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Alternative Names

ファー クライ 2


Ubisoft Montreal



Other Versions

All, PC, X360, XBL

Release Dates

10/21/08 Ubisoft
12/25/08 Ubisoft
10/24/08 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 762
Favorite: 0
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 2
Now Playing: 5

Avg Community Rating:


Far Cry 2 (PS3) > Opinions (56)

Aj_habfan posted 23/05/2012, 05:56
Not a big game really, open world, good graphics, lots to do. Listing the pros is boring though, the cons: EVERYBODY IS OUT TO KILL YOU! Imagine if in GTA, every person had a gun, and was hostile towards you for 100% of the time - this is Far Cry 2. Also the pacing is slow, it feels like most of my time is driving to locations that are needlessly far away from the start point, and having guns jam every 5th shot is not a feature I would add in the future. Free with PS+ though, I had a decent time, can't complain too much
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Riku148 posted 07/09/2011, 04:40
This game could be really good if it wouldn't be that boring
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Vekta posted 10/05/2011, 08:45
Wow i remember when this game was exclusive for the pc when it first came out. Good to see a sequel over a going over a million.
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Sash5034 posted 23/04/2010, 07:38
@numonex: The fact that you OWNED the game but didn't play because of what some dumb FPS fanboys online said just makes me facepalm.
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numonex posted 17/04/2010, 03:34
None of those games even matched the hype Halo 3. Halo: Reach. May even eventually outsell Halo 3.

Far Cry 2 by majority rules on the net is meh. I owned the game traded it but never even played it. The net people put me off this game.
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Statix posted 28/11/2009, 05:10
It's the unique open-world concept of this game that separated it from other linear FPS out there, and that's what boosted this relatively low-profile game (compared to the massive hype of Gears, Resistance, Call of Duty, Killzone 2, etc) to over a million copies sold per platform.
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gurglesletch posted 26/09/2009, 10:31
Yay it passed 1 million
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NanakiXI posted 11/09/2009, 12:05
1 Million GodDammit!!!
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Blaiyan posted 10/09/2009, 09:52
Million seller 35.
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terislb posted 14/08/2009, 12:11
there should be a relief fund for the nearly 1 million souls that bought this
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Christhor posted 27/07/2009, 09:25
if it keeps this rate it'll take another 20 weeks >.>
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 26/07/2009, 05:33
@ FootballFan

That's what you said a month ago XD
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FootballFan posted 24/07/2009, 12:57
Million seller in 3 weeks
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willyzzz posted 28/06/2009, 03:02
wow coming out in the same month as CoD W@W and resistance really hurt this games's sales
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Munkeh111 posted 27/06/2009, 01:26
It's close...
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yusuke93_ita posted 16/06/2009, 09:25
5 weeks
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FootballFan posted 10/06/2009, 06:34
It wil Hit a million in 3 weeks
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Dark Odin posted 19/05/2009, 05:43
this will be the 32th million seller on PS3. burnout - the 33th.

or infamous could became before both of them... who knows...
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headshot91 posted 01/05/2009, 04:09
@ Statix im gonna have to disagree with u over 1080i looking MUCh better than 720p. On cod4 especially 1080i looks terrible, with it being much more blurred and not as sharp, the whole point of p is that its progressive and more sharp than i!
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yusuke93_ita posted 18/04/2009, 07:24
nope it will
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yusuke93_ita posted 12/04/2009, 12:01
it will never hit 1 million
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grimygunz posted 28/03/2009, 03:03
adjusted up i think
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ParKing posted 15/02/2009, 11:18
this game is so good...
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 29/01/2009, 11:40
Just borrowed this from my friend seems like its going to be a BIG game.
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MontanaHatchet posted 21/01/2009, 10:04
So when this game sells a million, will people finally shut up about TV resolution?
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Cthulhu posted 20/01/2009, 08:54
like the game much ;)
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livinglegend01 posted 17/01/2009, 09:00
it came to input on HDTV not GAMES to explain poor sales. Its Just sad.
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Statix posted 16/01/2009, 07:57
@Slimebeast: Sony is the one who gets "screwed" in the end because they'll lose the sales of people with older 1080i TVs, who get games for the XB360 instead. Unlike the PS3, EVERY XB360 game supports 1080i (upscaled) output.
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Statix posted 16/01/2009, 07:53
1080i is much sharper and clearer than 720p. For PROOF, try playing a 1920x1080 game like Wipeout HD or Virtual Tennis in 1080i; it looks MUCH better than playing in 720p.

The only reason it's adviseable to choose 720p instead of 1080i is because most games are native 720p, so you would only be doing useless upscaling if you ran in 1080i. Well, useless if you don't have an older 1080i CRT TV, that is.
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ziquisira posted 08/01/2009, 09:33
i really like this game, but i Don´t played yet because of fallou t 3, resistance 2 and COD World at war.
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brazylianwisnia posted 05/01/2009, 12:44
If TV don't have 720p than it is no HDTV.720p is much better than 1080i.
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czecherychestnut posted 31/12/2008, 11:34
Freaking love this game. Prior to this I'd just finished Haze, so playing Farcry 2 is like travelling forward in time 5 years. Hope this game sells more, but they've been so many new releases on PS3 recently even good games get swamped. It'll pick up though.
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erodrig85 posted 28/12/2008, 09:48
this game ist awesomeness great game i thougt it was running on the cryengine 2 when i first saw it till i learn its a mix of the first engine and a new internal engine created by ubisoft called dunia well another ps3 game that is undertracked
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Theo posted 27/12/2008, 05:19
Loads of brand new games for sale in Game, all 25 euro now including this so of coarse I bought them all :D
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Aj_habfan posted 23/12/2008, 09:46
Pretty much. But to claim that titles "bomb" because of that? What a joke.
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Slimebeast posted 23/12/2008, 08:34
So basically those who bought old HD-TVs got screwed lol.
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Aj_habfan posted 21/12/2008, 03:09
Slimebeast, lots of old HDTV's only have a 1080i option, then the next one is like 480p, so if it can't do 1080i it will basically be running in SD.
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Marty8370 posted 20/12/2008, 01:24
Bought from foronly £17.99
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Slimebeast posted 17/12/2008, 10:54
What is statix babbling about?

