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Alternative Names

Winning Eleven Play Maker 2008

ウイニングイレブンプレーメーカー 2008





Other Versions

PS3, PS2, X360, PSP, DS, PC

Release Dates

03/18/08 Konami
02/21/08 Konami
03/28/08 Konami

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 96
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Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
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Avg Community Rating:


Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (Wii) > Opinions (100)

supernihilist posted 24/01/2014, 02:52
I love the gameplay of PES on Wii!!!
Its really underrated!
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AstroMaSSi posted 22/01/2012, 02:07
The best pro evolution soccer in last 6 years. For all the platforms.
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joora posted 12/09/2009, 12:59
finally 1mil, and selling better than 2009 ver.
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Smeags posted 03/09/2009, 10:41
Congrats to PES 2008!
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Neos posted 03/09/2009, 09:56
also 1 mil!
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SaviorX posted 20/08/2009, 08:59
One million in 2 weeks.
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MontanaHatchet posted 22/07/2009, 08:17
I thought this wouldn't get to a million, but it did. Nice job PES and Konami.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 17/06/2009, 05:21
i've seen this bundled with Wii console in shops, i guess that's why it's still selling, or because of the price
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marcianito posted 16/06/2009, 10:41
almost million
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SaviorX posted 08/06/2009, 06:53
If this game actually came out on time in America, it would be at 1 million right now.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/06/2009, 04:53
soon to hit 1m?
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naruto3336 posted 08/04/2009, 10:28
This sold amazingly in japan.
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Chrizum posted 07/01/2009, 12:56
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arsenal009 posted 10/11/2008, 06:40
This came out 6 months later than Wii Fifa08 & is only 60k behind that at the moment :)


Well it came out @ the same time on Wii & PS3 in NA and sold the same. If it came out @ the same time in Japan & Others, it may also have sold around the same ;)
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Leni posted 04/11/2008, 06:08
the best version of PES!!

finally, i've started getting bored of playing the same game for some years!

this version is very different and more fun
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MontanaHatchet posted 24/10/2008, 02:20
Arsenal: Why is that an accomplishment? Seems like an inconsequential failure to me.
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arsenal009 posted 23/10/2008, 12:51
PES for wii sold as much as PES for ps3 in NA :p

Too bad it didn't come out at the same time in Europe & Japan :(
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AkiraGr posted 08/10/2008, 09:42
Lets wii how fare the holiday will be for this title.
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kopstudent89 posted 07/10/2008, 09:41
yah it has been goin up... it might reach platinum
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Chrizum posted 29/08/2008, 02:12
Sales of this game should go up in Europe, as the game is only 8 (!!!) euro's here in Holland.
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Zucas posted 19/08/2008, 07:01
Well if it releases next spring maybe this game will survive long enough to reach holidays itself and possibly get to a million. Who knows.
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kopstudent89 posted 05/08/2008, 07:11
Why next spring?! it needs holiday sales:(
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I LOVE GIGGS posted 18/07/2008, 11:37
.59 is very good
I hope PES 09 will reach a million
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Monteblanco posted 09/07/2008, 11:18
PES 2009 for Wii was recently confirmed. I guess this may impact a little bit the 2008 version sales. However, if they release it close to FIFA, they might rule the football market for the Wii -- unless FIFA shows a much needed evolution of gameplay.
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Monteblanco posted 03/07/2008, 11:03
It appears the new FIFA uses some of the PES's IR features. IGN says that, although defence is better in the new game, PES still has an edge. It will be interesting to see the second interaction of PES Wii, which will undoubtedly be released later and check how football games evolve.
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arsenal009 posted 03/07/2008, 03:45
PES reaches 100k in japan
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bluster posted 03/07/2008, 03:00
I think PES is coming, just not right with the other versions.

Maybe december prior to X-mas

Obviosly if this one had been released along with the others it would had surpassed 1 million by now easily, so if Konami doesnt bring 09 to Wii I think it would be a plain stup*d decission
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Chrizum posted 03/07/2008, 01:19
Sadly, PES 2009 isn't coming to the Wii.
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Leni posted 02/07/2008, 06:34
bluh, and the Wii version will most likely come later...

what are they doing, if Wii version was released with the others, it could sale double!
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bluster posted 02/07/2008, 12:34
Its starting to decline in EU :(

