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Release Dates

09/06/11 Deep Silver
10/20/11 Zoo Corporation
09/09/11 Deep Silver

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Dead Island (PC) > Opinions (21)

AlexFili posted 15/03/2013, 10:29
Such a brilliant game, one of the best zombie games I've ever played
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zingerman posted 19/10/2011, 05:57
@haha not a single reasonable argument :DD As expected. It's sales, sales, sales about you, don't you have games to play :DDD
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nilli posted 17/10/2011, 11:47
Buhahaha what a shitty sales! Come on try better excuses. Todays developers give less and less about pc as a platform. Oh and about how pc gamers you do know that COD is one of the best selling and most pirated games on pc same as sims. You really should STFU! Pc games sell like shit because most of the gamers have migrated to consoles since they see no reason to spend a fortune on uprgading you pc and wasting your life playing all those console ports.
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:49
also, did you know that only consolefags take vgchartz numbers seriously, also, since most DD services are private, the real PC sales are far beyond what vg shows, furthermore, specific PC games sales are pretty much always be lower than consoles, becauce unlike console gamers, we have access to tens of thousands of games, plus emulators, so the audience is naturally more divided, PC gaming simply offers variety, unlike consoles, where the only games that get bought high budget shallowness. Just look at top selling games on each console and you will understand my good f(r)iend :)
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:38
show me at least one hardcore game on console and I'll laugh, PC gaming has never been mainstream and god forbid i hope it never gets, bacause I don't want to be anywhere near a community whose famourite games are cod, gears, battlefield and NFL :D what a disgrace to gaming. It was id's fault they released such a crappy port, regardless, the game was meant for consoles and it show in quality of gameplay and graphics, it's a disgrace for id, sad to see another dev go down the path of medciority, cause it's the only way to go when you're going with consoles. They worked 6 years on that game and it barely got 400k sales, and it's an FPS omg! Btw, Carmack said at qaukecon it was a mistake to focus on consoles and that future projects will be on PC firstly
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nilli posted 11/10/2011, 09:39
Yep you got that right. Everything is booming on consoles. Casual hardcore everything. Unlike on pc where only the caual farmville games are bringing home the money. PC HJC game sales are SHIT! Oh and so you don't have to worry about configs or system requirements on pc for years. STFU! Just the other day rage was released and the pc version worked like shit with specific graphics cards so you sir are a lying moron. ID software used to be pc exclusive developer and now they said that pc will never again be the leading platform. So take you serious hobby and play the console ports on your crappy pc.
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zingerman posted 10/10/2011, 01:29
haha, what a sensitive and pathetic person you are :D, no wonder you play on x360, people who have jobs have normal gaming PCs and never worry about system reqs or configs, I know I haven't in years, so again, you make no sense. If I wanted to sleep while playing a game I'm sure would buy a couch to sink in, but gaming is a serious hobby to me, I like to get immersed into the game, I have both options. How about console? Get a liitle closer and you'll see one blurry mess, but that's ok, you have a couch so you sit far enough as to not see it :D. Also, casual shit is booming at consoles now, gears, cod, uncharted and all that pick up and play casual shit which take zero effort to play, not to mention kinect and move; games are getting simpler and more casual so to please the dumber and dumber console market. I'd rather play PC games with 0 graphical appeal, but that are engaging, instead of console games which are getting shittier every generation, but have plenty of explosions to please your shallow taste for games. No wonder most kids want a x360 or a console. People like you degraded console gaming, which was somethng to aspire 10-15 years ago.
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nilli posted 03/10/2011, 11:02
Freaking moron. Every student here that have no money and every out of a job gamer I know has a pc. You need a pc for everything these days so why not invest a little more to have it run the latest games. Now they can pirate everything they like from games to movies and music. It is so easy on pc. They cant afford consoles because then they would acutally have to buy the games or lose online and warranty and still have to burn the games on disk atleast on 360. We who actually have jobs don't have to spend all the unnecessary time on pc games (tweaking, configs, installs, checking the requirements etc...) We just want to put the game in and play. Also we don't want to sit in front of a monitor for another 8 hours a day. Now you probably say how you play on pc from your couch and with a controller. Well try to face gamers who use M&K from with your controller. Just to finally kill your stupid little rant I like to say that there is money to be made on pc. That money is in casual shit like farmville. Not in games like these. That is the future of pc gaming. So have fun playing the console ports on your shitty little computer.
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zingerman posted 01/10/2011, 12:40
@ nilli, actually, pretty much the majority of console gamers are broke, that's why it's considered a poor man's gaming choice, people who have jobs have enough money to upgrade their rigs whenever they want, but a poor lad like you wouldn't know anything about it, enjoy holding that little toy of a controller in your hand watching at pixelated mess your beloved console produces :DDDDD, oh and btw, PC gaming revenue sales easily outperm any single console, and are at equal levels compared to all of console gaming revenues, that's PC piracy for ye, everybody's a pirate, but somehow companies make billions out of think air from PC gaming, that's weird, no?
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nilli posted 20/09/2011, 06:37
Oh sorry about those games I meant those series are ALL ON CONSOLES OR COMING TO CONSOLES. Muhahahahah you have nothing but a little better graphics on pc. Oh and have fun playing BF3 infront of your monitor on a desk like a freaking moron. That is how you pc people play it. We also used to play like that. Untill we got jobs and do that desk shit 8 hours a day and can actually afford games. Oh and before you say something that you can play with the controller on pc STFU you know as well as I that you have no business facing gamers who use M&K with your controller on your sofa. So have fun stucking to your desk idiot.
