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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City

Machi e Ikouyo: Doubutsu no Mori

街へいこうよ どうぶつの森


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

11/16/08 Nintendo
11/20/08 Nintendo
12/05/08 Nintendo

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 351
Favorite: 18
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 9
Now Playing: 14

Avg Community Rating:


Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii) > Opinions (167)

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atma998 posted 27/07/2013, 03:43
Now 4.46M, wonder why this game do not sell half numbers of the portable titles?
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piggychan posted 01/09/2012, 02:52
amazing. Was hooked on the DS game many years ago.. and just got into starting this from scratch.. love it still. even tho it is basically the same game the odd additions added here and there are enjoyed by me !!
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atma998 posted 27/12/2011, 09:04
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fedfed posted 30/10/2011, 11:12
since i bought this game only last Xmas I am only playing my first Halloween celebration, so much fun... love teh furniture that Jack is giving me. Bt sadly looks like no one is still playing and want to swap city codes...
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fedfed posted 07/06/2011, 01:53
Graet Fun! I know u do not agree guys but for me it is the best Animal crossing of all! 9
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primogen18 posted 06/06/2011, 05:55
too bad this got so many Wii Speaks out there... then they completely abandoned it now we have a proper headset with no more games in site coming out for that now...
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DrZoidberg posted 04/06/2011, 10:19
being a part of the Nintendo Select should help its sales
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cromeros posted 04/06/2011, 08:09
+4 millions, not bad!
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*Sound Of Rain posted 12/01/2011, 05:06
4 Million!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 06/02/2010, 12:53
it would be stupid to stop shipping, they are still releasing DLC for this game
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Vas-y posted 21/01/2010, 12:09
@ Arfen
Where did you get that information?
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Arfen posted 14/01/2010, 10:57
this game is still sellin weel but nintendo dicides to disconitue the shipppment..

sometimes i don't understand you ninty
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Just-Jo posted 10/01/2010, 01:09
great game
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Khuutra posted 10/01/2010, 03:06
Popped back up in the top fifty this week.

What the Hell?
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valen200 posted 28/11/2009, 04:28
this one really kind of dissapoints me. I am a day or so in and it feels like I am starting the original over- except I am forced to keep my data on the wii and not an sd card. I can see there are so many other thigns to do later, but as i have to rebuild the entire town from scratch i dont feel like it. I even seem to be collecting the same basic things.

What they really need to do is change up the intro a bit so that it doesn't feel like a rehash for the first few days. Think of mario games. The first level almost always starts with a goomba, a power-up, a coin block, and some bricks. Still, the first levels from the various mario games feel very different.The fact that characters even seem to be rehashing the same speechs kinda bores me.
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adam84 posted 17/10/2009, 05:02
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 16/10/2009, 07:45
you played it for a day?

LoL, you need at least 3 months to see the depth of this one compared the the Ds version

but the thing is that they could make sooooo many obvious improvements, like putting things outside instead of leaves for example

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llewdebkram posted 12/10/2009, 12:12
I played the DS version every day for a year, I played this one for a day then sold it.
This could have offered so much but ended up offering so little.

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adam84 posted 03/10/2009, 12:47
new nintendog dlc....bosh woof woof
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Green Penguin posted 03/10/2009, 12:28
I don't know why people think that these sales are bad. In Japan I am 100% sure that ACCF will sell at least 2 million there. In Japan Animal Crossing and Pikmin are the 2 that I see from Nintendo that have the best legs in Japan. AC and Pikmin are not about 1st week sales over in Japan.
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sep85dd posted 01/10/2009, 03:19
This game is no a big succes in Japan...The next one should be bigger and with different cities in it.

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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/09/2009, 08:40
i hope next AC has more new things, although the game still rocks!

but there are so many possibilities.....
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Nightwish224 posted 03/09/2009, 02:02
They need to have more ways to obtain money than sell fruit as a main cash crop.
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Diglet posted 18/08/2009, 12:02
I was waiting for this game to be released. I was hoping to put patterns on furniture to make my own wallpaper. A lot more items, more interactions with villagers. More fish, bugs and possibly something new like that. A bigger town and house.

