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Bethesda Softworks



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All, PC, PS3, X360

Release Dates

11/17/17 Bethesda Softworks
02/01/18 Bethesda Softworks
11/17/17 Bethesda Softworks

Community Stats

Owners: 53
Favorite: 7
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 8

Avg Community Rating:


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (NS) > Opinions (23)

xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
1 million
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:17
1 Mil this one too! Yuppie!
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alejollorente10 posted 24/08/2018, 02:15
Sales of Skyrim were adjusted downwards by almost 16,000 units. The million will have to wait another week or two.
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alejollorente10 posted 13/08/2018, 05:11
Can this overcome the Xbox One version? A man can only dream.
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oniyide posted 01/08/2018, 09:08
no matter where this game ends up it sells....crazy
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oniyide posted 01/08/2018, 09:08

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Mentore posted 06/06/2018, 06:24
Currently playing this game on switch. Game is very enjoyable. I hope the next entry also makes it to the switch.
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paper_gangsta17 posted 03/04/2018, 03:31
The port that could, selling far better than i thought it would, would love to see this eventually hitting a million
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Stuart23 posted 04/03/2018, 12:41
Say what you want,but for a first year those sales were amazing. Now we just have to wait for how long it'll take until it reaches a million.
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xMetroid posted 26/02/2018, 10:20
Another great week.
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CrisYoshi posted 24/02/2018, 03:30
My next purchase. I never had the opportunity to play it before and I have only read good comments. Great sales, too!
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bowserthedog posted 23/02/2018, 09:00
Its now reached 500k.. Will go beyond before the end of 2018!
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bowserthedog posted 23/02/2018, 09:00
Add another 45k.. Another strong week in USA!
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GorillaQc posted 06/02/2018, 06:05
Pretty good sales, and i'm expecting good sales again when the price drops as i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one that will wait for that to buy it, a lot of people played it multiple times and don't want to pay full price again.
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NoirSon posted 27/01/2018, 05:02
I can't wait to see how this does in Japan. The western RPGs and games in general have made strides since the original release, I think it has the potential to do very well there compared to even the original release.
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xMetroid posted 23/01/2018, 01:34
It will reach 500k physical before 2018 which is amazing.
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Shikamo posted 23/01/2018, 01:24
Damn, 300k+ in 3 weeks
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bowserthedog posted 16/01/2018, 04:40
According the this latest charts this game sold probably around 35,000 USA only So likely the same as week two for all North America combined. I expect to see robust legs through christmas.
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Stuart23 posted 14/01/2018, 11:58
This game was doing amazing on Amazon in december,I expect some really big legs for this one.
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bowserthedog posted 14/01/2018, 05:12
Would fully expect this title to surpass 1 million sold lifetime.
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TimothyDalton posted 07/01/2018, 10:32
Excellent, beat Skyrim VR. And highly placed on the eshop too. Maybe Fallout 4 next...
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Redguy posted 07/01/2018, 10:26
154k is not too bad for its first week
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curl-6 posted 07/01/2018, 10:12
Nice opening; million seller lifetime for sure.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (23)

1 n/a 91,264 40,262 22,347 153,873
2 n/a 38,223 31,748 10,252 80,223
3 n/a 37,072 21,140 9,364 67,576
4 n/a 41,574 18,052 10,162 69,788
5 n/a 54,921 16,248 12,970 84,139
6 n/a 45,407 20,824 11,166 77,397
7 n/a 6,321 18,838 2,511 27,670
8 n/a 6,429 10,041 2,007 18,477
9 n/a 7,499 8,053 2,121 17,673
10 n/a 7,123 6,170 1,925 15,218
xboxonefan posted 05/09/2018, 09:36
1 million
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fedfed posted 05/09/2018, 02:17
1 Mil this one too! Yuppie!
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alejollorente10 posted 24/08/2018, 02:15
Sales of Skyrim were adjusted downwards by almost 16,000 units. The million will have to wait another week or two.
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alejollorente10 posted 13/08/2018, 05:11
Can this overcome the Xbox One version? A man can only dream.
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oniyide posted 01/08/2018, 09:08
no matter where this game ends up it sells....crazy
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oniyide posted 01/08/2018, 09:08

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