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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Dairantō Sumasshu Burazāzu Special

大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL


Bandai Namco Games



Release Dates

12/07/18 Nintendo
12/07/18 Nintendo
12/07/18 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 99
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 24

Avg Community Rating:


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS) > Opinions (25)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+440k last quarter.

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Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+550k last quarter.

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Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:55
+1.23 million in the holiday quarter.

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Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:28
+670k last quarter.

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Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:16
+680k last quarter.

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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:54
+650k last quarter.
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Machina posted 07/02/2023, 09:42
+910k last quarter.

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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 07:06
+710k on last quarter.

Although Nintendo notes the total was adjusted to reflect a revision of sales units in previous years.
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Kakadu18 posted 11/11/2021, 11:42
Masterpiece, deserves all of the success.
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ThisIsRusko posted 06/11/2019, 05:10
deserves everything and more!
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pikashoe posted 26/08/2019, 10:58
I remember people on here saying this wouldn't outsell brawl. How silly they look now.
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Azantix posted 05/07/2019, 12:37
Final sales 20 mil???
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Zeruda-Hime posted 09/02/2019, 10:01
12 million ò.ò

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Ljink96 posted 27/01/2019, 10:47
Okay, the 31st needs to come fast. These official numbers are gonna be monstrous.
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Aidman posted 27/01/2019, 09:45
Almost 9 millions that's Huge ^_^
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GuyDuke posted 23/01/2019, 12:58
Incredible sales.
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Aidman posted 21/01/2019, 10:04
Next week 9 Million ??? Thats Insane
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Aidman posted 16/01/2019, 06:59
Best Come-back ever 6 millions dudes two weeks
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nidavellir posted 15/01/2019, 06:42
Is this the best first week for an exclusive game ?
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Hibern81 posted 12/01/2019, 06:55
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Juma009 posted 12/01/2019, 12:02
This is just one days, the game was released on the 7th.
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tripenfall posted 11/01/2019, 11:23
4.4 million straight off the bat? Insane numbers....
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Aidman posted 11/01/2019, 08:31
Impressive ^_^
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royeab posted 11/01/2019, 06:43
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Luke888 posted 04/05/2018, 08:53
Ridley isn't too big for the Switch !
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Shipping Total

34,660,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2024

Opinion (25)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+440k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+550k last quarter.

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Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:55
+1.23 million in the holiday quarter.

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Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:28
+670k last quarter.

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Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:16
+680k last quarter.

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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:54
+650k last quarter.
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