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Frontier Developments



Release Dates

05/12/08 Frontier Developments
12/24/08 Square Enix
05/20/08 Frontier Developments

Community Stats

Owners: 257
Favorite: 6
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Wishlist: 11
Now Playing: 2

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LostWinds (WW) > Opinions (22)

ljlrj posted 16/04/2010, 07:47
they should release this on ds i would buy it in a heart beat
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wiilicious posted 16/03/2010, 01:27
Lost wind 1 & 2 should have been on DS IMHO or they should do a DS like they are doing with okamiden, I think the stylus would have worked well in this game.
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Frinaldo posted 26/01/2009, 04:07
Wonderful game
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Smeags posted 19/01/2009, 04:40
I just started playing and the first thing I noticed was the wonderful music... this is one beautiful soundtrack. Can't wait to continue.
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novasonic posted 06/01/2009, 06:30
short game but so much fun. worth the 1000 points for sure
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nordlead posted 05/01/2009, 09:34

it would be 6x cheaper, and about half as long. So $ for $, it is a better purchase (if gameplay equally entertaining).

As for the sequel, I haven't heard anything, but there really aren't many announcements about WiiWare games until they are released.
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*~Onna76~* posted 06/12/2008, 11:00
@Jaos, that's so lame, Mirror's Edge is like 6-7 hours but you need to cough up like 60USD / Euro for that. This game cost only like what was it... 1000 points? That's like 60 times cheaper.

Any news about the sequel?
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Jaos posted 20/10/2008, 05:11
This game could have been so much but was so little. I regret buying it.
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LNRT posted 05/08/2008, 04:41
Great game. This is how wii games should be with the focus on control and style.
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KohlyKohl posted 26/06/2008, 11:19
A simple and fun game. I took my time and the game still only took me 2 and a half hours to beat.
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*~Onna76~* posted 11/06/2008, 09:28
@TWRoO... make that "WE WANT MORE"!! Get Soul Bubbles for the DS, from the looks of it, it kinda looks like Lost Winds in its own way.
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Slimebeast posted 10/06/2008, 06:58
Why didn't they make this game twice as big and a retail release?

It looks beautiful.
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Soanevalcke posted 08/06/2008, 08:50
Lovely game, just a little short.
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reverie posted 27/05/2008, 04:02
I just finished it, and it's absolutely lovely! I spent about 5,5 hours with it. The boss fight could have used a little more action.

The 2 first Screenshots are not from the released game, right? The first one seems more like a tutorial and I don't think that this kind of huge jump is possible in the release version (not without the cape). The 2nd picture shows Toku walking through the background, Oddworld-like. In the released game, the bakcground is purely decoration.
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Sherlock99 posted 25/05/2008, 10:07
this game is amazing
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TWRoO posted 23/05/2008, 06:00
I want more.

lovely lovely game, I hope more (sequel wise) is on it's way soon.
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famousringo posted 19/05/2008, 09:44
Toku. The only hero whose main qualification is his favourable weight-to-surface area ratio.
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DarkNight_DS posted 13/05/2008, 04:47
Looks and plays pretty good so far. I'm probably about 45 mins into it at most.
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.:Dark Prince:. posted 13/05/2008, 02:13
Awesome game, it's just awesome!
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sc94597 posted 12/05/2008, 08:04
Best wiiware game. >FFCC:MLAAK
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*~Onna76~* posted 12/05/2008, 04:14
Ironic I've uploaded the box art from my PS3, as the WII isn't capable of This game is absolutely a must download! Great atmosphere, amazing graphics, wonderful sound, platform / puzzle game for everyone!
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rudyrsr8 posted 20/04/2008, 01:57
This game looks interesting I may buy depending on the Wii points cost involved.
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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (22)

ljlrj posted 16/04/2010, 07:47
they should release this on ds i would buy it in a heart beat
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wiilicious posted 16/03/2010, 01:27
Lost wind 1 & 2 should have been on DS IMHO or they should do a DS like they are doing with okamiden, I think the stylus would have worked well in this game.
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Frinaldo posted 26/01/2009, 04:07
Wonderful game
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Smeags posted 19/01/2009, 04:40
I just started playing and the first thing I noticed was the wonderful music... this is one beautiful soundtrack. Can't wait to continue.
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novasonic posted 06/01/2009, 06:30
short game but so much fun. worth the 1000 points for sure
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nordlead posted 05/01/2009, 09:34

it would be 6x cheaper, and about half as long. So $ for $, it is a better purchase (if gameplay equally entertaining).

As for the sequel, I haven't heard anything, but there really aren't many announcements about WiiWare games until they are released.
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