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Alternative Names

007: Nagusame no Houshuu






Other Versions

PS3, X360, PC, PS2, DS

Release Dates

11/04/08 Activision
03/26/09 Square Enix
10/31/08 Activision

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Community Stats

Owners: 36
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Wishlist: 3
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007: Quantum of Solace (Wii) > Opinions (31)

goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 07:09
which i have all 5 versions of this
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goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 07:09
love how people say wii has no hardcore games - but when they do --- they dont buy them
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jessegatepoo posted 11/09/2009, 10:58
crappest graphics ever.
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 08/08/2009, 11:34
why are wii ports selling better then wii exclusives.. it doesn't make sence.. does people want horrible looking games or something?
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Falk Sturmfels posted 20/07/2009, 11:28
You know whats sad? IF this game will have better sales than The Conduit.
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ash3336 posted 18/06/2009, 03:00
It sold a lot becaouse of the brand name. It would have been better if EA was the publisher because Everything or Nothing was an amazing game.
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puffy posted 19/04/2009, 02:04
AHHH how did it sell so much!? It was pretty terrible apart from split screen multiplayer..

This would have made a decent profit jugding by the games quality..
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intro94 posted 05/04/2009, 08:48
the other versions barely sold more which is surprising given that those consoles main buyers are into fps(in theory).And about it not reaching a mil overtime...Look at Red steel..(which its even worse imo).I do like waw a load more tho.
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Tuulikk posted 02/04/2009, 11:05
@ oliminator1994

Okay, what if I compare to shooters on Xbox 360. Even if Quantum of Solace havent sold so much yet it ain't hard to find games on 360 that has sold less.

Games like: Enemy Territory: Quake Wars 0.35m, Quake 4 0.29m, Stranglehold 0.29m, Call of Juarez 0.24m, Conflict: Denied Ops 0.17m and a few more have sold less and some have not sold much better.

Quantum of Solace haven't sold that much better on the other consoles and the game is still selling.

So, whats your point again?
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naruto3336 posted 01/04/2009, 01:25
oliminator1994 please stop being a troll.

There is enough of you out there anyway. This game probably gave more profit to activision than the other versions considering the production value was really low for Wii.
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SaviorX posted 23/03/2009, 03:15
It is just coming out in Japan now?.......
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 19/03/2009, 02:49
i haven't said "sell better than Xbox360/Ps3 " just "sell"

if you put it that way, Wii shooters, like this one may be more profitable on Wii than HD versions

also, weekly sales of this game are now more on Wii, more legs!
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oliminator1994 posted 18/03/2009, 07:19
i did. Compare these sales to PS3 and XBOX 360 sales of this game and many other shooters.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 12/03/2009, 02:22
4.5k this week in America!?

who said shooters cannot sell on Wii!?
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Chrizum posted 05/01/2009, 02:59
Yep, you can even use 4 zappers at the same time if you have them around.
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sellemor posted 28/12/2008, 05:19
Hi. Just wondering if someone out there can help me. Is the 007 game compatible with 2 zappers in the multiplayer mode? Or can you only use 1 at a time? Thanks
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bigjon posted 26/12/2008, 06:57
not a bad game really, has redeming values, it will have casual recognition at least, a good price will sell it well.
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Voltaire posted 22/12/2008, 03:38
I doubht itll hit 1 mill. Maybe 700K, but definately not 1 mill. If the other versions are any indication, this game isnt selling through the roof.
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cacafina posted 21/12/2008, 09:49
i think 700k lifetime but who knows might hit 1 million i mean in others sales are increasing week bt week.

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yushire posted 28/11/2008, 01:23
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/11/2008, 01:07
not bad sales compared to Ps3/Xbox360 versions!

not a huge difference but still
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averyblund posted 18/11/2008, 07:00
Not great, but surprisingly not bad. I actually think in some places the graphics really shine. The framerate should have been improved, though it is rarely more than a tad annoying. I'll pick it up when its $25-ish. Worth the rental though.
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amp316 posted 13/11/2008, 12:11
The multiplayer is great.
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uno posted 08/11/2008, 06:48
after clocking in lots of hours in multiplayer I am leaning heavily towards keeping it. I really wish the developer would have polished this game as there is great potential. Frame rate is spotty at times. I am gonna pick up WAW this week.
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Brummipluesch posted 07/11/2008, 05:43
I think it`s a good game and makes a lot of fun.Graphics are not the best but it doesn`t matter.I hope The Conduit will do a great job!!
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spdk1 posted 06/11/2008, 07:04
This game isn't as bad as IGN makes it out to be, its not great but its pretty descent...
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uno posted 05/11/2008, 10:30
Hey everyone, after playing this game for a day I gotta say it isnt super swell. The game has a lot of great ideas (some taken from Gears) but the single player is poor. Graphics not good. Multiplayer is the most redeeming part of the game. Dont go expecting MOH:H2 controls or multiplayer fast gameflow. It plays more like a strategy FPS versus a twitchy FPS. I might trade it for COD 5.
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Zucas posted 05/11/2008, 02:21
Not a great start in the region where it was most likely to see the most success from... at least dealing with the Wii version. But none of the versions started off that great so hopefully as the movie becomes more popular... so will this game.
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samthespark posted 04/11/2008, 08:17
too bad they did not put any time to have the COD4 engine on wii, but they will put it on world at war.
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11ht11 posted 26/10/2008, 07:39
both a fps and a third person, you can switch between the two
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koopatrooper posted 19/10/2008, 05:01
is this a FPS?
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (31)

1 n/a n/a 7,789 7,789
2 n/a 26,570 9,814 6,287 42,671
3 n/a 16,851 11,079 4,778 32,708
4 n/a 14,034 10,164 4,132 28,330
5 n/a 16,301 11,397 4,732 32,430
6 n/a 10,109 11,933 3,727 25,769
7 n/a 12,949 14,725 4,682 32,356
8 n/a 19,013 19,783 6,575 45,371
9 n/a 17,179 17,406 5,866 40,451
10 n/a 10,285 8,267 3,161 21,713
goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 07:09
which i have all 5 versions of this
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goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 07:09
love how people say wii has no hardcore games - but when they do --- they dont buy them
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jessegatepoo posted 11/09/2009, 10:58
crappest graphics ever.
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 08/08/2009, 11:34
why are wii ports selling better then wii exclusives.. it doesn't make sence.. does people want horrible looking games or something?
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Falk Sturmfels posted 20/07/2009, 11:28
You know whats sad? IF this game will have better sales than The Conduit.
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ash3336 posted 18/06/2009, 03:00
It sold a lot becaouse of the brand name. It would have been better if EA was the publisher because Everything or Nothing was an amazing game.
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