I hope it gets to 700k before

PES 09 comes out
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trancos posted 06/06/2008, 12:19
Gold in just 10 weeks. This game is selling great.
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Faxanadu posted 05/06/2008, 10:58
Nice. 500k. Congrats
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ClaudeLv250 posted 03/06/2008, 07:11
Comparing the sales between this and FIFA 08 definitely makes me think this will do a million.
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Zucas posted 24/05/2008, 06:29
Will continue to sell great until Pro Evo 09. Which will come out in a few months. But man it might sell along with it haha. Pro Evo 09 confirmed plat on Wii after the strong success of this.
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SaviorX posted 24/05/2008, 01:35
This version is going to hit 500k in two weeks.......
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MontanaHatchet posted 22/05/2008, 11:07
No offense, but how is it going to pass the PSP version when it's being outsold by it worldwide?
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outlawauron posted 22/05/2008, 08:53
Neat, it might pass the PSP version!
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kopstudent89 posted 21/05/2008, 09:51
yeah dont think it will sell a million becuz of the newer version... decent sales though!
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johnsobas posted 13/05/2008, 02:36
if this game had a holiday season before the next one came out i would say it is a lock to be a million seller. The new one will come before the holiday season right? I don't think it has a chance then.
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ganondorf7799 posted 09/05/2008, 08:28
I will buy it more to reach the million....
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Plaupius posted 08/05/2008, 11:07
Ok, with the new numbers from esp. Others, it's possible that the game will reach a million. Even moreso with the Euro 2008 which could boost the sales somewhat.
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EdEN posted 07/05/2008, 07:18
They should have put a different cover artist for the Latin American market since football (soccer for those in the US) doesn't have the same projection in the US as it does on Mexico, Brasil, Argentina, Colombia, etc.
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11ht11 posted 07/05/2008, 12:40
this will be past 0.40 when other sales are added,

i think it will be at 0.44
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Kihniƶ posted 06/05/2008, 07:25
You should remember that not only it has holiday season boost..
But much bigger boost in summer.Then there is Euro 2008 tournament..
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stof posted 06/05/2008, 06:13
Wii Pro Evo fans might find my prediction thread interesting

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coonana posted 04/05/2008, 05:45
Best Soccer game this generation. SO underrated except in Other.
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Leni posted 04/05/2008, 07:41
it's awesome!!
and the online works perfectly!! :)
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johnsobas posted 03/05/2008, 09:01
this game would have easily been a million seller if it was released at the same time. Not only was it released way after the others but it's not gonna have a holiday season, which is huge for this game.
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johnsobas posted 03/05/2008, 08:58
a million might be stretching it, but 700k looks like its certain. Next one will be a million seller.
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outlawauron posted 02/05/2008, 05:34
This might beat out the PSP version!

It's having better legs in Europe, but worse legs in Japan.
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bigjon posted 01/05/2008, 10:12
good sales, is doing good enough that Konami will continue putting effort into PES on the Wii.

700k seems very reachable.

120k in Japan, 25-30k in NA and
over 500k in Europe... could make a million... we shall see.
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kopstudent89 posted 01/05/2008, 01:21
Good sales!! makes me confident how well the next version will sell!
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joora posted 01/05/2008, 01:01
Wow, minimal drop in 5th week, this game is doeing very well, might reach a million, especially because Euro 2008 is coming
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routsounmanman posted 01/05/2008, 05:41
OMG I'm so happy that such a quality game sells well.
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jpelles posted 01/05/2008, 04:40
If this game sells 40,000 world wide each week for about 4 months then it will sell a million copies.

Since this game is exceptionally well recieved I think by this time next year it could be a million seller. If it has legs. Word of mouth, casual gamers, etc... all factor in.

Madden 08 Wii is selling pretty well. About 10,000 a week still here in the states. So if this tracks over time as well then it will easily sell a million since this is a better game and will have better word of mouth. Especialy since this had a much better first month.
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malpensante posted 30/04/2008, 10:51
Hi all. Is any of you from Mexico? I invite you to an online tourney of PES 2008 Wii. Just enter this site ( )
We have 5 gamers suscribed to the tourney. We need at least 3 or 4 more, so, come on in.
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Plaupius posted 25/04/2008, 03:10
I did a little excel excercise extrapolating the sales data, and based on that it is certain that PES 2008 Wii will easily sell 500k but it won't reach a million. My extrapolation puts it at around 800k after 40 weeks of sales, and I can't be sure that it will actually sell for that long. Anybody know when we can expect PES 2009 Wii to come out?
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coonana posted 23/04/2008, 05:09
if this sells a million ill be surprised
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11ht11 posted 23/04/2008, 12:02
it might pass a million,
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kopstudent89 posted 22/04/2008, 05:32
breaks 300k, and seems it will easily sell 500k. 1 million well i dont know, PES09 definately will do it though!
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Explosivo posted 22/04/2008, 03:56
Nice legs in Others hopefully it will pass 1 mln.
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malpensante posted 18/04/2008, 06:31
Hey, I bought this game 2 weeks ago and I've been hooked! I can't stop playing. The last football game I was excited about was ISS Deluxe, on the SNES. I played all FIFAs '06 and they were meh, and PRO Evo were ok, but this is just too much! I love this game. Anyone wanna play? My FC is: 0044 2918 6951
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kopstudent89 posted 15/04/2008, 10:31
adjusted numbers and a good 3rd week:D
PES doin good!
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bigjon posted 13/04/2008, 11:51
It wont be a million seller, PES 09 will kill it too soon, but with these sales we can be sure Konami will continue putting a quality effort into the Wii version.
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Leni posted 12/04/2008, 09:33
it can be a million seller!
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MontanaHatchet posted 12/04/2008, 12:00
Sorry, someone wanted to see how fast I could type. I made a few paragraphs out of thin air. Still, the point stands.
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MontanaHatchet posted 11/04/2008, 05:44
1. The release dates will be updated. Thanks for the notice Chunks.