And all we got was a crappy city that has nothing exciting in it. Nothing changed since the last game. And Animal Crossing should be portable so that you can bring your town with you.

Oh well...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/08/2009, 01:38
ok, when it reaches 4m it can be considered as one of Nintendo's main Wii franchises : )
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HelloMotto posted 10/08/2009, 06:25
just another cheap cash in on Nintendo's newfound casual userbase
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RCTjunkie posted 07/08/2009, 07:36
I must say boo hiss at the review.
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RCTjunkie posted 26/07/2009, 05:53
Surprisingly addicting. I had it at Christmas and hated it, then gave it a second chance in early June. Now my house is fully upgrated. :D
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/07/2009, 05:15
the wrong thing is that most people (11m) already have it on Ds and since they are very similar, they find no reason to buy it

i'm sure the next Animal Crossing will be both for Wii and Ds and will have more changes
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IxisNaugus posted 08/07/2009, 02:05
Hmm, on another note i'm a little surprised (and disappointed) by the Others sales. Animal Crossing: Wild World did very well there, but this isn't holding up as strong :(

I wonder whats wrong...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 07/07/2009, 06:54
great sales!!

and will keep for long!
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Chrizum posted 15/06/2009, 01:37
Its predecessor was Animal Crossing on the GameCube, not on the DS.
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Erik Aston posted 08/06/2009, 05:51
If Halo 3 had sold only 3.11m copies by June of 2008, wouldn't it be a failure? Well the bar was even higher for this game, who's predecessor was far more popular than Halo 2.
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IxisNaugus posted 03/06/2009, 05:45
Sales for this game were better than i thought.

Great game. Just wished they kept the name "City Folk" in europe instead of changing it.
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SmokedHostage posted 09/05/2009, 08:58
That's units sold to Retailers.
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naruto3336 posted 09/05/2009, 05:28
Undertracked by about 0.35 milion.
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xax posted 08/05/2009, 03:35
"Animal Crossing: City Folk sold 3.38 million units"
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 28/04/2009, 06:07
how can a 3m seller be a failure!?

also, it will make it to 5m some day
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SaviorX posted 27/04/2009, 06:32
Almost 3 million copies sold, and people still consider it a failure.
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SmokedHostage posted 26/04/2009, 12:44
Anyone got the bag of bells?
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PeteyPeeps posted 25/04/2009, 05:15
Very disapointed in this game ... Juts the DS one with a city, Gamecube one was the best.
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jefforange89 posted 24/04/2009, 06:01
Well of course it's for babies, the only thing SUPER DUPER MATUREZ GAMERZ can play is Call of Duty and GTA. :o
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gvangoeverden posted 18/04/2009, 07:47
I got some money from ninty in the mail for tax day. love this game
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Gearbox posted 16/04/2009, 11:24

couldnt you do that on the ds game aswell?
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sethnintendo posted 15/04/2009, 04:45
I have the black DSi chair and I think Europe got the white version. I haven't been able to trade for the white version yet.
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SmokedHostage posted 12/04/2009, 05:35
Anyone got the DSi chair?
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/04/2009, 09:44
lovely game, can last for years
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SmokedHostage posted 04/04/2009, 03:13
Gearbox, you should try it for yourself. I've never played it myself but from what I've heard, the hook of the game is the freedom and playing with friends.
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Gearbox posted 04/04/2009, 03:36
u no i dont mean to affend you all but it just seems like sims for babies...
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Smeags posted 28/03/2009, 07:30
I love my new Pikmin hat!
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palancas7 posted 10/03/2009, 05:43
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Chrizum posted 05/03/2009, 12:18
Yes, like Mario Super Sluggers, this was adjusted down while it should have been adjusted up.
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Green Penguin posted 19/02/2009, 12:03
Is it just me or did they finally adjust it but the wrong way by this I mean down!
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 18/02/2009, 11:18
seriously... when is this going to be updated to the right numbers? its been a while since nintendo said it sold 3mil+
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 12/02/2009, 07:41
Wow, this still isn't adjusted up? It's gonna get a real bump when it does get adjusted up. As for lifetime sales... I think it can go up to 6-7 million. Maybe more?
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Green Penguin posted 11/02/2009, 09:51
I predict 7.2 million lifetime.
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BeTa77 posted 08/02/2009, 07:55
This game is the best for Wii!
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palancas7 posted 06/02/2009, 12:20
Someone alert the people that... adjust things up.
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DavidValbu posted 03/02/2009, 12:33
Actually this game has sold above 3 Million, ioi, we are still waiting to be adjusted up.
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Smeags posted 02/02/2009, 09:26

If you haven't played Wild World for very long, then I would definitely recommend the game. I'm more of a console gamer anyways, so playing a game on the television is usually preferred.

