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Harmonix Music Systems



Other Versions

X360, PS3, PS2, All, Series

Release Dates

06/22/08 MTV Games
09/12/08 MTV Games

Community Stats

Owners: 37
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Rock Band (Wii) > Opinions (42)

atma998 posted 10/04/2011, 06:02
2.02M! Nice.
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SJGohan3972 posted 30/06/2009, 05:32
Its great that this is over 1.25mil without even including Others numbers.
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WiiBox3 posted 14/01/2009, 04:57
Amazing how good the sales are 3 weeks after RB2 is out for the Wii.
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TheConduit posted 02/01/2009, 04:17
Considering the sales this game had in America they should consider bringing it to others and Japan before Guitar hero completely dominates in these territories.
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TheConduit posted 30/12/2008, 02:39
Beat out the 360 version.
Dont fight the Wii with casual games such as this.
You just lose
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 05:47
wow reading these comments is fun... people actually thought this game would be lucky to see sales of 500k... lol
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CONMAN15 posted 21/12/2008, 10:38
I dont think this one deserves such great sales. I'm happy to GH WT selling much faster.

I'd like to see RB2 sell really good too. I may get that seeing as I have the full GHWT band kit.
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MarioGalaxy posted 21/12/2008, 09:23
What about european sells???
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Kenology posted 21/12/2008, 07:00
Rockband 2 is gonna be a million seller too if this and GH:WT are any indication. This game should start to taper off when the sequel hits.
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shokenchi posted 21/12/2008, 02:14
34th million seller on wii.
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arsenal009 posted 20/12/2008, 02:43
Came out 7 months after ps3 version & still outsold it. That's just incredible.
What's more incredible though is that EA still decide to delay the launch of the 2nd one on the Wii.
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Zucas posted 14/12/2008, 05:04
Not bad at all. And yes million seller next week. Never under estimate big mainstream titles on Wii boys.
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Kenology posted 14/12/2008, 02:21
Gaddamn, this is at a million next week.
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Chrizum posted 13/12/2008, 11:47
Wow, million seller next week...
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Zucas posted 04/12/2008, 06:12
Kinda funny. ON Black Friday week this sold more than Rock Band 2 on 360 haha. I mean its funny right. Will go platinum no problem and pass up the PS3 version pretty soon. It's a shame this didn't launch with the PS360 ones becuase it could be around 360 sales if it did.
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Zucas posted 28/11/2008, 03:27
Well it's just as I predicted. More than likely the core gamers are buying this game because its cheaper and then using the instruments for Rock Band 2 purchase later this year. And mainstream buys are just ramping up for the holidays. This should be able to go platinum even without E/O were it probably sold about 20k to 40k.
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Chrizum posted 28/11/2008, 12:10
Selling more in its 22nd week then in its 5th week. And that's after Guitar Hero World Tour.

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kopstudent89 posted 29/10/2008, 04:26
first wek sales of this beat PS3's Rockband 2... interesting...
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Zucas posted 16/10/2008, 01:25
Hmm ya know this might actually not get taken down much by Rock Band 2 considering people will jsut buy the game and not have to get the instruments to play the songs there. It's a longshot in my head but it is a probability considering more Wii gamers, especially teh core, are apt to buy the second and then pick up the 1st for those reasons. While of course the mainstream will buy the 2nd one anyway and continue to purchase this title.
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brk00 posted 08/10/2008, 05:53
Going Gold!!!!
And it´s just in USA!

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sebbbbe posted 05/10/2008, 12:15
This game released last week here in Germany. So I don't know what you're talking about!
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arsenal009 posted 05/10/2008, 02:04
yet another game not being tracked in others :(
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Zucas posted 30/09/2008, 05:01
So why isn't this being tracked in others. It released a couple of weeks ago.
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brk00 posted 29/09/2008, 06:51
One more week and it reaches 500k.


