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Clover Studio



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Wii, Series, All

Release Dates

09/19/06 Capcom
04/20/06 Capcom
02/09/07 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 300
Favorite: 40
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 8
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


Okami (PS2) > Opinions (46)

iLikeEggs posted 06/04/2016, 01:55
One of the best, most beautiful games of all time.
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thewastedyouth posted 12/12/2013, 03:14
rip clover studio
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Turkish posted 19/06/2012, 12:12
PS2 version is the best version
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Iveyboi posted 01/08/2011, 03:12
Best game ever
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Galvanizer posted 20/05/2011, 07:52
Work of art.
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/04/2011, 03:24
One of the best and most beautiful games ever created and I'm not exaggerating a bit!
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Ahro posted 01/04/2011, 05:16
This game was brilliant and deserves so much more than what it got. Show support for the Okami series and check out Okamiden as well!
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Kinneas14 posted 25/01/2011, 04:37
I found this boring. That's my opinion, but I must say that this game is art!
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kivi95 posted 11/12/2010, 10:08
was this just released in Japan?
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Wei_to_Dawn posted 04/11/2010, 05:18
Most undderrated game ever
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trashleg posted 27/01/2010, 01:07
just started playing this yesterday.

friggin love it.
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vic_viper posted 12/12/2009, 11:33
Luckily the FPS playing proles are confined to the NA region, generally speaking. At anyrate, it's depressing to see brilliant treasures like Okami, selling so poorly.
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DarkFury posted 07/10/2009, 07:38
I always get depressed when I come to this page and see the awful sales figures.
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nomorehalo posted 03/10/2009, 09:46
Wikipedia says "By March 2007, the total sales of the PlayStation 2 version were near 270,000."

I believe the game became greatest hits last year (which was when I bought it), so you're looking at 300K in sales.
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reaver_x posted 11/07/2009, 08:53

agree 100% ppl always seem to ignore the good games and play the same old overrated crap
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ithis posted 16/03/2009, 04:26
Only Japan is in that number. Would be interesting to know how much it really sold.
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danielhiru posted 05/03/2009, 01:57
Loved this game 10/10 such and epic awesome game
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 28/01/2009, 05:01
@ Kos-mos

i definitely agree. its because the masses think FPS are the only amazing games out there and don't bother to look at anything else
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Cheebee posted 25/01/2009, 01:46
So wait, this game sold only 150k on an install base of 120 million...? :o That's INSANE! It's also interesting that it actually sold more on Wii... :s
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 28/11/2008, 11:37
This game sold mroe in US than Japan...shoudl be 300k+ worldwide.
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Kos-mos posted 22/11/2008, 08:03
It`s always the best games that sell least copies. Just look at the sales of this perfect game, and how many gta sell, and you`ll figure it out.

And if you think gta is good, you should expand yer mind.

The majority are always wrong.

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Levi posted 26/09/2008, 11:38
I wonder if the PS2 version of Okami will get a little boost in sales since the game is a greatist hits now.
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Okain posted 23/09/2008, 10:29
I am displeased that we will probably never see a sequel to this game...
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SaviorX posted 27/07/2008, 12:35
Wikipedia says this is at 200k in NA, and 270k as of March 07'.
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MontanaHatchet posted 17/05/2008, 05:18
No, not really. It was much more popular in NA than in Japan, but the game was incredibly unpopular in PAL.
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Leni posted 16/05/2008, 05:58
if it sold 0.15 in each NA and Europe, it's good!!
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Aidman posted 14/05/2008, 08:44
what the hell is going on ? I've just neaten Zack & Wiki which is very good game and I start to play Okami this game is definitly a master-peice so what happans I mean Zelda TP current sales are beatin' Okami Wii sales is this normal ? Am I dreamin' or something like that wake me up please!!!
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NYANKS posted 07/05/2008, 01:05
This game got criminally low sales. Damn, such a good game! :D
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NintendoMan posted 07/04/2008, 06:47
why is there no data for europe or america, also wasnt this game at 0.26 million before the database got its redesign
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Skanderbeg posted 21/03/2008, 12:09

It was released in Europe but all I can say is that the game was practically ignored...(I'm talking about Italy).

Ps : Very great game!
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 01:31
Nevermind, I guess it was!
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 01:29
You love me too much to do that.

Also, I don't think the game was released in Europe.
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Riot Of The Blood posted 13/02/2008, 12:12
I should rate this game a 1 just so I can see Montana go leo-j/Lost Tears.
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sexybeast posted 13/02/2008, 05:21
FYI, data only includes Japan, not US/EU/Others
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 01:49
Shutup about the Wii version and proclaim this game's greatness!
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MeowTheMouse posted 17/01/2008, 03:21
Wow ?
why the low sales ??
im so hyped for the wii version.. im sure it will do better..
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/01/2008, 08:01
I'd put worldwide sales in the 400-500k range.
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Charles01 posted 18/12/2007, 05:37
Anyone know what the WW sales are approximately?

Im just wondering wether wii sales will be higher or not.
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naznatips posted 01/12/2007, 11:19
I played it on PS2 and I want the Wii version. As long as it's budget priced anyway.
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Neos posted 25/11/2007, 10:29

i haven't played it yet, so yea..
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tendoboy1984 posted 26/10/2007, 12:06
I don't understand why Capcom is porting this game over to Wii. Most people who already played it on PS2 don't want a Wii version of the exact same game. Capcom should be making a sequel instead of a port of the original.

So many amazing PS2 games, too bad most of them are ending up on Wii now. Wait, that's a good thing! If only Capcom made a Wii version of Devil May Cry (maybe they could release the entire trilogy in a box set)... That would be amazing!
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MontanaHatchet posted 14/08/2007, 06:12 sold a lot more than that.

Just see my avatar. My favorite game of all time, just barely beating Bully.
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soccerdrew17 posted 19/06/2007, 03:47
needs more dungeons and a much improved fighting systems, but i absolutely loved it. most beautiful game ever created.
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naznatips posted 18/06/2007, 06:26
If it hadn't been so easy and if the combat wasn't instanced in those little fight bubbles, this may have been in my top 5 games of all time. Still amazing (gives it a 9)
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NightStalker posted 17/06/2007, 05:33
I really liked this game, but I feel it lost a lot of steam toward the middle. It picked up again near the end, though, and finished off at a good note. Definitely one of the best games for the PS2.
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ckmlb posted 16/06/2007, 08:05
One of the best games ever created by man :)
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Shipping Total

270,000 Units
As of: 2008

Opinion (46)

iLikeEggs posted 06/04/2016, 01:55
One of the best, most beautiful games of all time.
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thewastedyouth posted 12/12/2013, 03:14
rip clover studio
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Turkish posted 19/06/2012, 12:12
PS2 version is the best version
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Iveyboi posted 01/08/2011, 03:12
Best game ever
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Galvanizer posted 20/05/2011, 07:52
Work of art.
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/04/2011, 03:24
One of the best and most beautiful games ever created and I'm not exaggerating a bit!
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