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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Baroque for Wii

バロック for Wii





Other Versions


Release Dates

04/08/08 Atlus
03/13/08 Sting
08/29/08 Rising Star

Community Stats

Owners: 27
Favorite: 1
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 7
Now Playing: 2

Avg Community Rating:


Baroque (Wii) > Opinions (16)

palancas7 posted 16/12/2009, 04:32
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VivaLaWiida posted 14/12/2009, 08:09
Okay I'm taking back my comment. This game sucks.
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VivaLaWiida posted 13/12/2009, 11:12
The graphics aren't as bad as many are stating. I think this game is quite good.. The music is horrible, the plot is interesting but confusing, the gameplay is okay but it makes fun and that's all what matters.
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VivaLaWiida posted 12/12/2009, 11:26
Just started playing it.. very weird story and the plot scares me somehow..
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noname2200 posted 12/09/2009, 09:20
Now this is a bomba!

I did my part though...when it dropped to $10... >_>
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gustave154 posted 22/08/2009, 11:43
1k only...
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snyperdud posted 21/07/2009, 07:31
Sales aren't good apparently.
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arsenal009 posted 06/12/2008, 03:09
What happened to sales #s?
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SaviorX posted 25/10/2008, 06:59
I guess they'll stop making Sega Saturn ports now.......
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rudyrsr8 posted 19/04/2008, 03:44
That is a very low start anyone know why?
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Kenology posted 11/04/2008, 01:14
Why do we have two listings for this game?
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11ht11 posted 11/04/2008, 12:28
it just came out yesterday the sales will be on next week, i hope lol
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Diglet posted 10/04/2008, 03:01
wheres states sales?
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11ht11 posted 08/04/2008, 11:28
despite nintendo powers review, another review said this game was good,

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Kenology posted 07/04/2008, 06:31
Comes out tomorrow in the States. I wanna check it out. Just need to know if it's any good first.
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Man posted 04/04/2008, 07:38
hehehe could this be the worst selling game ever?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (16)

1 660 n/a n/a 660
2 272 n/a n/a 272
3 140 n/a n/a 140
4 90 n/a n/a 90
5 n/a 1,371 n/a 242 1,613
6 n/a 619 n/a 109 728
7 n/a 290 n/a 51 341
8 n/a 263 n/a 45 308
9 n/a 119 n/a 21 140
10 n/a 88 n/a 14 102
palancas7 posted 16/12/2009, 04:32
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VivaLaWiida posted 14/12/2009, 08:09
Okay I'm taking back my comment. This game sucks.
Message | Report
VivaLaWiida posted 13/12/2009, 11:12
The graphics aren't as bad as many are stating. I think this game is quite good.. The music is horrible, the plot is interesting but confusing, the gameplay is okay but it makes fun and that's all what matters.
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VivaLaWiida posted 12/12/2009, 11:26
Just started playing it.. very weird story and the plot scares me somehow..
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noname2200 posted 12/09/2009, 09:20
Now this is a bomba!

I did my part though...when it dropped to $10... >_>
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gustave154 posted 22/08/2009, 11:43
1k only...
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