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Release Dates

01/05/10 Sega
10/29/09 Sega
01/08/10 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 282
Favorite: 25
Tracked: 13
Wishlist: 29
Now Playing: 17

Avg Community Rating:


Bayonetta (PS3) > Opinions (87)

Luke888 posted 12/09/2016, 08:45
Wut ? I checked a few months ago and the game was arout 0.70/0.80 where did all these sales come from ?
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asqarkabab posted 10/07/2015, 04:24
Not a bad game

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A203D posted 31/07/2014, 06:16
Forget best action game of the generation, the best action game made yet. Admittedly the PS3 version was very disappointing compared to the 360 version. Perhaps the game would have sold better on PS3 had Platinum favored that platform over the 360.
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drake_tolu posted 16/07/2014, 03:19
1.4 million lifetime.
Best action of generation, but version for 360 is better(AND MUCH!)
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A203D posted 07/12/2012, 08:49
@thewastedyouth. It looks like the Japanese are increasingly getting into COD, lol.
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thewastedyouth posted 13/11/2012, 07:36
how come people in Europe and America buy more of these type of Japanese games than Japan

wtf are people into in Japan
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Venox2008 posted 13/01/2012, 04:52
one of the best hack & slash games I've ever played.. for me better than God of war .. this is like Devil may cry mixed with God Hand :)
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SolidGear3 posted 18/11/2011, 04:22
Bought it when it came out. Best Action/Hack N'Slash ever made. 10/10. God of WHAT?! That is all..
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italo244 posted 10/07/2011, 11:59
Oh. xD Lol, almost 1 year later. Well, maybe it will hit 1m this xmas.
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Iveyboi posted 08/07/2011, 07:16
As it made the game playable. Therefore others like mysle fdecided to then pick it up which increased sales.
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MiSan7573 posted 31/01/2011, 08:44
got this at amazon a while back for $10
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italo244 posted 22/12/2010, 02:51
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Iveyboi posted 17/12/2010, 02:46
Releasing that patch was the smartest idea ever for Sega & Sony haha
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Iveyboi posted 17/12/2010, 02:46
Releasing that patch was the smartest idea ever for Sega & Sony haha
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italo244 posted 19/11/2010, 02:13
It can hit 1m this holidays?
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A203D posted 07/11/2010, 09:52
Sales are pretty good, over 1mil combined, so definitly chance to improve that with the next one, it has the potential now because imo its been a success.
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Venox2008 posted 04/11/2010, 03:36
Goooooooooood game!!! oh sorry - great game!!! :)
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scottsdone posted 16/05/2010, 05:49
What's the deal with the sales? Sigh.. Anyway, I'm gonna buy the 360 version soon. I want both x_x.
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VivaLaWiida posted 15/05/2010, 11:21
AMAZING GAME. I love every damn second of it, although playing it on "hard" gets frustrating sometimes.
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fvgc1 posted 14/05/2010, 11:23
Does SEGA wanna "jerk" with PS3??

no,they just got a bunch of "sorry" level 3D programmers or studios for now.

U2/KZ2/GOW3 says so.

The game's very OK,but not great.
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nintendonitis posted 04/04/2010, 08:39
the supposed to be better version was even more screwed despite the hyper hype this game got.
lesson learned: don't jerk with the PS3
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nintendonitis posted 04/04/2010, 08:34
so the inferior version sold well... fascinating
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akuseru posted 20/03/2010, 06:55
This game is great. The combat is really fluid and the move set is just awesome. Also neat to see the "lesser" version (PS3) outsell the 360 version this last week and overall. That is surprising, maybe the patch did some wonders?
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Hidalgo posted 19/03/2010, 09:26
Ooops, I forgot to mention my prediction:

1.2 million LTD.
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Hidalgo posted 19/03/2010, 09:25
I'm going to buy it on April at the mentioned price of ~20 pounds. It's a great offer.
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italo244 posted 11/03/2010, 06:15
0.50m, nice! I think will stop in 0.60m :)
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skunkfish posted 25/02/2010, 11:45
Available from a few places at £17.99 in the UK so may see a slight rise in Others numbers this week...
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arsenicazure posted 22/02/2010, 08:53
patch doing wonders for sales?
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nen-suer posted 07/02/2010, 11:06

Sold to retailers (shipped)
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Severance posted 07/02/2010, 03:31
so its patched? , i guess i wont be waiting for my friend to buy the 360 version now!
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2mrw posted 06/02/2010, 09:03
the game is undertracked, Sega reported 1.1 million copies sold WW across both platforms.
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60Hz posted 04/02/2010, 07:11
SHame that SOA/SOE can't move the action game of the year - while derivative titles like dark siders (and probably dante's inferno) sell 2 to 1... SEGA really needs to purge their marketing and sales department NOW
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Dark Odin posted 31/01/2010, 10:18
I say 700k lifetime.
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sjhillsa posted 30/01/2010, 06:24
Thanks! Picked up the patch today Patch is 138MB, installed game is 4.5GB :)
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scottsdone posted 28/01/2010, 06:50
It's up in all regions now. I knew it would eventually, but the article only said "japan tomorrow".