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Zucas posted 16/09/2008, 12:06
still going strong. Once again my predictions based off trends continue to be gold haha. Others should try it every now and then haha.
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Voltaire posted 31/08/2008, 11:44
I hope GHWT blows this out of the water.
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RockSmith372 posted 06/08/2008, 06:37

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thetonestarr posted 05/08/2008, 01:37
What that means is that the strumbar will feel and work more like the Guitar Hero strumbar.
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RockSmith372 posted 24/07/2008, 04:23
and the strumbar will be less "squishy"
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RockSmith372 posted 24/07/2008, 04:22
ya thetonestarr

On RockBand 2, according to gameinformer issue 184 if you want to take a look, that the new guitar will be a sunburst strat with frets that don't click as loud and a metal reinforced drum pedal and new pads so drums won't be as loud
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thetonestarr posted 21/07/2008, 02:59
Okay, the guitar, being wireless, is indeed better than the other versions. As for the actual controller itself, it plays and feels *exactly* like the other versions. Shame, really, that they didn't take the time to improve the strumbar. =/
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thetonestarr posted 20/07/2008, 01:53
Drums are higher quality than PS2/PS3/360 versions. Haven't toyed with the guitar yet.

Rather upset that my GHIII guitar isn't compatible. I don't like Rockband's guitar and never have. Although, I'm pumped about the guitar being wireless.

I couldn't care less about DLC or online play, so this version isn't gimped in the least from my POV.

As for waiting for GHIV, yeah, I don't know. If the GHIV drumkit is compatible with Rockband, then maybe I did move too quickly. I doubt it will be, though.
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JoeJ posted 18/07/2008, 04:55
I did end up picking this up, simply because I wanted to play drums, and I need a new music game, GH3 is getting old. :p Still, I'm pretty disappointed with the quality of the game, it feels like it was a rushed port, not something that took 7 extra months to write. :p
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MontanaHatchet posted 03/07/2008, 02:29
Which is nothing to be proud of anyways.

l l l
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itap08 posted 02/07/2008, 09:09
Better opening than PS3 or PS2!
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famousringo posted 02/07/2008, 09:37
Pretty solid launch. Probably would've rivaled the 360 version's launch if the clever people weren't waiting for Guitar Hero: World Tour.
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azrm2k posted 02/07/2008, 04:41
Nice sales. It's a shame they couldn't work something out for DLC on the Wii. I would definitely have snatched this up but now i'm just gonna wait till I get my PS3.
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arsenal009 posted 02/07/2008, 04:34
One of the best games i've played in my life... for the ps3. After hearing about the gimped wii version, definately not gonna get this.
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Commando posted 27/06/2008, 06:00
er Harmonix rather
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Commando posted 27/06/2008, 05:59
Well you have probably read this already in the News section, but GH devs. say Wii is more than capable for DLC. So by that statement, it seems the blame is EA's incompotence
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azrm2k posted 12/06/2008, 10:48
I know what you mean Zucas. There's no excuse for no online play when GH3 had it for the Wii. But the DLC is Nintendo's fault for not getting their act together. I'm thinking it'll be taken care of in Rock Band 2 if GH4 for Wii is somehow going to have it.
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Zucas posted 25/05/2008, 07:18
Sadly brand is probably going to make this a huge seller, despite ripping off Wii owners. Hate it.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (42)

1 n/a 111,851 n/a 19,738 131,589
2 n/a 48,985 n/a 8,644 57,629
3 n/a 36,668 n/a 6,471 43,139
4 n/a 31,765 n/a 5,606 37,371
5 n/a 27,495 n/a 4,852 32,347
6 n/a 23,237 n/a 4,101 27,338
7 n/a 20,295 n/a 3,581 23,876
8 n/a 18,348 n/a 3,238 21,586
9 n/a 22,775 n/a 4,019 26,794
10 n/a 21,995 n/a 3,881 25,876
atma998 posted 10/04/2011, 06:02
2.02M! Nice.
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SJGohan3972 posted 30/06/2009, 05:32
Its great that this is over 1.25mil without even including Others numbers.
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WiiBox3 posted 14/01/2009, 04:57
Amazing how good the sales are 3 weeks after RB2 is out for the Wii.
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TheConduit posted 02/01/2009, 04:17
Considering the sales this game had in America they should consider bringing it to others and Japan before Guitar hero completely dominates in these territories.
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TheConduit posted 30/12/2008, 02:39
Beat out the 360 version.
Dont fight the Wii with casual games such as this.
You just lose
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 05:47
wow reading these comments is fun... people actually thought this game would be lucky to see sales of 500k... lol
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