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Release Dates

01/01/94 Microprose
(Add Date)
01/01/94 Microprose

Community Stats

Owners: 11
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Master of Magic (PC) > Opinions (4)

salaminizer posted 27/04/2010, 05:55
bought it today on and played it for the FIRST TIME EVER.
I've read that it was basically Civ in a fantasy setting (like what Fall From Heaven 2 is), but I didn't know it wasn't simply "basically" Civ, but TOTALLY.

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Bitmap Frogs posted 09/12/2008, 08:54
So much fun.
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okr posted 24/02/2008, 12:19
Gern geschehen.
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el_ciprés posted 23/02/2008, 11:31
never believed i whould find MoMagic on VGChratz, thank you okr (:
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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (4)

salaminizer posted 27/04/2010, 05:55
bought it today on and played it for the FIRST TIME EVER.
I've read that it was basically Civ in a fantasy setting (like what Fall From Heaven 2 is), but I didn't know it wasn't simply "basically" Civ, but TOTALLY.

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Bitmap Frogs posted 09/12/2008, 08:54
So much fun.
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okr posted 24/02/2008, 12:19
Gern geschehen.
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el_ciprés posted 23/02/2008, 11:31
never believed i whould find MoMagic on VGChratz, thank you okr (:
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