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Turn 10 Studios



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Release Dates

10/03/17 Microsoft Studios
09/28/17 Microsoft Studios
10/03/17 Microsoft Studios

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Forza Motorsport 7 (XOne) > Opinions (19)

Masked_Muchaco posted 30/12/2018, 11:04
@TheBird Forza 7 also introduced dynamic weather and day/night cicles.
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TheBird posted 05/08/2018, 03:57
Forza 8's biggest marketing tool will be the Gamepass. They can't possibly add in any new innovations this late into the console generation. Forza 5 had the console launch, Forza 6 had weather, Forza 7 had the Xbox One X, and Forza 8 will have Gamepass. Each title with graphical improvements as hardware optimization happens.
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/06/2018, 12:50
Now that MS is pushing a subscription service, I don't expect Forza to take a year off.

I predict in 2019, Forza 8 will be used to push the Gamepass.
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TheBird posted 19/04/2018, 04:58
A very amazing racing game that i had a blast playing this year, and looking forward to Horizon 4 and whatever roads it brings me to. I really wish they would give the Motorsport series a break and give Project Gotham a chance at the wheel again. Not as popular, but it would be good for the Xbox One.
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hunter_alien posted 11/02/2018, 06:31
Great racers canibalized eachother sales. PC2, GTS, NFS and this were just to much and pretty much all underperformed. To bad, as Forza 7 looks genuinly amazing.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/01/2018, 12:23
If the legs hold up this may be around a million when all the 2017 numbers are in.

Not bad considering the modest opening and trash talk.

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LuzerkBR posted 03/01/2018, 04:37
Sergio says that Forza is not taken seriously, but I think he is the one here that shouldn't be taken seriously, considering his "arguments". The way he talks, only disdaining this Forza as if it was a failure and a terrible game just shows that he is a very desperate fanboy. Dude, just go play on whichever platform you like, but don't just badmouth games from the platform you dislike without having reasonable arguments and being disrespectful.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/01/2018, 08:14
On a side note, I played the Project Cars 2 demo on X1, that game is hideous on X1.

I'm sure there arguments to be made why its technically superior, such as lighting, weather, maybe realism, etc. But I've never seen a game on modern consoles that looks so pixelated, lots of screen tear, effects quality seems low, etc.

I've seen PC footage and its impressive. But its hard to recommend a game on consoles in that state. They should have capped it at 30 fps and fixed the presentation.
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Mr Puggsly posted 31/12/2017, 04:23
Okay sergio, I'm sure none of your views has anything to do with the platform its on.

I'm not gonna even argue, it did great ciritcially and you just have to accept it. You would also have to assume the critics arent new to the genre.

It should be past 500K in the next update. Forza tends to have decent legs which should push it over a million in the not far future.
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Sergio18 posted 21/12/2017, 11:40
Mr Puggsly ... Are you serious? Ok, you may like it more, but GT Sport and PC2 are the best car games of the year, PC2 for simulation and GT Sport for innovation, Forza is just quantity, in other things it is way below both, and online it's horrible, in no car forum they take it seriously, in the game award they gave the car game of the year prize because the analysts do not have a fucking idea, just to tell you that they used the camera outside and judged the simulation hahahaha

It has not exceeded half a million, it is worse failure than I thought

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Mr Puggsly posted 19/12/2017, 08:04
@ Sergio18 - Overrated? Is there a better racing sim on consoles I'm not aware of?

Maybe there are some other notable games, but as a whole this is still one of the best racing games around.

Gears 4 and Halo 5 also reviewed well because they're still notable games even if lacking in some areas.
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Sergio18 posted 14/12/2017, 11:58
Absolute failure and overrated game.

Need a break, need innovate, the same game under more than 10 years.

Halo, GOW 4 and Forza are in decadence
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/11/2017, 08:20
I think annual is fine because it still crushes all other racers on Xbox. The quality isnt declining either, FM7 reviewed very well and should have solid legs.

If they take a year off though I wkuld hope its to create something very ambitious.
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oniyide posted 29/11/2017, 08:04
he said series, not sub
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ironmanDX posted 29/11/2017, 04:44
Motorsport is biannual...
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Kerotan posted 29/11/2017, 02:15
Think it's time for the series to become bi annual
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spacedelete posted 26/11/2017, 10:57
laughable sales. this is what happens when you milk any franchise for too long and that goes to other franchises as well. people will eventually get sick of that stale milk.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/11/2017, 06:17
Its not a massive update to the predecessor, its basically leaning on the X1X upgrades. Should do well though.
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DialgaMarine posted 23/11/2017, 04:45
I wonder if these are just day 1 sales? This looks like the weakest launch in the franchise’s history.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (19)

1 1,641 89,832 93,318 25,217 210,008
2 477 35,552 35,223 9,877 81,129
3 258 24,447 20,932 6,595 52,232
4 229 23,920 21,621 6,521 52,291
5 195 21,863 26,448 6,362 54,868
6 174 26,176 34,646 7,795 68,791
7 168 22,985 24,006 6,461 53,620
8 151 33,083 89,094 12,570 134,898
9 159 37,695 54,159 11,482 103,495
10 140 33,975 22,157 8,750 65,022
Masked_Muchaco posted 30/12/2018, 11:04
@TheBird Forza 7 also introduced dynamic weather and day/night cicles.
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TheBird posted 05/08/2018, 03:57
Forza 8's biggest marketing tool will be the Gamepass. They can't possibly add in any new innovations this late into the console generation. Forza 5 had the console launch, Forza 6 had weather, Forza 7 had the Xbox One X, and Forza 8 will have Gamepass. Each title with graphical improvements as hardware optimization happens.
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/06/2018, 12:50
Now that MS is pushing a subscription service, I don't expect Forza to take a year off.

I predict in 2019, Forza 8 will be used to push the Gamepass.
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TheBird posted 19/04/2018, 04:58
A very amazing racing game that i had a blast playing this year, and looking forward to Horizon 4 and whatever roads it brings me to. I really wish they would give the Motorsport series a break and give Project Gotham a chance at the wheel again. Not as popular, but it would be good for the Xbox One.
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hunter_alien posted 11/02/2018, 06:31
Great racers canibalized eachother sales. PC2, GTS, NFS and this were just to much and pretty much all underperformed. To bad, as Forza 7 looks genuinly amazing.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/01/2018, 12:23
If the legs hold up this may be around a million when all the 2017 numbers are in.

Not bad considering the modest opening and trash talk.

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