2. Million seller, maybe. I know I have a habit for underestimating Wii games, but really, unless the third week in Europe sees another increase I'd say the chances are slim. It's life to date sales in Japan are about equal to the Japanese launch numbers for PES 08 PSP.

Its second week in Europe is likely due to the fact that it launched much later than the other games, so it needed an extra week to get word of mouth and remind people that there is a Wii version.

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kirby007 posted 11/04/2008, 10:22
this game rocks
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routsounmanman posted 11/04/2008, 07:44
750k seller for sure, it even has a shot @ 1million
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11ht11 posted 11/04/2008, 01:10
million seller???? what do you think
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MeowTheMouse posted 11/04/2008, 12:19
pretty good game
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kopstudent89 posted 10/04/2008, 07:32
great!!! World unite!
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Explosivo posted 10/04/2008, 01:41
Wow, sales over first week. Let's hope it keeps ricing.
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Kihniƶ posted 10/04/2008, 07:05
Sales are united
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PSaiki posted 09/04/2008, 03:04
Holly S*!!!

2nd week better than 1st week in Europe?
I'm starting to like the Europeans. =P
As a Brazilian, I must buy that game.

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kopstudent89 posted 08/04/2008, 04:01
sooo abt 200 k WW:)

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Leni posted 08/04/2008, 05:32
wow! thanks europe! :)
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 08/04/2008, 03:18
Others sales are quite good, imo.
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11ht11 posted 08/04/2008, 12:39
this game is actually at 200,000 units

someone added the game twice
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MontanaHatchet posted 08/04/2008, 12:20
Woah, great sales in Europe!
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skunkfish posted 04/04/2008, 07:49
Just got this, really enjoying it so far..
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koopatrooper posted 02/04/2008, 07:27
when can i edit games again?
official thread for pes 2008:
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koopatrooper posted 01/04/2008, 02:48
well 50.000 in others and that in just 2 days is really impressive!
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kopstudent89 posted 01/04/2008, 07:15
2nd week is vital
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Zucas posted 01/04/2008, 02:30
so 130k so far in all territories. Probably will reach 500k lifetime considering it should have decent legs in Europe/Other.
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superchunk posted 01/04/2008, 02:12
Hey, gamesdb people. Fix the release dates and the double entries.
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routsounmanman posted 01/04/2008, 02:08
This game has to be a million seller.
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11ht11 posted 29/03/2008, 11:47
i think the game was added twice to the site
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Tavin posted 29/03/2008, 10:37
why are there no numbers for japan ?
if this was already release there :S
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GIO posted 29/03/2008, 06:30
I bought this game the first week it came out. It is truly a amazing soccer game. Very Fun with alot of depth. Any one who loves soccer should buy this game without delay....
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Hoffmole posted 29/03/2008, 11:41
I'd be suprised if this game doesn't sell well in Europe. Popularity of Wii + popularity of football (soccer) surely has to equal big sales, right?
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Leni posted 29/03/2008, 10:22
lol..... this game is the major cause for some Europeans to buy a Ps3....
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koopatrooper posted 28/03/2008, 06:37
just bought it well hard but great
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bigjon posted 28/03/2008, 03:00
if it sells 100k in NA over time it will be a miracle...
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Seneque posted 28/03/2008, 12:55
Actually, not a bad start at all. Check the "Other Versions" first week sales in America : the wii version is doing better than the PS3, the PSP or the DS.
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Leni posted 28/03/2008, 06:31
bad begin.... :(
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PSaiki posted 28/03/2008, 02:17
Tey should release in EU first.
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Zucas posted 28/03/2008, 01:40
Pro Evo never sales well in America anyways.
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dude17761991hatp posted 28/03/2008, 01:23
wow that is really depressing...This game is supposed to be really great.
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volt posted 28/03/2008, 12:58
Bad bad sales
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (100)

1 36,845 n/a n/a 36,845
2 16,053 n/a n/a 16,053
3 8,717 n/a n/a 8,717
4 6,612 n/a n/a 6,612
5 5,680 7,615 n/a 1,490 14,785
6 4,042 4,040 47,085 9,013 64,180
7 3,069 3,238 61,032 11,283 78,622
8 2,541 2,463 47,908 8,845 61,757
9 2,212 2,600 41,207 7,699 53,718
10 2,295 2,135 35,334 6,588 46,352
supernihilist posted 24/01/2014, 02:52
I love the gameplay of PES on Wii!!!
Its really underrated!
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AstroMaSSi posted 22/01/2012, 02:07
The best pro evolution soccer in last 6 years. For all the platforms.
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joora posted 12/09/2009, 12:59
finally 1mil, and selling better than 2009 ver.
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Smeags posted 03/09/2009, 10:41
Congrats to PES 2008!
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Neos posted 03/09/2009, 09:56
also 1 mil!
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SaviorX posted 20/08/2009, 08:59
One million in 2 weeks.
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