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Review Scores



Alternative Names

New スーパーマリオブラザーズ U デラックス


Nintendo EPD



Release Dates

01/11/19 Nintendo
01/11/19 Nintendo
01/11/19 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 23
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 1

Avg Community Rating:


New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe (NS) > Opinions (10)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:46
+160k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:18
+250k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:24
+500k in the holiday quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:18
+530k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:15
+760k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:52
+660k last quarter.
Message | Report
Machina posted 07/02/2023, 09:30
+1.44 million in the last 9 months.

Message | Report
ShadowLink93 posted 13/11/2021, 05:56
This game will pass the N64 version of Mario 64 after the next update.
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Poliwrathlord posted 15/05/2019, 03:44
I really really wished they included New Super Mario Bros Wii on this package. Would've made it 300% more worth it.
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Hibern81 posted 04/01/2019, 09:09
$39.99 would have been a better MSRP IMO. But hey! What do I know? I'm still buying it anyway😒
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Shipping Total

17,610,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2024

Opinion (10)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:46
+160k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:18
+250k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:24
+500k in the holiday quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:18
+530k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:15
+760k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:52
+660k last quarter.
Message | Report
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