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Paradox Interactive



Release Dates

08/22/07 GamersGate
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Europa Universalis III: Napoleon's Ambition (PC) > Opinions (2)

Strategyking92 posted 02/02/2009, 10:17
hmmm, In Nomine is supposed to make it better. After playing this a couple times, you start to notice flaws. This, however, this did a great job. A good expansion.
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Strategyking92 posted 15/03/2008, 07:44
this is actually the thing that perfects europa universalis III, you NEED this to have the perfect game. The A.I. Is so much better!
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Opinion (2)

Strategyking92 posted 02/02/2009, 10:17
hmmm, In Nomine is supposed to make it better. After playing this a couple times, you start to notice flaws. This, however, this did a great job. A good expansion.
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Strategyking92 posted 15/03/2008, 07:44
this is actually the thing that perfects europa universalis III, you NEED this to have the perfect game. The A.I. Is so much better!
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