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4J Studios



Other Versions

3DS, All, And, iOS, PC, PS3, PS4, PSV, Series, WiiU, X360, XOne

Release Dates

06/21/18 Mojang
06/21/18 Microsoft Studios
06/21/18 Mojang

Community Stats

Owners: 12
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 3

Avg Community Rating:


Minecraft (NS) > Opinions (8)

FarleyMcFirefly posted 09/05/2023, 08:20
With over 3 million physical in Japan, I wonder how close to 10 million this is.
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Shikamo posted 24/12/2018, 02:20
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curl-6 posted 20/11/2018, 01:21
Wonder how much this has sold including digital, probably well over 2 million
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TheBird posted 17/08/2018, 09:55
If it maintains these sales, and then gets a boost in the holiday season it will hit 1-2 million. Probably already at 2 million on digital.
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/08/2018, 05:05
This will reach a million on retail soon.
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TheBird posted 08/08/2018, 09:41
Might buy a copy for the sake of having it in my physical collection. Already own the digital version, but I like to physically own some games.
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Paatar posted 07/08/2018, 08:38
Why are there no NA sales? It released the 21st of June here.
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KrspaceT posted 16/01/2018, 01:48
What are the odds Mojang/Microsoft reveals digital sale figures?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (8)

1 63,754 n/a 15,111 907 79,772
2 26,637 29,420 22,650 7,784 86,491
3 20,654 11,843 15,751 3,532 51,780
4 16,468 10,609 13,245 3,111 43,433
5 16,902 12,808 14,955 3,695 48,360
6 17,381 8,104 15,505 2,700 43,690
7 16,183 7,175 13,025 2,348 38,731
8 18,293 8,047 11,941 2,473 40,754
9 23,701 8,167 9,535 2,355 43,758
10 17,805 6,992 11,452 2,214 38,463
FarleyMcFirefly posted 09/05/2023, 08:20
With over 3 million physical in Japan, I wonder how close to 10 million this is.
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Shikamo posted 24/12/2018, 02:20
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curl-6 posted 20/11/2018, 01:21
Wonder how much this has sold including digital, probably well over 2 million
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TheBird posted 17/08/2018, 09:55
If it maintains these sales, and then gets a boost in the holiday season it will hit 1-2 million. Probably already at 2 million on digital.
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/08/2018, 05:05
This will reach a million on retail soon.
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TheBird posted 08/08/2018, 09:41
Might buy a copy for the sake of having it in my physical collection. Already own the digital version, but I like to physically own some games.
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