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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Atsumare Doubutsu no Mori

あつまれ どうぶつの森





Release Dates

03/20/20 Nintendo
03/20/20 Nintendo
03/20/20 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 45
Favorite: 6
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 12

Avg Community Rating:


Animal Crossing: New Horizons (NS) > Opinions (11)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+490k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+570k last quarter.

It's currently the 10th best-selling game of all time.

Message | Report
Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:55
+1.41 million in the holiday quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:28
+590k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:16
+580k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:54
+620k last quarter.
Message | Report
Machina posted 07/02/2023, 09:43
+1.42 million last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 08/11/2022, 07:06
+790k last quarter.
Message | Report
Salnax posted 31/03/2021, 12:28
This has now sold as well as the GameCube, DS, Wii, and 3DS iterations of the series combined.
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heavenmercenary01 posted 03/05/2020, 06:18
expecting huge huge numbers by the next official report from Nintendo. The game has become a popular one in each home in suc a short time that it shold easilly break the 20M by the end of the year.
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Thechalkblock posted 22/03/2020, 03:15
despite all the negativity surrounding this game's release (in terms of missing content from previous installments and limitations tied to multiple users on the same switch) i'm having a blast with this game.
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Shipping Total

45,850,000 Units
As of: June 30th, 2024

Opinion (11)

Machina posted 02/08/2024, 10:48
+490k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/05/2024, 07:57
+570k last quarter.

It's currently the 10th best-selling game of all time.

Message | Report
Machina posted 06/02/2024, 10:55
+1.41 million in the holiday quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 07/11/2023, 08:28
+590k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 03/08/2023, 01:16
+580k last quarter.

Message | Report
Machina posted 09/05/2023, 06:54
+620k last quarter.
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