts

Community Stats

Owners: 51
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Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (PC) > Opinions (5)

dystopia posted 10/06/2011, 03:04
Out of all the great LucasArts adventure games this one still stands out as the best.
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Liquid Ocelot posted 27/03/2008, 08:44
My favorite adventure game still. 10/10
This is the what the fourth Indy movie should have been.
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FunKrusher posted 11/02/2008, 07:59
WOW I remember this game! I never finished it. I couldn't get past Atlantis and the part with those damn gold balls. Wow, this brings back memories though.
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okr posted 10/02/2008, 01:06
The 3rd best adventure, IMO, right behind Monkey Island I&II and Day of the Tentacle.
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el_ciprés posted 09/02/2008, 10:41
10/10, there is just no way to make it better
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Shipping Total

1,000,000 Units
As of: 2012

Opinion (5)

dystopia posted 10/06/2011, 03:04
Out of all the great LucasArts adventure games this one still stands out as the best.
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Liquid Ocelot posted 27/03/2008, 08:44
My favorite adventure game still. 10/10
This is the what the fourth Indy movie should have been.
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FunKrusher posted 11/02/2008, 07:59
WOW I remember this game! I never finished it. I couldn't get past Atlantis and the part with those damn gold balls. Wow, this brings back memories though.
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okr posted 10/02/2008, 01:06
The 3rd best adventure, IMO, right behind Monkey Island I&II and Day of the Tentacle.
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el_ciprés posted 09/02/2008, 10:41
10/10, there is just no way to make it better
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