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Kushalafang posted 28/01/2010, 09:15
The patch is all regions.
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scottsdone posted 28/01/2010, 04:27
They confirmed a patch to address loading times. It's going to be released tomorrow in Japan. Not sure about the other regions though.
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Boutros posted 26/01/2010, 02:25
The ad campaing for this game is suprisingly big.
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donsterydo2 posted 23/01/2010, 03:43
SegaWorld: Only in Japan where is like 4x more PS3 than X360.
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superbaboonfacex posted 22/01/2010, 11:53
I was one of the people who was not going to get it until a patch was released but i decided to get it and oh boy do i regret waiting to play it for so long. Longstory short the game is great even if its inferior to its 360 counter part i'd still recommend it its that fun but man couldn't they have atleast given an install option?
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SegaWorld posted 22/01/2010, 01:15
Crap port of assassin creed 1 for ps3, and this game sell well, where is the logic?
Bayo was a exclu 360 at the begining, all 360 port to ps3 are inferior because ps3 architecture is not good for multi game for all developpers.
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zibeddy posted 19/01/2010, 11:59
lol sold better than the 360 version. 1st week anyway..
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xwolf7 posted 19/01/2010, 07:09
I love this game!!!, but i'm waiting for a patch to solve some issues like the framerate.....
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Kushalafang posted 19/01/2010, 06:51
Well even though its broken looks like it still sold, alright now SEGA can continue to release crap ports on PS3 GOOD JOB EVERYONE, GREAT SUCCESS.
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2mrw posted 19/01/2010, 03:12
the bad port is a turn off for many PS3 owners, i am one of many who want the game but are waiting for a patch or too upset to buy the game.
Damn, Sega !!!!!!!!!!
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Rawnchie14 posted 19/01/2010, 02:41
@ Abberon
*cough* Valkyria Chronicles *cough* Not to mention Total War, House of the Dead, and Condemned, and Virtua Fighter... right... total garbage... *rolls eyes*
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Abberon posted 18/01/2010, 11:52
@ scottsdone

SEGA makes largely bad games. People eventually catch on and stop buying from publishers that release garbage. I was going to buy this or Darksiders the other day. Bayonetta lost out when I saw the SEGA logo on it. I've played too many horrible SEGA titles to give them another chance.
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scottsdone posted 16/01/2010, 04:10
I love people who haven't even tried or played games and call them shit or think they know what they're talking about on the subject. xD rofl
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apollon posted 15/01/2010, 09:59
funny that sells more on ps3 than 360.i said ill never get it maybe after some years when its 5$ due to the fact of a bad port which is a fact!
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Gearbox posted 15/01/2010, 09:42
no its cause, they look at most recent releases lets c what games its competing with. new super mario bros wii, modern warfare 2, assassins creed 2, left 4 dead 2 and uncharted 2. GOOD LUCk
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Black_Herox posted 15/01/2010, 09:04
I swear people take review scores to seriously. When did an 8.5 out of 10 game suddenly become horse shit. No wonder companies prefer to cater towards the casual crowd.
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-ku- posted 15/01/2010, 09:02

No the industry failed sony when thye produced fat lazy slobs like VAVLE (and SEGA)
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jaime713 posted 15/01/2010, 05:09
Sega deserves to not even sell .000001 mil since they need to learn that ps3 doesn't take crap I say screw U sega. To all ps3 owners don't buy these $h!+
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Ping_ii posted 15/01/2010, 02:07
Poor sales...

well nothing more to expect from a screwed up port.
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LordDeDeDe posted 15/01/2010, 12:00

Sega didn't make this game, Platinum did. And where were you for Virtua Fighter 5, Valkyria Chronicles and Phantasy Star Portable?
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Abberon posted 14/01/2010, 11:50
Blame SEGA for the bad sales. I'm not buying it purely because it's a SEGA game and because they've put out nothing but crap for the last few years.
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disolitude posted 14/01/2010, 09:13
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leo-j posted 14/01/2010, 02:13
I hope it sells a million, even if the port has worst graphics
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gustave154 posted 14/01/2010, 12:23
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andrewclear posted 14/01/2010, 09:06
Well, I'm shocked that this game is performing so poorly in America on both systems. 50k on ps3, and only 90k on 360 first week isn't that great for a game that I've seen plastered all over the internet for the past 4 months. I'll probably get the 360 version after I play Mass Effect 2.
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Boneitis posted 14/01/2010, 07:33
I was expecting a bigger opening on the PS3. And a bigger opening period.
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Xen posted 14/01/2010, 12:26
Much lower than its' 360 version. Deservingly.
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Gearbox posted 13/01/2010, 09:58
this game is just way worse then its 360 version
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Ping_ii posted 13/01/2010, 12:05
Can we also use same excuse when a 360 version sells better cause of america??? seriously, Im more amazed that there are still a number of ps3 multiplat that outsells the 360 despite having a smaller userbase.
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Barozi posted 13/01/2010, 02:34
Great comment.....
Of course has nothing to do with the fact, that the userbase in Japan is almost 4:1 in favour of the PS3.
Yet the sales are more like 2:1 in favour of the PS3 version........
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Dang posted 12/01/2010, 02:22
Got this game and it's not really a bad port. The loading is not really a game breaker just a little annoying sometimes. Overall people should really get this game.