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nilli posted 20/09/2011, 06:32
You do know that Call of duty is one of the best selling titles on pc? Yes there are reasons why people are playing dead island on pc. It is free there. I just play it with my 360 friends because they buy the legal copy and I can actually play with them without all this piracy shit and using lan softwares etc... Lets see here: Battlefield 2 and 2142, witcher 1 and first deus ex were all pc exclusives at the beginning. What are those games now :D You fail so hard that it is just sad. You should take off your pc elitists glasses and open your eyes. Pc gaming is doing worse than ever before and piracy is only getting worse on pc.
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cmoyano posted 19/09/2011, 05:03
oh and btw, dead island is still better on pc, theres a reason why your friends ditched you on deadbox and are playing pc. Free or not, its the better choice. I bet they play with a pad too right? you know, cause pc's support any kind of pad or peripheral to run games, as well as any kind of resolution, grapics tweak and gaphics mod...something you fags ar elimited to and iwll always be limited to. BAHAHAHAHAH, next gen consoles..u have os much faith in your lil box. So while i still get AAA pc titles made, and i eithe rbuy them or pirate them, i sitll get the better deal. Or is your head so far up ur ass that you cant see the benefits of it? piracy is a problem, but not as much as before, otherwise pc gaming, would be dead. Unfortuntaly for you, thats not the case. Look at bf3, withcer 2, deus ex, the next boerderlands, etc my nigga, read...n4g is good, kotaku is good, joystiq, go there and check them out!
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cmoyano posted 19/09/2011, 04:59
hhahahaa i pay for my games to support my platform just like you do for yours. I have a choice and i make mine, you dont, cause otherwise you would be forever alone without your cod smack talk. COD, hahaha, of course imma pirate that, what pc gamer in their right mind plays COD? its all bout CSS, the real shooter where you console fags owldnt last a second. You think next gen consoles are gonna beat PC's? haha by that time we will have the ivy bridge, and the new processors used with the new metal found on earth. Youre so stupid its not even funny. Next gen consoles will not even carry an i series processor let alone more than 4 gb of ram, let alone a better video card than what i have now. Please son, you will always be behind no matter what, and thats what pisses you off, your behind, you get charged more for games, while we get the best version, the better package and we can get it for free or buy it or have it forever in our digital download client known as steam. PC wins once again bitch. Now, go play your broken mp in cod since you love it so much. I hope you win a round since it isnt too hard to knife everyone even if you have down syndrome like you.
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nilli posted 17/09/2011, 09:34
Again dead island uses steam works and 32K is the best they could do. Once again Shitty sales for the pc version and piracy numbers are BOOMING!
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Syndwar posted 16/09/2011, 11:12
Kiss your xbox goodbye. Dead island had 32k online peak on the first release week. 19.5k - today, and only 8.4k bought retail version, what about digital version - you will never know, but what about xbox digital version? Oops - there is no such thing as digital copy of New game.
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nilli posted 16/09/2011, 11:22
You do know that consoles get the next generation after this one. Oh and everybody I know is playing dead island on pc but unlike you they are not stupid enough to waste money on it. Shit sales once again on pc Uses steamworks and not getting even a 20K simultaneus user at the moment. Oh and about the piracy numbers here you go moron: BUAHHAHA You must feel pretty freaking supid to pay for these games when 90% of the pc gamers don't!
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cmoyano posted 15/09/2011, 04:19
the devs make pc games for the pc gamers, not to appeal to anyone else. As your consoles die out of old age, we get upgraded and we get the better versions. Your so claled exclusives, which the milk you for such as halo 1-4 and now remakes, HD versions of already erleased games, etc etc. Go get milked while i get all my shit for free on steam. Enjoy your day peasants
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cmoyano posted 15/09/2011, 04:16
haha nilli is on every pc sales page just to bash on it. Guess what you lil bitch, weather it gets sales or not, its still the better version with full mod support and its on steamworks, pc gamers are loyal. So go troll somewhere else while i go play my awesome dead island on either steam or hamachi. Bought the 4 pack btw! you dont read do you? have you seen how bad piracy is on consoles? i have a hacked wii and a hacked xbox, none of them have i ever bouht games for. I buy pc games! cause its my platform of choice, theres a reason why it hasnt died and its not dying anytime soon. Peace my lil hungry negro
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nilli posted 14/09/2011, 04:47
That is true but piracy is not helping. If a game is fully multiplayer it has poteltial to sell big on pc only. But usually when a game is released on pc along with console versions the piracy on pc weakens even the console sales since everybody has a pc atleast where im from. Many of my friends had to finally buy a console to play RDR if it were released on pc they would not have bought it. Some developers are just morons they have not yet figured out how bad piracy on pc is and how many people have pc's as well as consoles.
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usrevenge posted 13/09/2011, 11:30
all pc games are piratable unless MMO's... look at C&C4, u need to be online all the time and u can pirate it.... PC sales suffer because no one buys PC games now, see every game in the last 3 years to come out on both console and PC, console will always be ahead.
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nilli posted 09/09/2011, 08:15
Idiots added the lan suppport for this game. See how the piracy has exploded. Shitty sales on pc as usual and even the console games will suffer. People will miss nothing by pirating this game on pc.
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Shipping Total

