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Square Enix



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Release Dates

11/25/08 Square Enix
11/20/08 Square Enix
02/06/09 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 418
Favorite: 54
Tracked: 6
Wishlist: 20
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Chrono Trigger (DS) > Opinions (126)

 1  2 
SlayerRondo posted 03/03/2015, 03:36
Considering how little effort they put into porting the game these are great sales.
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gustavohenrique posted 02/01/2012, 08:03
i'm playing this game for the first time, LOL
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MrT-Tar posted 30/06/2011, 02:06
love this game, this was the first time it was available here in the U.K
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Vertigo-X posted 26/03/2011, 01:42
@hoodlum86: Not to be the spoil-sport here, but somehow those sprites won't make very good 3D.
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theARTIST0017 posted 09/03/2011, 06:17
holy crap thats good. 1+ mill and the series is still being mistreated. how many tests must SE take?
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Reconnection posted 20/12/2010, 11:43
Wow that's insane. 1 mil. for a remake of an old SNES game on a system rampant with piracy. Congatulations, SE.
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hoodlum86 posted 11/12/2010, 06:49
man what i would give to see this on the 3DS
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Fededx posted 06/11/2010, 12:14
I'd love to see a Chrono Cross port for the 3DS, as well as a 3rd Chrono game for it.
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cromeros posted 23/10/2010, 02:54
Chrono Break... Chrono Break... Chrono Break... in Nintendo Platforms!!!... Please...
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IvorEvilen posted 08/05/2010, 04:23
A port for a game that can be much more easily played on an emulator or an old Super Nintendo... breaks one million, a miraculous feat for a game even as amazing as Chrono Trigger. It's disgusting Square Enix fails to realize this ;_;...

I want Chrono 3... :(
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Salnax posted 14/04/2010, 11:40
The DS version has sold 50% more than the SNES version, yet Square Enix complains...
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Smeags posted 14/04/2010, 03:23
Adjusted up...
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themanwithnoname posted 10/04/2010, 07:51
This game is awesome!
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Smeags posted 09/04/2010, 06:40
Adjusted down...
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GupX19A posted 09/04/2010, 02:52
This became a bargain game two-three months after release... not exactly great.
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IxisNaugus posted 01/04/2010, 03:09
@ TheConduit.

We won't get it, or any game as good as it for that matter because Square-Enix suck.

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TheConduit posted 27/03/2010, 06:56
1 million for a straight up port.

Sequel Warranted
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oniyide posted 15/03/2010, 08:31
dont know what the hell Square was bitching about.
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oniyide posted 15/03/2010, 08:31
dont know what the hell Square was bitching about.
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DivinityFire posted 09/03/2010, 04:15
This has good sales, however I also look at this and see how many people have missed this game. One of my favorite RPGs. ^^

I hope Chrono Cross makes it to a portable. PSP would be more suitable than DS imo. There is a good chance it might go on PSN.
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Moren posted 19/02/2010, 04:53
go, go, go, go, I'll play it now because it is the best game ever
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TheConduit posted 06/02/2010, 09:48
1million for a port.
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Fab_GS posted 17/01/2010, 01:10
1 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ElRhodeo posted 04/01/2010, 08:25
Finally! A million seller. Shouldn't SE consider a DS port of Chrono Cross? Now that would be cool!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 04/01/2010, 02:47
Can't believe this sold so much when it was pretty much a direct port.

And even harder to believe is that Square still complains. Seriously.
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archer9234 posted 29/12/2009, 10:36
I just think people really wanted it on VC.
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Chrizum posted 20/11/2009, 10:57
1 million for a 13 year old port which barely costed anything to make still isn't enough for Square.

They can suck it.
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emilie autumn posted 20/11/2009, 06:22
square truly expected a game that has being emulated millions of times, to sell well. they atleast should've made it 3D like the ds FFs
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griffinA posted 20/11/2009, 03:02
Fantastic game that every self-serving JRPG should buy at all costs.
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IxisNaugus posted 18/10/2009, 05:08
sold amazingly well for a minor improved port of a game that's already been ported before. Will sell a million by the end of december.

Square Enix, just make the freaking sequel please and don't give any bullshit low sales excuses.
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TheConduit posted 13/10/2009, 01:26
Once this hits a million Square Enix's excuse of it not selling well pretty much goes out the window.