But yeah, buy it and get lost in the world of Animal Crossing. It's definitely one of the better worlds to get lost in.
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DavidValbu posted 02/02/2009, 12:04
Why hasn't this game adjusted up yet?
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Hunter-121 posted 01/02/2009, 12:14
Do you recommend to buy this game? I hardly played Wild Word, 10 min at max., so I´m a newcomer to this franchise and really excited.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 31/01/2009, 09:54
ya i'm glad its actually over 3mil. seems to be selling better than people thought
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 31/01/2009, 08:37
3.22 million, great!! : )
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wiifan posted 30/01/2009, 09:30
According to Nintendo's official data this game is seriously undertracked as it has sold 3.22 million units worldwide

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DavidValbu posted 16/01/2009, 12:51
Yes, Japan loves Animal Crossing, next million seller in Japan for Wii.
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sethnintendo posted 15/01/2009, 12:36
Love the game. It would have been nice if there was more but I have a feeling that with a bunch of DLC for free then it will be all good. Check out the AC thread for trades, fcs (list of towns and names of people so it is easier to know who is who) and more.
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sethnintendo posted 15/01/2009, 12:33
@Frinaldo, You don't hear yourself talk unless other people have their tv or surround system on. You can't talk while other people are talking or it gets all confusing but it works pretty good.
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cody6695 posted 14/01/2009, 08:31
I am hoping that the DLC will come to america! Then we would get everything thatshould have been on the game when it came out! (if nintendo offers the right stuff on it)
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Frinaldo posted 04/01/2009, 05:05
How does the WiiMic work? Do you hear your own voice sense you dont have headphone?

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teknohick posted 04/01/2009, 03:05
i agree its the most polished ac game to date, i love animal crossing but ... i wish they had added more, animal crossing could be expanded to be so much deeper and have so much MORE detail/customization...

most people i know who bash this version typically just want more from the series as they feel this version is just rehashed from prior versions they played, while i can see the new content, i left feeling it wasn't much of an addition either :x
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pap64 posted 03/01/2009, 06:11
Definitely the most polished game in the series. It takes the best elements of both games, adds in expanded online and social interaction and its truly the best in the entire series.

This game gets me thinking a lot about reviewers. They complain about City Folk not being new enough. Yet, they praise every other sequel.

ALL direct sequels are really just expansions of existing formulas. GTAIV was an HD expansion of GTA III and its sequels. Gears of War 2 mainly expands the story while the gameplay remains the same. RE5 looks to play exactly like RE4 but with a new lead character, setting and new storyline.

The expansion lies within the polished online interactions. Wii Speak and text chat add a lot to the game. Being able to circle through your inventory without using the screen is a godsend. Even the city proves to be useful.

So City Folk is really an expansion of WW that adds new elements and fixes many of them to make it the best version yet. So why does the game get crapped upon for doing something that is COMMON in the videogame world? Is it because it doesn't have a story and is thus pure gameplay?
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TheConduit posted 02/01/2009, 04:14
Tried and true formula.
The critics I believe were to harsh on this game for being what animal crossing is. It sold so well before because the formula they use is so close to perfect.
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bigjon posted 02/01/2009, 07:03
will pass 2.5 million before things slow down, 4 million by summer. 5 million by the time the holidays start reving up again.
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DavidValbu posted 30/12/2008, 02:40
This is going to be the next million seller on Wii in Japan!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/12/2008, 12:57
@ Girl Gamer Elite... err, I mean Onimusha12.

