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VGChartz Score



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All, PS3, Series, XBL

Release Dates

01/05/10 Sega
10/29/09 Sega
01/08/10 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 292
Favorite: 33
Tracked: 9
Wishlist: 30
Now Playing: 13

Avg Community Rating:


Bayonetta (X360) > Opinions (111)

 1  2 
1360 posted 17/08/2014, 11:06
Best action of story...
For me:
1)Ninja Gaiden
3)Devil May Cry

Metal Gear Rising shouldn't even be mentioned
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drake_tolu posted 12/02/2014, 08:22
Best action of story...
For me:
2)Devil May Cry 3
3)Devil May Cry
4)Metal Gear Rising
5)Ninja Gaiden
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thewastedyouth posted 02/08/2013, 03:49
xbox version is better and no one in Japan bought it, FAIL
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ylowbstard posted 23/05/2013, 11:34
Why do Xbox gamers allow such masterpieces to under perform sales wise? Bayonetta is a masterpiece; the 360 got the best version... yet not many played it. Shame.
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curl-6 posted 08/05/2013, 09:07
Best action game of the 7th gen, taking the crown from God of War. Only about 10 games truly wowed me this past gen, and this was one of them.
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piggychan posted 18/04/2012, 12:51
well it's also available to buy digitally online on XBLA marketplace too.
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Metroid33slayer posted 20/01/2012, 11:47
A pervy dmc that plays great. Has substance as well as style.
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enrageorange posted 17/12/2011, 10:10
360 version is the best hack and slash this gen. Suprised the ps3 version outsold it considering it was gimped.
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yo_john117 posted 24/09/2011, 08:19
I've always wanted to try this game out but I sadly don't want to even spend $20 on it. BTW I thought this sold more by now.
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mjo011 posted 17/09/2011, 02:22
I'm well into God of War 3, and so far I haven't enjoyed it as much as this game.
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MonkeyMan2211 posted 15/06/2011, 11:50
My friend let me borrow this game, and I completed it... IMO it's an awful game, definitely the worst hack and slash game I've ever played. And it's not at all stupid that Bayonetta's character put people off this game, she's a completely perverted, detestable cunt of a character who's ugly as shit and has a voice so irritating it could make deaf people cry. It's hard to enjoy a game when the main character is so exceedingly dreadful.
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blue7x7 posted 15/06/2011, 09:11
I thought this game had sold better but 1.7 million on both platforms is not bad for a new IP probably the best hack and slash game ever made. It's pretty stupid that people actually don't buy this game because of the way bayonetta looks and acts it's just so dumb but it's their loss they are missing out on a great game.
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Hephaestos posted 05/06/2011, 01:31
I have to say, I was way putt off by the "hottie as main character" aspect, but the game is loads of fun and the charater itself has charisma beyond her physical appearance.
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postofficebuddy posted 10/01/2011, 12:02
I think we might be undertracking this in Japan. That bundle had to have done something for sales.
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MonstaMack posted 22/12/2010, 05:21
This GOTY contender is $10 at Amazon right now. It's kinda sad to see a game drop so low in price not even a year after release, but that works for me anyways :)
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Fab_GS posted 27/11/2010, 10:27
Best action game of the year.
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Kennyheart posted 22/11/2010, 03:05
2nd best action game of the year.
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Venox2008 posted 04/11/2010, 03:35
just an awesome game! one of the best hack slashes!
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f4chaos posted 24/10/2010, 12:53
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st_muscat0 posted 28/05/2010, 09:54
@superbaboonfacex The reason the PS3 version is doing better even though its meant to be inferior is the Japan region. Its a Japanese game that while appealing to Western audiences also appeals to Japanese ones too. With that in mind PS3 software kills 360 software in Japan and there's your reason why the PS3 version is doing better.
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superbaboonfacex posted 28/05/2010, 04:09
can't believe 360 sold less you guys got the perfect version of the game no excuses go buy it now!!
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/05/2010, 01:32
@ ArcticGabe
Well its a million seller in combined sales already. Legs should be strong as well.

In the long run sales will be respectable.
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ArcticGabe posted 12/04/2010, 06:00
Sales ain't very good tbh...
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Baddman posted 26/03/2010, 03:59
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Bagaren85 posted 22/03/2010, 11:20
Next buy! Cant wait to play it
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velocista posted 17/03/2010, 05:45
Im playing this game...and its all that good! im very please!!
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Nebulous posted 03/03/2010, 08:32
One thing that makes me obviously questions these chartz, is the relatively straight line sales taper down.