Sure it sold less than the SNES version but this is the DS and practically no improvements were made.
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Radziel posted 21/08/2009, 06:24
I'm surprised it's selling so well
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Justin posted 14/08/2009, 06:48
Looks like America got another shipment. Been back on the charts for a few weeks now.
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Faxanadu posted 01/08/2009, 04:23
I wanted to get this game a couple of times - but the stores had no copies. So Amazon it is.
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Thechalkblock posted 29/07/2009, 08:55
Square Enix should continue the Chrono series. I believe 900,000+ copies sold of a port of an old SNES game proves a new Chrono game would sell.
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SaviorX posted 26/07/2009, 11:17
So close to 1 million. Others' lifetime didn't even match Americas first week.
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Salnax posted 17/07/2009, 10:20
I just got this game today, but unfortunatley one more American buying this game won't convince Square Enix to make a sequel. Chrono Trigger is just unknown to too many gamers, as opposed to the GBA's Final Fantasy ports, which at least had famous names.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 08/06/2009, 03:38
I've never been able to find this game in any store. I live in Spain (Majorca).
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TheConduit posted 07/06/2009, 05:20
Umm i heard square was dissapointed with the sales so they arnt looking to expand upon the chrono series.
Firstly this is a 14yr old game therefore is going to appear dated to some
Secondly it is a game developed for the SNES released on the DS with no visual or audio upgrades therefore looks inferior to other DS games
Thirdly it will difinetly go on to sell over 1 million copies and considering how little work you put into this game I think thats a profit
Square make more chrono games
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ElRhodeo posted 06/06/2009, 05:39
@ arsenal009
Kids in France, Spain and Germany DO learn english, actually it's obligatory. Still it is a barrier. If you are a 12 year old kid, you've had english classes for 2 years max - not enough for Chrono Trigger, I'd say. And not everybody is equally talented in foreign languages... I'd guess it's no different in England: The higher your education, the better your foreign language skills.
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tphi posted 21/05/2009, 05:59
arsenal009 : i'm french, and the game had been translated in french.

But ONLY in french. And what is incredible is that, in france, it went out of stock in only 3 weeks, and when I went to amsterdam (holland), there were a ton of copies of the game...

So well, yes, people don't buy the game because it's not in their language. Sad...
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arsenal009 posted 17/05/2009, 08:56
I feel bad for France, Germany, and Spain. They miss out on such great things 'cause they can't speak English.

School's should just educate the children in English so they can fully take advantage in the globalization taking place in today's world.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 04/05/2009, 02:36
Actually I apologize for my remark, no need to offend, and I think it is outrageous that S-E didn't translate it.
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ElRhodeo posted 26/04/2009, 10:16
"why does Europe have no taste?"
"Europe is rather tasteless in games"
Come on! That's so ignorant. As others pointed out already, this game didn't sell because SE didn't translate it. So no kids will play it, because they don't understand English - and in many European countries even adults don't know English well enough for such a story heavy game.
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Beoulve posted 23/04/2009, 08:46
If the game is only available in english that will hurt the sales severely, especially in countries like Germany, France and Spain.
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Jokex posted 23/04/2009, 02:32
I'm from spain and in my country the problem is that the game is not available in spanish. the people want games in their language
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Beoulve posted 17/04/2009, 05:39
I think the main reason this is not a success in europe is because we've never had any chrono games. the marketing for it is almost none existent as well. I'll get it eventually, but the price for it is rather steep at the moment. I played it a couple of years ago on a rom, but my pc got infected, so all my saves were deleted, alas I never finished it.
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Xen posted 15/04/2009, 02:58
Europe is rather tasteless in games, it is no secret... why? it's hard to say. But bring on the FIFA!
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 10/04/2009, 04:30
And the Europeans complain that they never got the original Chrono Trigger, so when we finally give them it, they barely buy it D:. Although thanks to the 50 thousand Europeans who have taste! :D
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SaviorX posted 10/04/2009, 04:37
Sure to hit a million.
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Just-Jo posted 03/04/2009, 02:23
the sales here in EU are so bad - because square enix to not bother to localize the title for europe........what a shame
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IxisNaugus posted 31/03/2009, 02:44
Look at the horrendous others sales... why does Europe have no taste?
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Valkyria00 posted 31/03/2009, 04:07
OVER-RATED! Anyways it ok. People hype this way too much. Annoying random battles.
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skunkfish posted 22/03/2009, 01:27
I'm loving this at the moment! Come on Others, we can do better than this! Damn you R4 :(
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chris311 posted 16/03/2009, 05:20
anyone that has a ds and loves RPG's owes it to themselves to pick this one up.
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alvarito posted 14/03/2009, 12:08
no ads, no hype.. normal sales
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Egghead posted 11/03/2009, 04:42
Maybe because weve NEVER had a Chrono game = P
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tphi posted 09/03/2009, 09:22
How could it sold so bad in Europe ?