I'm amazed the PS3 version is outselling the 360 version which is suppose to be the superior version.
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geddesmond2 posted 11/01/2010, 11:01
The loading times are bullshit in this game. Everytime you get an item it takes 5 minutes to load or when your in your inventory or get a book or press start to skip a cutscene. Man I've only played 10 chapters of this game and I'm thinking of bringing it back already. The gameplay is brilliant but those loading times really take the enjoyment out of it and I havn't even experianced the framerates issues people have been talking about yet.
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whatz3rname posted 11/01/2010, 01:06
Such a great game. I can't stop playing.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 10/01/2010, 11:22
Haha, yeah. Killzone 2's loading times annyed me much more than this. Even loading chapters in Uncharted 2 to get all the treasures was worse.

About the framerate though... parts of the second last chapter are almost in slow motion. It's bad. The rest of the game runs fine though.
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scottsdone posted 09/01/2010, 01:58
I preordered from GS and got my poster collection. It's awesome. Gonna frame them x). As for the port, seriously, get over it. Once you actually play the game you won't notice. The action is so incredibly fast paced that it seems too much at times. And yes, I've played and beaten NG on MNM and DMCs on DMD.

Frame-rate is never a problem. Loading is a slight problem for the incredibly impatient (I'm impatient but it never gets to me). But they aren't that bad. Hell, you wanna complain about loading times? Go play Killzone 2.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/01/2010, 02:04
@ haxxiy

You obviously haven't played it.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/01/2010, 02:03
PS3 owners: don't listen to the bullshit on the internet. Bayonetta on PS3 is an AMAZING game.

I knew it was gonna be good but holy shit. I still can't believe the stuff going on onscreen is being controlled by me.

Bayonetta>>>>>>>GoW/Ninja Gaiden/DMC
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Gutbuster posted 06/01/2010, 08:24
200K in Japan alone is excellent for a game like this. Keep in mind the NA and EU numbers are not up yet because it's not out yet.

The game comes out in the rest of the world this week.
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x778 posted 01/01/2010, 03:33
Japan sales are OK,it's over 200K(PS3---Japan:4.33M)
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haxxiy posted 24/12/2009, 08:10
This is embarassing. I mean, PS3 received bad ports before, but this is just down to the sewers.
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Vagabund posted 19/12/2009, 11:51
I think the release dates are incorrect... don't know about the rest of Europe, but here in Switzerland, the game is apparently already out. Saw it in every store I checked.
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el_rika posted 14/12/2009, 10:29
good sales for a new IP.
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outlawauron posted 14/12/2009, 08:05

This sold has very well and above expectations. How is over 200k bad?
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gustave154 posted 03/12/2009, 12:49
sales are not good in japan...
could have sold more though...
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Tbone posted 28/11/2009, 03:39
Will be interesting to try the demo next week, hopefully its good.
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MetalGearSolid_4ever posted 23/11/2009, 05:11
Loving the JP demo !
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PeteyPeeps posted 15/11/2009, 01:50
hmmm ... sales could have been better ....
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TheConduit posted 06/11/2009, 11:38
Its selling most because there are far more PS3 in Japan than 360.
If only they didn't pawn the PS3 version of to Sega.
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VivaLaWiida posted 01/08/2009, 09:29
This game looks unbeliveable awesome.

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BanoX93 posted 19/06/2009, 04:50
One of the most popular games at E3. I believe this game will sell wanders ^^
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PeteyPeeps posted 05/06/2009, 09:51
Platinum Games + Sega = Awesomeness, will buy first day :D
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skydonald posted 26/04/2009, 10:50
Really looking forward to this
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (87)

1 138,864 n/a n/a 138,864
2 28,075 n/a n/a 28,075
3 12,167 n/a n/a 12,167
4 7,142 n/a n/a 7,142
5 4,587 n/a n/a 4,587
6 3,219 n/a n/a 3,219
7 2,647 n/a n/a 2,647
8 2,604 n/a n/a 2,604
9 2,661 n/a n/a 2,661
10 3,057 n/a n/a 3,057
Luke888 posted 12/09/2016, 08:45
Wut ? I checked a few months ago and the game was arout 0.70/0.80 where did all these sales come from ?
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asqarkabab posted 10/07/2015, 04:24
Not a bad game

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A203D posted 31/07/2014, 06:16
Forget best action game of the generation, the best action game made yet. Admittedly the PS3 version was very disappointing compared to the 360 version. Perhaps the game would have sold better on PS3 had Platinum favored that platform over the 360.
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drake_tolu posted 16/07/2014, 03:19
1.4 million lifetime.
Best action of generation, but version for 360 is better(AND MUCH!)
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A203D posted 07/12/2012, 08:49
@thewastedyouth. It looks like the Japanese are increasingly getting into COD, lol.
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thewastedyouth posted 13/11/2012, 07:36
how come people in Europe and America buy more of these type of Japanese games than Japan

wtf are people into in Japan
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