4,518,260 Units
As of: July 1st, 2018

Opinion (21)

AlexFili posted 15/03/2013, 10:29
Such a brilliant game, one of the best zombie games I've ever played
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zingerman posted 19/10/2011, 05:57
@haha not a single reasonable argument :DD As expected. It's sales, sales, sales about you, don't you have games to play :DDD
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nilli posted 17/10/2011, 11:47
Buhahaha what a shitty sales! Come on try better excuses. Todays developers give less and less about pc as a platform. Oh and about how pc gamers you do know that COD is one of the best selling and most pirated games on pc same as sims. You really should STFU! Pc games sell like shit because most of the gamers have migrated to consoles since they see no reason to spend a fortune on uprgading you pc and wasting your life playing all those console ports.
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:49
also, did you know that only consolefags take vgchartz numbers seriously, also, since most DD services are private, the real PC sales are far beyond what vg shows, furthermore, specific PC games sales are pretty much always be lower than consoles, becauce unlike console gamers, we have access to tens of thousands of games, plus emulators, so the audience is naturally more divided, PC gaming simply offers variety, unlike consoles, where the only games that get bought high budget shallowness. Just look at top selling games on each console and you will understand my good f(r)iend :)
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zingerman posted 14/10/2011, 11:38
show me at least one hardcore game on console and I'll laugh, PC gaming has never been mainstream and god forbid i hope it never gets, bacause I don't want to be anywhere near a community whose famourite games are cod, gears, battlefield and NFL :D what a disgrace to gaming. It was id's fault they released such a crappy port, regardless, the game was meant for consoles and it show in quality of gameplay and graphics, it's a disgrace for id, sad to see another dev go down the path of medciority, cause it's the only way to go when you're going with consoles. They worked 6 years on that game and it barely got 400k sales, and it's an FPS omg! Btw, Carmack said at qaukecon it was a mistake to focus on consoles and that future projects will be on PC firstly
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nilli posted 11/10/2011, 09:39
Yep you got that right. Everything is booming on consoles. Casual hardcore everything. Unlike on pc where only the caual farmville games are bringing home the money. PC HJC game sales are SHIT! Oh and so you don't have to worry about configs or system requirements on pc for years. STFU! Just the other day rage was released and the pc version worked like shit with specific graphics cards so you sir are a lying moron. ID software used to be pc exclusive developer and now they said that pc will never again be the leading platform. So take you serious hobby and play the console ports on your crappy pc.
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