This game was virtually sold out everywhere here in vancouver from essentially the first week, and they just got new stock in approx. 1 month later. Common sense would say, first week sales were probably really high, then relatively dead afterwards, with a big bump again once they got new stock in.

Anyways, probably more of a sign that VG Chartz has very little factual sales data to go off, and are mostly just estimating sales based off calculations and assumptions.
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vic_viper posted 26/02/2010, 03:44
@ Puggsly: I seriously hope you're joking, especially in the cases of Oblivion, Halo and particularly Fallout 3.
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IxisNaugus posted 20/02/2010, 03:22
Just got it, probably won't get into it for a while but I've been wanting to play this for a long time

I'm pleased with the sales so far, good on Platinum Games, i really like that dev.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 11/02/2010, 01:46
Adjusted up on both consoles. Great!
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binary solo posted 08/02/2010, 08:54
1 million to retailers across both consoles. Seems about right with the estimated sold to consumers on this site across both consoles.
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carsonnik posted 08/02/2010, 01:51
Sega said that it sold over 1 million already. This is undertracked
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Mr Puggsly posted 06/02/2010, 11:44
@ 60Hz
Well I actually do play games for the story. But I wouldn't expect Bayonetta to have a good story.

Games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect, and Halo though have stories far better than the typical movie or novel.
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60Hz posted 04/02/2010, 07:07
I honestly dont play games for story, it's a bit expensive considering the best medium for stories are either movies or novels, both a lot cheaper than games. Instead i play games for the interaction which is something neither novels or movies can give you... story to me is a left over concept form when you couldn't do interactive entertainment... no one complains about lack of story when they play chess or basketball...
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Nightwish224 posted 01/02/2010, 10:01
You will be mine soon enough!
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elzumo posted 31/01/2010, 11:53
I didn't mind the story.
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donsterydo2 posted 30/01/2010, 03:56
Story is a mess. I skip every cut scene. But gameplay is wooohoooo :D
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nickoB posted 29/01/2010, 10:58
story wise
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nickoB posted 29/01/2010, 10:58
anyone find this game seriously annoying?
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yusuke93_ita posted 26/01/2010, 03:28
Chapter 6, awesome game
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Boutros posted 26/01/2010, 02:25
The ad campaing for this game is suprisingly big.
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IxisNaugus posted 24/01/2010, 03:04
I didn't expect the X360 version to be doing better here in Europe than the PS3 copy.
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Statix posted 23/01/2010, 06:45
@MonstaMack: Are you really going to blame them considering that many, many more people own PS3s than 360s over there? I mean, what version did you expect them to get when no one owns a 360?
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MonstaMack posted 22/01/2010, 03:45
I guess reviews and performance don't matter to many people in Japan considering the leverage it got there. But over time with US sales it should outsell the PS3 version.
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blue7x7 posted 22/01/2010, 02:12
This should definitely hit 1 million with both platforms combined maybe 1.5 lifetime. Its already at 660,000 in 2 weeks with both platforms combined. That's good for a game released in January and a new IP.
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Barozi posted 21/01/2010, 09:04
PS3 + 360 version obviously.
If it was a 360 exclusive it would have much bigger sales.
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disolitude posted 21/01/2010, 04:59
Yeah its hard to find at the moment in toronto as well. Downtown best buy is sold out...
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Nebulous posted 21/01/2010, 08:54
This game is sold out almost every store I've been to around my city (3 million population).
According to the EB Games clerk, sounds like Sega really undershipped this game, which is really unfortunate. Can't even find a 360 version on Craigslist...
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bmmb1 posted 21/01/2010, 08:15
@Barozi, Madworld WW LTD is 400k (no Japan yet), Americas LTD is 260k. How is Bayonetta week 1 > Madworld LTD? (without going into stuff like reviews, game length, replayability etc which are all strongly in Bayonetta's favor)
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megaman79 posted 21/01/2010, 03:55
@Barozi, different markets bro. Ofcourse looking at Mirrors Edge doesn't help the case for this either.
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italo244 posted 21/01/2010, 01:21
Well, maybe will show legs.
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IxisNaugus posted 21/01/2010, 12:51
I expected slightly better sales to be perfectly honest. I'll get this at some point.
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Barozi posted 20/01/2010, 05:16
Bayonetta week 1 > Madworld current LTD