What is really stange is that it is now tottaly out of order in europe, it's unavalable everywhere.

So, SE ships only 35 000 games to europe ? Too bad...
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smac posted 05/03/2009, 12:20
Looks like Square was right not to release this on the SNES/PS judging by these OTHER sales.
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skunkfish posted 04/03/2009, 01:12
Going to pick this up very soon, that'll be +1 for others ;)
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Chrizum posted 02/03/2009, 11:07
It's weird that it sells so bad in Others, seeing as how Others never got this game on the SNES or PS.
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coonana posted 27/02/2009, 09:30
The fact that this is almost a million seller is huge profit for Square Enix being that this is almost a strait port.

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Bruno Muñoz posted 27/02/2009, 02:01
Adjusted down in the US and horrible sales in Others.

It will struggle to be a million seller.
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Xen posted 26/02/2009, 09:04
Others and JRPG's don't mix, it seems.

NA raped others sales.
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coonana posted 23/02/2009, 02:37
Anyone know the Others sales?
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facher83 posted 17/02/2009, 08:45
Just to be clear, Chrono Cross depends on the story of Chrono Trigger and the main ending result.

Belthesar in the future is originally sent to a wasteland. In changing the future (during CT) you allow Belthesar to conduct research. The "Time Crash" involved an incident with pulling the future into the past, 'creating' a new dimension.

Yes, it's a different dimension, but the entire premise of the Chrono Series is that changing history changes the future, and creates a new dimension.
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facher83 posted 17/02/2009, 08:36
Next person that says Chrono Cross isn't a sequel I'm inviting over for a botch-slap.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/02/2009, 10:39
PAL boxart sucks walrus balls by the way >_>
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/02/2009, 10:38
They don't make games like this anymore :'(


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swordplay posted 04/02/2009, 10:41
I would much rather have new and original content than this disgusting, cheap port.
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Blacksaber posted 17/01/2009, 04:41
Just beat..I should of kept Magus >_>
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Chrizum posted 16/01/2009, 12:40
It's already released in Europe over a month ago.
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alvarito posted 15/01/2009, 12:50
should hit the million mark before the european release
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Dgc1808 posted 11/01/2009, 08:32
Should hit 1 million easily.
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blaydcor posted 11/01/2009, 03:02
@jpelles: Chrono Cross does not take place in a different dimension.

@swordplay: Why the hell would you want this game to flop?!

@Chrono: Go! Go! One million!
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Math posted 09/01/2009, 03:14
Go Chrono!!! to 1 million!!!
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swordplay posted 08/01/2009, 05:51
I wanted this game to flop so bad, guess that wont happen.
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Thechalkblock posted 08/01/2009, 06:38
First time playing it on DS. One of my favorite RPGs.
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arooguy posted 06/01/2009, 06:51
Sweet sales! Maybe now we will get a new Chrono game on the DS!
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jpelles posted 04/01/2009, 02:49
BroFe :
Chrono Cross is not a sequal it's a side story. If you don't know that then you can't be that big a fan of this game.

It takes place in another dimension; think that old tv show Sliders with parallel Earths.

It's actually said a couple times in the game if you've forgotten.

Anyway, all the dumb playable characters killed Cross for me. Made the game to ridiculous; with a block of wood and other dumb characters like that plant person NeoFio, and mojo the talking voodoo doll.