Yes, it's all a big conspiracy, because reviewers obviously have so much to gain from being biased for no reason.
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Smeags posted 30/12/2008, 04:02
It takes the best of the original and Wild World, mashes them together, and adds new elements such as the City to make it the best version yet.

It's a game about nothing, and yet it's simply wonderful. Awesome.
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WiiStation360 posted 29/12/2008, 01:58
Should pass 2M this week.
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Onimusha12 posted 29/12/2008, 07:33
Reviewers are pretty much against the Wii and anything casual this generation. There's no trouble in seeing that.
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Gearbox posted 29/12/2008, 05:28
its just the same as the others
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Roflinator posted 28/12/2008, 09:47
It's not as bad as people have made it out to be when it comes to rehashing.

Best AC game yet.
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bigjon posted 27/12/2008, 02:41
flying to a million in Japan, will make it before holidays are over there... (they have 1 extra week than the west)
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SmokedHostage posted 26/12/2008, 04:53
1.5 Million :)
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cody6695 posted 22/12/2008, 12:34
i hate how all the reviews have to compair to the older versions! personally, wi-fi is what makes the game so i did not like the GCN version at all. Then the DS version came out, it was (is)amazing! now the WII has its turn with AC and it is great even though it feels like the same thing.
The ds and wii both has it's ups , but in the end the wii version wins by just a tad. DS is portable but wii has bigger town and 60Fps.. I love the rolling log effect so im glad to see it return.
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Incandescence posted 21/12/2008, 08:26
This game gives me nightmares...the goddamn characters' eyes...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 21/12/2008, 03:45
awesome game!

now Animal Crossing will become even more popular and sales will be huge!
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__XBrawlX__ posted 21/12/2008, 03:46
Looks like it's gonna have great legs.... just like WW... :)
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thekitchensink posted 21/12/2008, 12:42
Best AC game yet, by a long shot. Pity reviewers can't see that.
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marcianito posted 20/12/2008, 01:36
going for the 2 millions
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sep85dd posted 19/12/2008, 02:29
It´s not so good like the DS Version, but the new feature, to travel into the City is pretty fine.

5-8 M. Lifetime.
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Myviewing posted 19/12/2008, 03:55
Knew it.
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flaviohmg posted 18/12/2008, 09:39
I love this game, i want friends to play online, if u want, click me!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 18/12/2008, 09:35
Yay, gone platinum :D
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darkheart709 posted 18/12/2008, 03:10
i think with the new data from japan we can put this at past 1 million
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BeTa77 posted 15/12/2008, 11:40
This game is amazing
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darkheart709 posted 15/12/2008, 12:08
This game is fun, I wonder how much it will sell in December.
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Sky Render posted 15/12/2008, 06:55
I don't know quite how they did it, but this version is even more addictive than the DS version.. Hmm, maybe we should have a VG Chartz Animal Crossing: City Folk group...

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Green Penguin posted 14/12/2008, 07:08
This will probably sell better than the gamecube version by summer 2009.
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bigjon posted 13/12/2008, 11:33
this will have long long legsssss.. Will make 4 mil WW with ease.

Max is 7 mil.
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Arfen posted 12/12/2008, 10:44
next million seller on Wii is coming
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Shipping Total

4,320,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (167)

atma998 posted 27/07/2013, 03:43
Now 4.46M, wonder why this game do not sell half numbers of the portable titles?
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piggychan posted 01/09/2012, 02:52
amazing. Was hooked on the DS game many years ago.. and just got into starting this from scratch.. love it still. even tho it is basically the same game the odd additions added here and there are enjoyed by me !!
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atma998 posted 27/12/2011, 09:04
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fedfed posted 30/10/2011, 11:12
since i bought this game only last Xmas I am only playing my first Halloween celebration, so much fun... love teh furniture that Jack is giving me. Bt sadly looks like no one is still playing and want to swap city codes...
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fedfed posted 07/06/2011, 01:53
Graet Fun! I know u do not agree guys but for me it is the best Animal crossing of all! 9
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primogen18 posted 06/06/2011, 05:55
too bad this got so many Wii Speaks out there... then they completely abandoned it now we have a proper headset with no more games in site coming out for that now...
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