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Sonic Team



Other Versions


Release Dates

09/09/99 Sega
12/23/98 Sega
10/14/99 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 314
Favorite: 27
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


Sonic Adventure (DC) > Opinions (29)

No9tro posted 05/11/2018, 09:02
It is a good game. It's just aged quite a lot
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b00moscone posted 06/09/2015, 03:21
After seeing the DX version on Game Grumps, i'm wondering if this is actually a good game :s
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Sonicfan1200 posted 25/09/2011, 02:08
Sonic sux
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scapegoatsqueal posted 17/11/2010, 12:59
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HOLiDAY_AETERNUS posted 27/01/2010, 12:41
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Boneitis posted 06/01/2010, 05:13
I'm reluctant to believe this game sold 2.4 million. Just seems high considering the amount of consoles sold and I don't recall any bundling.
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sep85dd posted 10/09/2009, 07:23
Hm, one of the most succesfull Sonicgames in Japan.
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GranTurismoHelperMax posted 01/09/2009, 06:43
best selling dreamcast game, amazingly
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sep85dd posted 25/07/2009, 12:15
Best Video game ever made!!!
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sep85dd posted 13/07/2009, 03:06
Dreamcast sold 9,6 Million and not 10 or 11... I think it deserves 50 Million
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HanzoTheRazor posted 13/05/2009, 02:59
9/10 Easily better than any of the newer Sonic games.
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shizzlee posted 21/04/2009, 12:22
Lol, screenshots 1,6,7,8, and 9 are from the GC version. Screenshot 5 is City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2.
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Chromium24 posted 15/02/2009, 04:23
Great sales considering only about 10 or 11 million dreamcasts were sold
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megamario621 posted 20/12/2008, 08:23
I hate this game.
I hate every sonic except the Genesis ones.
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concity06 posted 24/10/2008, 04:45
Scratch that. This game is still great!
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concity06 posted 23/10/2008, 10:47
I agree with everybody on here. This game was great!
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SmokedHostage posted 02/07/2008, 11:14
I love this game and the 2nd one.
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Lanceuppercut posted 12/06/2008, 06:23
Shadow and Sonic '06 were bad, and the Gamecube ports left something to be desired.

But Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic and the Secret Rings were all good games. It puzzles me when people choose to look past those games and focus only on the crappy ones when thinking about Sonic.

Hopefully Unleashed will shut up the critics once and for all.
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sep85dd posted 01/05/2008, 02:24
Now i heard of Sonic Unleashed, that was known as sonic adventure 3 before...amazing!!!
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YoppaDo posted 05/04/2008, 11:24
Up loaded some screenies, what an amazing game, bought a Dreamcast mostly for this.
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sep85dd posted 30/03/2008, 07:38
1999, the Playstation was all over it and Sega comes back with THIS!
This is the best Videogame I ever played on a Sega Console.

It´s so sad, that Sega had never released part 3 of it.

If DC would be on market 2008, this game would go to 5 Million for easy.

Its on of the three best Videogames ever.
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a.l.e.x00 posted 24/03/2008, 04:13
Greatest Sonic game ever! What happened Sega?
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SOAD_KoRn posted 27/02/2008, 11:55
Best 3D Sonic game.
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Roflinator posted 25/02/2008, 05:00
As much as I think SA2 is a more polished game. I beleive SA1 wins a place in my heart. It was absolutely one of the best 3D games experience I ever had. And IMO...SA1 felt more Sonic-y than SA2 anyways.

It's a shame that the series went downhill after SA2.
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Xeo_842 posted 14/02/2008, 12:05
Best Sonic game ever!!!
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SnesTea posted 01/01/2008, 10:50
One of the best games of the last-generation and easily the second best Dreamcast game ever made.
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Picko posted 12/12/2007, 07:24
Those who say that all the Sonic 3D games are awful clearly have not played this little gem, which was truly remarkable back in 1999.
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MontanaHatchet posted 06/11/2007, 02:57
Such an amazing game. Makes the current Sonic games kind of depressing.
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jonboy101 posted 08/06/2007, 08:57
A remarkably well put together game, featuring some of the most memorial moments in gaming history, brought down by having a few glitches and a poor camera system. You'll find plenty to do once you beat the title (particaurlly with the chao breeding system)
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (29)

No9tro posted 05/11/2018, 09:02
It is a good game. It's just aged quite a lot
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b00moscone posted 06/09/2015, 03:21
After seeing the DX version on Game Grumps, i'm wondering if this is actually a good game :s
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Sonicfan1200 posted 25/09/2011, 02:08
Sonic sux
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scapegoatsqueal posted 17/11/2010, 12:59
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HOLiDAY_AETERNUS posted 27/01/2010, 12:41
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Boneitis posted 06/01/2010, 05:13
I'm reluctant to believe this game sold 2.4 million. Just seems high considering the amount of consoles sold and I don't recall any bundling.
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