Why wuldnt u be able to play this game on a slightly older HD-TV?? Cant u just play it in 720p resolution or something?
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Goodfella posted 11/12/2008, 10:52
This game is really fun to play, can't stop won't stop.
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Aj_habfan posted 28/11/2008, 05:50
Yup, that's why they are "bombing". Just go away man, you are making a fool of yourself.
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Statix posted 25/11/2008, 04:53
@Aj_habfan: Obviously YOU don't care, but game developers might care about the potential sales lost with a portion of the PS3 install base not being able to buy the game. There's a reason every single 1.5 million+ selling PS3 game in the top-10 list is 1080i/p compatible (except Motorstorm and Resistance, but those don't count because they're launch titles).

Now you're seeing non-1080i games like Pacific Rift and LittleBigPlanet bomb in sales. Even Quantum of Solace PS3, which supports 1080i/p, matched Far Cry 2's sales in the US, and that just should not be.

Even if not supporting older HDTVs cost them a thousand units sold, that's not what a game company wants.
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Aj_habfan posted 22/11/2008, 08:01
Statix, nobody cares about you people with old shitty HDTV's and I can guarantee it didn't cost any sales.
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MontanaHatchet posted 18/11/2008, 06:58
The main problem with the sales here is that they're absolutely embarrassing in America. Time will tell how the legs turn out.
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Statix posted 17/11/2008, 08:01
I still say sales could have been at least a little better (particularly in the US) for this version if it just supported upscaled 1080i output for compatibility with slightly older-generation HDTVs. Instead, many people are screwed over once again and cannot play yet another PS3 game.
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Slimebeast posted 10/11/2008, 05:55
It deserves much better sales.
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s-grandi93 posted 08/11/2008, 09:28
very kool game.
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Simulacrum posted 08/11/2008, 04:58

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jerseyboy609 posted 06/11/2008, 01:06
lol @leo-j
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leo-j posted 04/11/2008, 07:23

yes I said it to FARCRY 2

I sold it for RESISTANCE 2 (along with cod4 and 3 other mediocore games) mwuahahahaah

sorry I just hate farcry 2, nice visuals, nice open word, it just gets boring very fast.
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Daddo Splat posted 04/11/2008, 06:01
I liked the analogy 1st person shooter meets gta. suprising low sales for america on ps3 and 360 .

and obieslut or fathooker whatever your name is thats why the ps3 use's the harddrive its called a swap file like the original xbox did. Oblivion plays better on the ps3 then the 360 and the ram isnt the issue because it use a swap file from the hard drive.

ps Iam not mocking your name just using a play on words LOL
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nexzen posted 04/11/2008, 02:42
ps3 really needs to do something abt america, they're dieing their
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s-grandi93 posted 03/11/2008, 05:49
very fun game, rare pop - in and basically no loading screens, really worth a try.
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nexzen posted 28/10/2008, 02:59
others jus love the ps3, good opening waitin to see america styll
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Skeeuk posted 24/10/2008, 06:21
just got this 2day it is brilliant

its a spectacular oblivion with guns type of game with online multiplayer to boot
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obieslut posted 25/08/2008, 12:22
whoop whoop, i am the first to post.

i wonder what this game is going to look like on this console being as he has a limited amount of ram and this game has big open spaces, this should be interesting
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (56)

1 n/a 41,732 97,032 39,708 178,472
2 n/a 20,521 60,196 23,686 104,403
3 n/a 13,349 23,401 10,156 46,906
4 n/a 10,575 16,673 7,424 34,672
5 n/a 11,419 18,072 8,039 37,530
6 n/a 18,196 23,361 10,998 52,555
7 n/a 16,005 26,721 11,731 54,457
8 n/a 26,900 27,688 13,976 68,564
9 n/a 30,076 33,141 16,355 79,572
10 4,591 27,420 40,779 19,344 92,134
Aj_habfan posted 23/05/2012, 05:56
Not a big game really, open world, good graphics, lots to do. Listing the pros is boring though, the cons: EVERYBODY IS OUT TO KILL YOU! Imagine if in GTA, every person had a gun, and was hostile towards you for 100% of the time - this is Far Cry 2. Also the pacing is slow, it feels like most of my time is driving to locations that are needlessly far away from the start point, and having guns jam every 5th shot is not a feature I would add in the future. Free with PS+ though, I had a decent time, can't complain too much
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Riku148 posted 07/09/2011, 04:40
This game could be really good if it wouldn't be that boring
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Vekta posted 10/05/2011, 08:45
Wow i remember when this game was exclusive for the pc when it first came out. Good to see a sequel over a going over a million.
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Sash5034 posted 23/04/2010, 07:38
@numonex: The fact that you OWNED the game but didn't play because of what some dumb FPS fanboys online said just makes me facepalm.
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numonex posted 17/04/2010, 03:34
None of those games even matched the hype Halo 3. Halo: Reach. May even eventually outsell Halo 3.

Far Cry 2 by majority rules on the net is meh. I owned the game traded it but never even played it. The net people put me off this game.
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Statix posted 28/11/2009, 05:10
It's the unique open-world concept of this game that separated it from other linear FPS out there, and that's what boosted this relatively low-profile game (compared to the massive hype of Gears, Resistance, Call of Duty, Killzone 2, etc) to over a million copies sold per platform.
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