I think the problem with Cross was they ran out of time. A remake would be cool to see if they could make the game they originally intended with Magus there etc...
So BUY this game so it happens.
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BroFe posted 03/01/2009, 09:18
Like the gamed and played it on the SNES but I find Chrono Trigger one of the most overrated games of all time. I preffer its sequel.
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Khuutra posted 30/12/2008, 08:54
Got my copy.

Onward, to one million!
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MetalSabe posted 29/12/2008, 07:41
Its cool but not a lot? Woah, chrono trigger is still one of the best RPG's ever. The score is totally fitting.
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pokemonfan_2611 posted 27/12/2008, 01:45
its good but i cant beleive that in its ranking iis 93/100
its cool but not a lot
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Justin posted 26/12/2008, 09:05
I got it for Christmas from my brother. He said it was about impossible to find. I wonder if it's supply constrained?
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PowerOn posted 24/12/2008, 05:00
It's great! really! That doesn't bore me! really!
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jpelles posted 21/12/2008, 05:36
Playing this version. Holds up and everything people say about it is spot on.

This is one of the greatest games ever made. The music, art, fights, pace and flow, story, replay value. Everything is fantastic.
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SleepWaking posted 18/12/2008, 10:06
Think whatever you want, that doesn't change the fact that is one of the best games ever released (and with this version even better).
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SmokedHostage posted 18/12/2008, 08:27
I haven't played this verison but I think this is a fairly average RPG from playing the SNES version. I enjoyed FFVI, SMRPG, and FFIV more.
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MasterZack posted 15/12/2008, 06:55
Yes!!! I got it!
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 14/12/2008, 12:52
without a doubt itll make 1mil, it shoulda done it first day IMO....

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bigjon posted 13/12/2008, 11:35
better make 1 million!!
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Kenryoku_Maxis posted 12/12/2008, 06:36
@Sky Render

The original team didn't make the remake. And so that's why a lot of the extra stuff feels tacked on, or like its just a bunch of 'extra' stuff. Sort of like they were looking at Chrono Trigger from afar and trying to emulate it.

To me, it feels like they just took the templates, enemies and backgrounds of Chrono Trigger and just created a bunch of fetch quests and trigger based (copied) missions that resembled the game. In other was like a bunch of guys from a lesser Final Fantasy team were assembled to quickly create a bunch of side missions for one of the greatest JRPGs ever made. Oh hey, that's what happened...
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Sky Render posted 10/12/2008, 04:08
I can't really complain about the main game, but some of the added-in stuff... Jeez, what is it with Squenix? It's like they forgot how to design the components that make up games and just started making them haphazardly instead...
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lemieux-rules66 posted 09/12/2008, 09:07
I love it, Its great!! I think this is a good way to bring the classics to this generation of gamers!
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MANUELF posted 09/12/2008, 02:28
I want this game but $40 is a little too much
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CONMAN15 posted 09/12/2008, 01:48
I'm still going to get this. Seems to be selling really good.
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Thechalkblock posted 08/12/2008, 03:41

Most of the people that love the game already have it and most likely don't care for a portable version. Plus I have a feeling it will have pretty decent legs.
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facher83 posted 07/12/2008, 07:30
Well, European release isn't until 1/30/09.

But, I was at Best Buy (big electronics store) yesterday and couldn't find it on the shelves.

It'd be interesting to know if this is another case of a good game just not being promoted by their own publishers - another Square-Enix failure to understand consumers, if it's the case.
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Naum posted 07/12/2008, 05:47
Me since I' Swedush I had to import it from the NA...

Thank god for region free games :D
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 1   2 

Shipping Total

1,100,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (126)

SlayerRondo posted 03/03/2015, 03:36
Considering how little effort they put into porting the game these are great sales.
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gustavohenrique posted 02/01/2012, 08:03
i'm playing this game for the first time, LOL
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MrT-Tar posted 30/06/2011, 02:06
love this game, this was the first time it was available here in the U.K
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Vertigo-X posted 26/03/2011, 01:42
@hoodlum86: Not to be the spoil-sport here, but somehow those sprites won't make very good 3D.
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theARTIST0017 posted 09/03/2011, 06:17
holy crap thats good. 1+ mill and the series is still being mistreated. how many tests must SE take?
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Reconnection posted 20/12/2010, 11:43
Wow that's insane. 1 mil. for a remake of an old SNES game on a system rampant with piracy. Congatulations, SE.
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