Besides that. It only has one week of sales in US and OTHERS. How could anybody already draw a conclusion now ?
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megaman79 posted 19/01/2010, 03:26
Mediocre sales for a new japanese independant ip starring a female? Wow, i guess Madworld didn't do so badly then.
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vic_viper posted 18/01/2010, 11:35
@Halil23: Where the hell do all you GoW fans come from anyway? Seriously, for a series that hasn't had a game crack 3 million since the first and whose portable entry was utterly humiliated by Crisis Core, you guys seem to be everywhere online. Chalk it up to being a vocal minority I'd wager. At anyrate, hate to crush your tiny nuggets in a vice, but Bayonetta is the new Hack and Slash game to beat according to most sites who have had time to play both. GoW 3 is just more of the same slop, just in hd. Enjoy your gruel kid.
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60Hz posted 17/01/2010, 10:32
Sales are really mediocre on this genre defining title. It's a classic example of sega of america's inability to market their titles. I went looking for this title and it was sold out everywhere but there were tons of thq's dark siders (slightly above average game) on the shelf. Sega obviously under shipped this title - i am patiently waiting for their whole marketing/sales department to be gutted and re-staffed.
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DOLBYdigital posted 17/01/2010, 07:03
This game deserves a lot more sales for this being the 'better' version :(
Platinum Games always delivers these amazing epic games that just don't sell as well as generic same old crap.
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SaviorX posted 17/01/2010, 04:36
I saw plenty of ads for this one.
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jesus kung fu magic posted 16/01/2010, 01:38
WOW...I cant believe I forgot to write something here even though I'm one of the big advocates for this game on this site.

Bayonetta is the new top dogin HnS and will be for quite sometime (which is when bayonetta 2 comes out).....gameplay is simply incredible , the boss battles are unparalleled.....this is the most epic fucking game ever!!

If you have doubts getting this game remove them , because it doesnt get better than this in HnS ......and even though you may hate the HnS genre because of past games well this game is nothing like games before it as it shits all over them.

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Catlana posted 15/01/2010, 07:19
This game has been simply amazing.
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DevilishSix posted 15/01/2010, 06:14
A must buy for anyone who enjoys Ninja Gaiden or DMC, absolute awesome game that deserves better sales, hopefully it will have legs, this new IP needs to be a franchise.
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jaime713 posted 15/01/2010, 05:13
Ok I was kind of wrong the Japanese sales are helping but I'm sure the 360 version will pass it soon. Crappy sales anyway and that's what they deserve for fucking things up. I won't buy these game unless is 19.99 and there is absolutely anything left on earth but these
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jaime713 posted 15/01/2010, 05:04
Is it me or these game is salling more in the ps3 even though is more crappy there
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italo244 posted 15/01/2010, 04:42
But wait, 44k in first day on Others. That is nice. Maybe will stay in 40k this week. I know, the game will hit 1m, maybe 1,5m lifetime and 2,5m PS3+360 combined.
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Wandamaximoff posted 15/01/2010, 12:41
I LOVE this game so much! didnt think i would form the demo but i trusted the reviews and went for it..... AMAZING one of my best games ever
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blue7x7 posted 15/01/2010, 04:28
Great sales I don't get why people are saying its bad. It has sold 500,000 for both platforms combined ps3 and xbox. Plus its a new IP and it came out in january where games sell the least due to it being the month after the holidays. So great sales I need to get this game loved the demo.
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SHMUPGurus posted 15/01/2010, 02:09
Best hack 'n slash in a long time! Some of the greatest 10 hours I've spent in a long time! Lots of replay value too because of the shop, costumes, difficulty levels, etc.

Do yourself a favor and play this game!
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Ping_ii posted 15/01/2010, 02:06
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Abberon posted 14/01/2010, 11:55
@ Boneitis:

I definetly agree with you. I'm not even looking at this title simply because it's a SEGA game. They've been releasing trash for far too long for me even give one of their games a look.
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Shadowfest3 posted 14/01/2010, 06:46
The demo for this game was really fun, for me that is. I might have to pick this up eventually.
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SegaWorld posted 14/01/2010, 10:45
virtua fighter 5, after burner climax, empire total war
valkyria,, yakuza, ,, condemned 1 et 2, , viking asguard ,phantasy star portable 2, , bayonetta, football manager, madworld, sega rally revo sonic ultimate collection, border break, puyo puyo, bleach ds,zero gx, jet set radio, panzer dragoon orta, skies of arcadia, infinte space, virtua tennis , , 7 th dragon, 428, virtua cop 3, house of the dead 4, sands of destruction, mario and sonic at omlympic game, initial d arcade stage 5, outrun online arcade, rez hd and more of very good games
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donsterydo2 posted 14/01/2010, 09:37
So much higher in US on X360 than PS3 for this game is quiet unexpected for me even though this version is better, but it's still japanese slasher game. I wonder how the sales will look like in others.
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Boneitis posted 14/01/2010, 07:37
For some reason I think this game would have sold better if Capcom published it.

