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Liquid Entertainment



Release Dates

11/07/01 Ubisoft
(Add Date)
06/11/01 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 14
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Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Battle Realms (PC) > Opinions (3)

phxprovost posted 14/05/2010, 04:48
it is a shame how little attention this game received, truly is a fantastic rts
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terislb posted 11/01/2009, 12:27
a very fun innovative yet ridicliously overlooked rts that had a unique art style and a great soundtrack for all of the 4 factions
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VivaLaWiida posted 14/09/2008, 12:28
This is my fav. pc game.. i played it that much.. i can't describe it in words how much fun i had with this game
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Legacy Sales History

Opinion (3)

phxprovost posted 14/05/2010, 04:48
it is a shame how little attention this game received, truly is a fantastic rts
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terislb posted 11/01/2009, 12:27
a very fun innovative yet ridicliously overlooked rts that had a unique art style and a great soundtrack for all of the 4 factions
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VivaLaWiida posted 14/09/2008, 12:28
This is my fav. pc game.. i played it that much.. i can't describe it in words how much fun i had with this game
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