The Sega logo has been on too many crap games for several years.
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shinyuhadouken posted 14/01/2010, 05:53
girly japanese game?? lol wtf? are you serious?
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SegaWorld posted 14/01/2010, 04:47
Only 90 000 for a great game like this. I dont understand.
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darconi posted 14/01/2010, 01:59
Why are you guys calling this a "niche" game? GoW, DMC, etc are all fairly mainstream for the "core" audience.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 14/01/2010, 01:58
It's selling just about as well as a girly Japanese game can on xbox.
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Strategyking92 posted 13/01/2010, 11:27
I think this game will have nice legs.. haha.
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outlawauron posted 13/01/2010, 10:45

It's a great opening for a game as niche as it is. I mean, it's not often a game like this comes around.
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Aion posted 13/01/2010, 10:18
Aww it deserves a lot more.
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krammaii posted 13/01/2010, 09:19
Great first week for such a niche game.
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italo244 posted 13/01/2010, 09:12
Nice oppening? I don't think so... The game has a lot of good reviews, and 90k first week? what the f***? Maybe can hit 1 million, but... will be hard.
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SmokedHostage posted 13/01/2010, 05:52
nice opening
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sanadawarrior posted 13/01/2010, 04:28
Best action game ever imo...
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pmaster4 posted 13/01/2010, 02:54
i really do not like the art style for this game
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Hanzor posted 13/01/2010, 11:26
The Best Action Game you'll find in a long time. Gameplay is awesome.
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Serious_frusting posted 13/01/2010, 11:11
Dont like it
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yusuke93_ita posted 12/01/2010, 08:25
1 million foh sure
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Khuutra posted 12/01/2010, 06:34
This game.... pretty crazy!

Very DMC3-like.
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d21lewis posted 10/01/2010, 12:00
I was a little let down at first, but as I played more of it, I realized that I LOVE THIS GAME!
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ArcticGabe posted 09/01/2010, 12:50
I'm pretty sure this is going to hit a million which is a good result.
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Jski posted 09/01/2010, 04:20
It looks like a fun game but i was doing a bit of looking at what pepole have recorded on it and the game looks super short. 6hr of game play not wroth 60$. Has any one played it all the way though and has a good idea of how much game play there is and replay?
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Moongoddess256 posted 05/01/2010, 04:31
I have a feeling this isn't going to sell that well, and that makes me sad :(
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Luthor posted 03/01/2010, 01:27
The game is out in France o_O I got mine!
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SaviorX posted 02/01/2010, 02:47
Just saw the commercial for it.
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 26/12/2009, 01:14
Already pre ordered it.

CanĀ“t wait. :)
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ameratsu posted 25/12/2009, 06:09
will buy day one
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Boneitis posted 22/12/2009, 06:23
Not doing too bad in Japan. I'd like to see this game sell at least a million.
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pbroy posted 20/12/2009, 11:20
This game is off the hook. Played the demo on the OXM disc. LOVE IT!!!
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LordMatrix posted 15/12/2009, 11:43
This is not even close to the highest sellign X360 title in japan. Go look at Star Ocean:TLH, Tales of Vesperia and Blue Dragon if you don't believe me.
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (111)

1 64,940 n/a n/a 64,940
2 12,502 n/a n/a 12,502
3 4,690 n/a n/a 4,690
4 2,696 n/a n/a 2,696
5 1,544 n/a n/a 1,544
6 983 n/a n/a 983
7 561 n/a n/a 561
8 415 n/a n/a 415
9 380 n/a n/a 380
10 374 n/a n/a 374
1360 posted 17/08/2014, 11:06
Best action of story...
For me:
1)Ninja Gaiden
3)Devil May Cry

Metal Gear Rising shouldn't even be mentioned
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drake_tolu posted 12/02/2014, 08:22
Best action of story...
For me:
2)Devil May Cry 3
3)Devil May Cry
4)Metal Gear Rising
5)Ninja Gaiden
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thewastedyouth posted 02/08/2013, 03:49
xbox version is better and no one in Japan bought it, FAIL
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ylowbstard posted 23/05/2013, 11:34
Why do Xbox gamers allow such masterpieces to under perform sales wise? Bayonetta is a masterpiece; the 360 got the best version... yet not many played it. Shame.
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curl-6 posted 08/05/2013, 09:07
Best action game of the 7th gen, taking the crown from God of War. Only about 10 games truly wowed me this past gen, and this was one of them.
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piggychan posted 18/04/2012, 12:51
well it's also available to buy digitally online on XBLA marketplace too.
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